using Base: UUID using Preferences, Test, TOML, Pkg, SHA function activate(f::Function, env_dir::String) saved_active_project = Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = env_dir try f() finally Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = saved_active_project end end function with_temp_depot(f::Function) mktempdir() do dir saved_depot_path = copy(Base.DEPOT_PATH) empty!(Base.DEPOT_PATH) push!(Base.DEPOT_PATH, dir) try f() finally empty!(Base.DEPOT_PATH) append!(Base.DEPOT_PATH, saved_depot_path) end end end function activate_and_run(project_dir::String, code::String; env::Dict = Dict()) mktempdir() do dir open(joinpath(dir, "test_code.jl"), "w") do io write(io, code) end out = Pipe() cmd = setenv(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --project=$(project_dir) $(dir)/test_code.jl`, env..., "JULIA_DEPOT_PATH" => Base.DEPOT_PATH[1]) p = run(pipeline(cmd, stdout=out, stderr=out); wait=false) close( wait(p) output = String(read(out)) if !success(p) println(output) end @test success(p) return output end end # Some useful constants up_uuid = UUID(TOML.parsefile(joinpath(@__DIR__, "UsesPreferences", "Project.toml"))["uuid"]) up_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "UsesPreferences") @testset "Preferences" begin # Ensure there is no LocalPreferences.toml file in UsesPreferences: local_prefs_toml = joinpath(up_path, "LocalPreferences.toml") rm(local_prefs_toml; force=true) with_temp_depot() do # Start with the default test of the backend being un-set, we just get the default activate_and_run(up_path, """ using UsesPreferences, Test, Preferences using Base: UUID @test load_preference($(repr(up_uuid)), "backend") === nothing @test UsesPreferences.backend == "OpenCL" """) # Test clearing a preference (setting to `nothing`) activate_and_run(up_path, """ using UsesPreferences UsesPreferences.clear_backend() """) prefs = TOML.parsefile(local_prefs_toml) @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["__clear__"] == ["backend", "extra"] # Next, change a setting activate_and_run(up_path, """ using UsesPreferences UsesPreferences.set_backend("CUDA") """) # Ensure that's showing up in LocalPreferences.toml: prefs = TOML.parsefile(local_prefs_toml) @test haskey(prefs, "UsesPreferences") @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["backend"] == "CUDA" # Setting a preference value should remove it from `__clear__`: @test !haskey(prefs["UsesPreferences"], "__clear__") # Now show that it forces recompilation did_precompile(output) = occursin("Precompiling UsesPreferences [$(string(up_uuid))]", output) cuda_test = """ using UsesPreferences, Test @test UsesPreferences.backend == "CUDA" """ output = activate_and_run(up_path, cuda_test; env=Dict("JULIA_DEBUG" => "loading")) @test did_precompile(output) # Show that it does not force a recompile the second time output = activate_and_run(up_path, cuda_test; env=Dict("JULIA_DEBUG" => "loading")) @test !did_precompile(output) # Test non-compiletime preferences a bit activate_and_run(up_path, """ using UsesPreferences, Test, Preferences using Base: UUID @test load_preference($(repr(up_uuid)), "username") === nothing @test !UsesPreferences.has_username() @test UsesPreferences.get_username() === nothing UsesPreferences.set_username("giordano") @test UsesPreferences.get_username() == "giordano" """) # This does not cause a recompilation, and we can also get the username back again: username_test = """ using UsesPreferences, Test, Preferences @test UsesPreferences.get_username() == "giordano" """ output = activate_and_run(up_path, username_test; env=Dict("JULIA_DEBUG" => "loading")) @test !did_precompile(output) _prefs_delete_username = "delete_preferences!($(repr(up_uuid)), \"username\"; block_inheritance = false)" _delete_username = "UsesPreferences.delete_username()" _has_username = "@test UsesPreferences.has_username()" _doesnt_have_username = "!@test UsesPreferences.has_username()" _set_username = "UsesPreferences.set_username(\"giordano\")" _get_username = "@test UsesPreferences.get_username() == \"giordano\"" _doesnt_have_set_get_username = """ $(_doesnt_have_username) $(_set_username) $(_get_username) """ snippets = [ _prefs_delete_username, _doesnt_have_set_get_username, _has_username, _delete_username, _doesnt_have_set_get_username, _has_username, _prefs_delete_username, _doesnt_have_set_get_username, _has_username, _prefs_delete_username, _doesnt_have_set_get_username, _has_username, ] for snippet in snippets code = """ using UsesPreferences, Test, Preferences using Base: UUID $(snippet) """ output = activate_and_run(up_path, username_test; env=Dict("JULIA_DEBUG" => "loading")) @test !did_precompile(output) end end end @testset "Loading UUID from Project.toml" begin local_prefs_toml = joinpath(up_path, "LocalPreferences.toml") rm(local_prefs_toml; force=true) function test_uuid_loading_from_name(switch) with_temp_depot() do; mktempdir() do dir activate(dir) do push!(Base.LOAD_PATH, dir) try # Can't do this unless `UsesPreferences` is added as a dep @test_throws ArgumentError set_preferences!("UsesPreferences", "location" => "exists") @test_throws ArgumentError has_preference("UsesPreferences", "location") @test_throws ArgumentError load_preference("UsesPreferences", "location") @test_throws ArgumentError delete_preferences!("UsesPreferences", "location") switch() # After switching `up_path`, it works. set_preferences!("UsesPreferences", "location" => "exists") @test has_preference("UsesPreferences", "location") @test load_preference("UsesPreferences", "location") == "exists" delete_preferences!("UsesPreferences", "location"; force=true) @test !has_preference("UsesPreferences", "location") finally pop!(Base.LOAD_PATH) rm(local_prefs_toml; force=true) end end end; end end test_uuid_loading_from_name() do Pkg.develop(; path=up_path) # load UUID with dependency's name end test_uuid_loading_from_name() do Pkg.activate(up_path) # load UUID with the active project name end end # Load UsesPreferences, as we need it loaded to satisfy `set_preferences!()` below, # otherwise it can't properly map from a UUID to a name when installing into a package # that doesn't have UsesPreferences added yet. activate(up_path) do eval(:(using UsesPreferences)) end @testset "Inheritance" begin # Ensure there is no LocalPreferences.toml file in UsesPreferences: local_prefs_toml = joinpath(up_path, "LocalPreferences.toml") rm(local_prefs_toml; force=true) with_temp_depot() do; mktempdir() do env_dir try # We're going to create a higher environment push!(Base.LOAD_PATH, env_dir) # We're going to add `UsesPreferences` to this environment open(joinpath(env_dir, "Project.toml"), "w") do io TOML.print(io, Dict( "deps" => Dict( "UsesPreferences" => string(up_uuid), ) )) end # We're going to write out some Preferences for UP in the higher environment activate(env_dir) do set_preferences!(up_uuid, "location" => "outer_public"; export_prefs=true) # Verify that this is stored in the environment's Project.toml file proj = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(env_dir, "Project.toml")) @test haskey(proj, "preferences") @test haskey(proj["preferences"], "UsesPreferences") @test proj["preferences"]["UsesPreferences"]["location"] == "outer_public" @test load_preference(up_uuid, "location") == "outer_public" # Add preferences to the outer env's `LocalPreferences.toml` set_preferences!(up_uuid, "location" => "outer_local") prefs = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(env_dir, "LocalPreferences.toml")) @test haskey(prefs, "UsesPreferences") @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["location"] == "outer_local" @test load_preference(up_uuid, "location") == "outer_local" end # Ensure that we can load the preferences even if we exit the `activate()` # because `env_dir` is a part of `LOAD_PATH`. @test load_preference(up_uuid, "location") == "outer_local" # Next, we're going to create a lower environment, add some preferences there, and ensure # the inheritance works properly. activate(up_path) do # Ensure that activating this other path doesn't change anything @test load_preference(up_uuid, "location") == "outer_local" # Set a local preference in this location, which should be the first location on the load path set_preferences!(up_uuid, "location" => "inner_local") prefs = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(up_path, "LocalPreferences.toml")) @test haskey(prefs, "UsesPreferences") @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["location"] == "inner_local" @test load_preference(up_uuid, "location") == "inner_local" end # Let's add some complex objects, test that recursive merging works, and that # the special meaning of `nothing` and `missing` works activate(env_dir) do set_preferences!(up_uuid, "nested" => Dict( "nested2" => Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2), "leaf" => "hello", ); export_prefs=true) set_preferences!(up_uuid, "nested" => Dict( "nested2" => Dict("b" => 3)), ) nested = load_preference(up_uuid, "nested") @test isa(nested, Dict) && haskey(nested, "nested2") @test nested["nested2"]["a"] == 1 @test nested["nested2"]["b"] == 3 @test nested["leaf"] == "hello" end # Add another layer in the inner environment activate(up_path) do set_preferences!(up_uuid, "nested" => Dict( "nested2" => Dict("a" => "foo"), "leaf" => "world", )) nested = load_preference(up_uuid, "nested") @test isa(nested, Dict) && haskey(nested, "nested2") @test nested["nested2"]["a"] == "foo" @test nested["nested2"]["b"] == 3 @test nested["leaf"] == "world" end # Set the local setting of the upper environment to `missing`; this causes it to # pass through and `b` will suddenly equal `2`: activate(env_dir) do # Test that trying to over-set a preference in another package fails unless we force it @test_throws ArgumentError set_preferences!(up_uuid, "nested" => nothing) set_preferences!(up_uuid, "nested" => Dict( "nested2" => missing, "leaf" => nothing, ); force=true) nested = load_preference(up_uuid, "nested") @test isa(nested, Dict) && haskey(nested, "nested2") @test nested["nested2"]["a"] == 1 @test nested["nested2"]["b"] == 2 # Let's check that the `__clear__` keys are what we expect: prefs = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(env_dir, "LocalPreferences.toml")) @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["nested"]["__clear__"] == ["leaf"] @test !haskey(prefs["UsesPreferences"]["nested"], "leaf") @test !haskey(nested, "leaf") end # Show that it cascades down to the lower levels as well activate(up_path) do nested = load_preference(up_uuid, "nested") @test isa(nested, Dict) && haskey(nested, "nested2") @test nested["nested2"]["a"] == "foo" @test nested["nested2"]["b"] == 2 @test nested["leaf"] == "world" end # Test that setting a preference for UsesPreferences in a project that does # not contain UsesPreferences adds the dependency if `active_project_only` # is set, which is the default: mktempdir() do empty_project_dir touch(joinpath(empty_project_dir, "Project.toml")) activate(empty_project_dir) do # This will search up the environment stack for a project that contains # the UsesPreferences UUID and insert the preference there. set_preferences!(up_uuid, "location" => "overridden_outer_local"; active_project_only=false, force=true) prefs = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(env_dir, "LocalPreferences.toml")) @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["location"] == "overridden_outer_local" # This will set it in the currently active project, and add `UsesPreferences` # as a dependency under the `"extras"` section set_preferences!(up_uuid, "location" => "empty_inner_local"; active_project_only=true) prefs = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(empty_project_dir, "LocalPreferences.toml")) @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["location"] == "empty_inner_local" proj = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(empty_project_dir, "Project.toml")) @test haskey(proj, "extras") @test haskey(proj["extras"], "UsesPreferences") @test proj["extras"]["UsesPreferences"] == string(up_uuid) # Now that UsesPreferences has been added to the empty project, this will # set the preference in the local project since it is found in there first. set_preferences!(up_uuid, "location" => "still_empty_inner_local"; active_project_only=false, force=true) prefs = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(empty_project_dir, "LocalPreferences.toml")) @test prefs["UsesPreferences"]["location"] == "still_empty_inner_local" end end finally # Remove the `env_dir` we added pop!(Base.LOAD_PATH) end end; end end @testset "Issue #34" begin with_temp_depot() do; mktempdir() do dir activate(dir) do push!(Base.LOAD_PATH, dir) try Preferences.set_preferences!(up_uuid, "location" => "exists") proj = Base.parsed_toml(joinpath(dir, "Project.toml")) @test haskey(proj, "extras") @test haskey(proj["extras"], "UsesPreferences") @test proj["extras"]["UsesPreferences"] == string(up_uuid) finally pop!(Base.LOAD_PATH) end end end; end end @testset "Pkg.test()" begin # Let's test that using `Pkg.test()` on a fake little package works as expected # This package will both expect to read a preference that was defined in the # package's Project.toml and in a LocalPreferneces.toml, as well as attempt to # set and load preferences during the test. We'll even "export" preferences # during the test and assert that the Project.toml file remains unchanged. project_hash = open(io -> SHA.sha256(io), joinpath(@__DIR__, "PTest", "Project.toml")) Pkg.activate(joinpath(@__DIR__, "PTest")) do Pkg.test(; io=devnull) end @test project_hash == open(io -> SHA.sha256(io), joinpath(@__DIR__, "PTest", "Project.toml")) end const PkgA_DIR = normpath(@__DIR__, "PkgA") const PkgB_DIR = normpath(@__DIR__, "PkgB") function test_with_PkgAB(test_func) old = Pkg.project().path mktempdir() do tempdir try pkgdir = normpath(tempdir, "NonPkgConfig") Pkg.generate(pkgdir; io=devnull) Pkg.activate(pkgdir; io=devnull) Pkg.develop(; path=PkgA_DIR, io=devnull) Pkg.develop(; path=PkgB_DIR, io=devnull) local_prefs_toml = normpath(pkgdir, "LocalPreferences.toml") open(local_prefs_toml, "w") do io write(io, """ [PkgA] PkgAConfig = true PkgARuntimeConfig = 1 [PkgB] PkgBConfig = true PkgBRuntimeConfig = 2 """) end @eval $test_func() finally Pkg.activate(old; io=devnull) end end end @testset "Configuration override for non-package module" begin test_with_PkgAB() do # test the support of configuration override for non-package module try Preferences.main_uuid[] = Pkg.project().dependencies["PkgA"] PkgA = include(normpath(PkgA_DIR, "src", "PkgA.jl")) @test PkgA.PkgAConfig @test 1 == Base.invokelatest(PkgA.PkgARuntimeConfig_macro) @test 1 == Base.invokelatest(PkgA.PkgARuntimeConfig_func) finally Preferences.main_uuid[] = nothing end try Preferences.main_uuid[] = Pkg.project().dependencies["PkgB"] PkgB = include(normpath(PkgB_DIR, "src", "PkgB.jl")) @test PkgB.PkgBConfig @test 2 == Base.invokelatest(PkgB.PkgBRuntimeConfig_macro) @test 2 == Base.invokelatest(PkgB.PkgBRuntimeConfig_func) # the overridden configuration should persist across the same session @test 1 == Base.invokelatest(PkgA.PkgARuntimeConfig_macro) @test 1 == Base.invokelatest(PkgA.PkgARuntimeConfig_func) finally Preferences.main_uuid[] = nothing end end end