module PrecompileSignatures export precompile_directives, write_directives, @precompile_signatures # Taken from function _submodules(modules::Vector{Module}) out = Set{Module}() for each in modules _submodules(each, out) end out end function _submodules(root::Module, seen = Set{Module}()) push!(seen, root) for name in names(root, all=true) if Base.isidentifier(name) && isdefined(root, name) && !Base.isdeprecated(root, name) object = getfield(root, name) if isa(object, Module) && !(object in seen) && parentmodule(object::Module) == root _submodules(object, seen) end end end return seen end function _is_macro(f::Function) text = sprint(show, MIME"text/plain"(), f) return contains(text, "macro with") end _is_function(x::Any) = x isa Function _in_module(f::Function, M::Module) = typeof(f).name.module == M _is_interesting(x::Any, M::Module) = _is_function(x) && !_is_macro(x) && _in_module(x, M) "Return all functions defined in module `M`." function _module_functions(M::Module)::Vector{Function} allnames = names(M; all=true) out = Function[] for name in allnames if !(name in [:eval, :include, :_precompile_]) try x = getproperty(M, name) if _is_interesting(x, M) push!(out, x) end catch # Caused by method ambiguities or exports without a associated function. continue end end end return out end _all_concrete(type::DataType)::Bool = isconcretetype(type) _all_concrete(types)::Bool = all(map(isconcretetype, types)) """ _product(args) Return the Cartesian product of a multiple vectors. This method is created to avoid `Base.product(args...)` because that one returns tuples which require lots of specializations. Thanks to """ function _product(args) if !isempty(args) prod = [] for item in args[end] for items in _product(args[1:end-1]) combined = [] for item in items push!(combined, item) end push!(combined, item) push!(prod, combined) end end return prod # return [[items; item] for items in _product(args[1:end-1]) for item in args[end]] else # Make sure that this is iterable or the inner loop doesn't run. return [[]] end end # With loop: @btime PrecompileSignatures._pairs([1:200, 1:10, 1:10]) takes 690.020 μs. # With vcat: @btime PrecompileSignatures._pairs([1:200, 1:10, 1:10]) takes 1.193 ms. function _pairs(args) prod = _product(args) # Using a loop instead of vcat(prod...) to avoid many specializations of vcat. out = Vector[] for element in prod # Using a vector instead of tuples to avoid specializations further on. datatypes = Any[] for x in element push!(datatypes, x) end push!(out, datatypes) end return out end function _unpack_union!(x::Union; out=Any[]) push!(out, x.a) return _unpack_union!(x.b; out) end function _unpack_union!(x::Any; out=Any[]) push!(out, x) end function _split_unions_barrier(@nospecialize pairs) filtered = Vector[] for datatypes in pairs if _all_concrete(datatypes) push!(filtered, datatypes) end end return Set(filtered) end "Return converted type after applying `type_conversions`." function _convert_type(type::Any, type_conversions::Dict{DataType,DataType}) if isconcretetype(type) return type end out = haskey(type_conversions, type) ? type_conversions[type] : type return out end """ _split_unions(sig::DataType) -> Set Return multiple `Tuple`s containing only concrete types for each combination of concrete types that can be found. """ function _split_unions(sig::DataType, type_conversions::Dict{DataType,DataType})::Set method, types... = sig.parameters concrete_types = Any[] for type in types unpacked = _unpack_union!(type)::Vector{Any} converted_types = Any[] for type in unpacked converted = _convert_type(type, type_conversions) if isconcretetype(converted) push!(converted_types, converted) end end push!(concrete_types, converted_types) end pairs = _pairs(concrete_types) return _split_unions_barrier(pairs) end const SUBMODULES_DEFAULT = true const SPLIT_UNIONS_DEFAULT = true const TYPE_CONVERSIONS_DEFAULT = Dict{DataType,DataType}( AbstractString => String, IO => IOStream ) """ Config( submodules::Bool=$SUBMODULES_DEFAULT, split_unions::Bool=$SPLIT_UNIONS_DEFAULT, type_conversions::Dict{DataType,DataType}=$TYPE_CONVERSIONS_DEFAULT ) Configuration for generating precompile directives. Keyword arguments: - `split_unions`: Whether to split union types. For example, whether to generate two precompile directives for `f(x::Union{Int,Float64})`. - `abstracttype_conversions`: Mapping of conversions from on type to another. For example, for all method signatures containing and argument of type `AbstractString`, you can decide to add a precompile directive for `String` for that type. """ @Base.kwdef struct Config submodules::Bool=SUBMODULES_DEFAULT split_unions::Bool=SPLIT_UNIONS_DEFAULT type_conversions::Dict{DataType,DataType}=TYPE_CONVERSIONS_DEFAULT end """ Return precompile directives datatypes for signature `sig`. Each returned `DataType` is ready to be passed to `precompile`. """ function _directives_datatypes(sig::DataType, config::Config)::Vector{DataType} method, types... = sig.parameters _all_concrete(types) && return [sig] if config.split_unions concrete_argument_types = _split_unions(sig, config.type_conversions) return DataType[Tuple{method, types...} for types in concrete_argument_types] else return DataType[] end end "Return all method signatures for function `f`." function _signatures(f::Function)::Vector{DataType} out = DataType[] for method in methods(f) sig = method.sig # Ignoring parametric types for now. if !(sig isa UnionAll) push!(out, sig) end end return out end function _all_submodules(M::Vector{Module})::Vector{Module} out = Module[] for m in M S = _submodules(m) for s in S push!(out, s) end end return out end """ precompilables(M::Vector{Module}, config::Config=Config()) -> Vector{DataType} precompilables(M::Module, config::Config=Config()) -> Vector{DataType} Return a vector of precompile directives for module `M`. """ function precompilables(M::Vector{Module}, config::Config=Config())::Vector{DataType} if config.submodules M = _all_submodules(M) end out = DataType[] types = map(M) do mod functions = _module_functions(mod) for func in functions signatures = _signatures(func) for sig in signatures directives_types = _directives_datatypes(sig, config) for datatype in directives_types push!(out, datatype) end end end end return out end function precompilables(M::Module, config::Config=Config())::Vector{DataType} return precompilables([M], config) end """ _precompile_type(argt::Type) Compile the given `argt` such as `Tuple{typeof(sum), Vector{Int}}`. """ function _precompile_type(@nospecialize(argt::Type)) # Not calling `precompile` since that specializes on types before #43990 (Julia < 1.8). ret = ccall(:jl_compile_hint, Int32, (Any,), argt) != 0 return ret end "This function is called from within `@precompile_signatures`." function _precompile_signatures(M::Module, config::Config=Config()) types = precompilables(M, config) for type in types _precompile_type(type) end return nothing end """ @precompile_signatures(M) Precompile the concrete signatures in module `M`. """ macro precompile_signatures(M::Symbol) esc(quote try if ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) == 1 $PrecompileSignatures._precompile_signatures($M) end catch e msg = "Generating and including the `precompile` directives failed" @warn msg exception=(e, catch_backtrace()) end end) end # This method is only used by the tests. # The tests check whether this method is precompiled. # It isn't called by anything so if it is precompiled it must be due to the call below. _test_precompiled(x::Int) = 3 # Include generated `precompile` directives for this module. @precompile_signatures(PrecompileSignatures) end # module