using SimpleBufferStream, Test @testset "basic usage" begin bs = BufferStream() @test write(bs, "hello") == 5 @test String(readavailable(bs)) == "hello" @test write(bs, "world") == 5 @test read(bs, UInt8) == codeunits("w")[1] @test String(readavailable(bs)) == "orld" t_read = @async begin t_elapsed = @elapsed begin data = String(readavailable(bs)) end @test t_elapsed > 0.01 return data end sleep(0.05) @test write(bs, "go") == 2 @test fetch(t_read) == "go" # Test readbytes!() @test write(bs, "spinlocked") == 10 buff = zeros(UInt8, 8) @test readbytes!(bs, buff, 4) == 4 @test buff[1:4] == codeunits("spin") @test all(buff[5:8] .== 0) @test !eof(bs) @test length(bs) == 6 @test mem_usage(bs) == 10 @test readbytes!(bs, buff, 8) == 6 @test buff[1:6] == codeunits("locked") @test all(buff[7:8] .== 0) @test length(bs) == 0 @test mem_usage(bs) == 0 t_cancel = @async begin @test readavailable(bs) == UInt8[] end close(bs) wait(t_cancel) # Test people who do read() a bunch: bs = BufferStream() @test write(bs, "Never ") == 6 @test write(bs, "have ") == 5 @test write(bs, "I ") == 2 @test write(bs, "ever") == 4 @test length(bs) == 17 close(bs) output = UInt8[] while !eof(bs) push!(output, read(bs, UInt8)) end @test output == codeunits("Never have I ever") bs = BufferStream() @test write(bs, "Never ") == 6 @test write(bs, "have ") == 5 @test write(bs, "I ") == 2 @test write(bs, "ever") == 4 close(bs) @test length(bs) == 17 @test String(readavailable(bs)) == "Never " @test length(bs) == 11 skip(bs, 7) @test length(bs) == 4 @test String(readavailable(bs)) == "ever" @test length(bs) == 0 @test eof(bs) # Test write(bs, ::UInt8) bs = BufferStream() @test write(bs, UInt8(1)) == 1 close(bs) @test read(bs) == UInt8[1] end @testset "max_len" begin bs = BufferStream(1000) @test_throws ArgumentError write(bs, zeros(UInt8, 1001)) write(bs, zeros(UInt8, 1000)) t_write = @async begin t_elapsed = @elapsed write(bs, zeros(UInt8, 1)) @test t_elapsed > 0.01 end sleep(0.05) @test t_write.state == :runnable # Read a piece of that chunk, show that `max_len` is based off of memory usage, not bytes left to be read: buff = Array{UInt8}(undef, 100) readbytes!(bs, buff, 100) sleep(0.05) @test t_write.state == :runnable # Consume the rest of that chunk so it can be dropped, allowing the pending write to go through readavailable(bs) wait(t_write) end function tee_task(io_in, io_outs...) return @async begin total_size = 0 while !eof(io_in) chunk = readavailable(io_in) total_size += length(chunk) for io_out in io_outs write(io_out, chunk) end end for io_out in io_outs close(io_out) end end end @testset "Tee'ing" begin mktemp() do fname, io_file input = BufferStream() output = BufferStream() t_tee = tee_task(input, output, io_file) write(input, "hello"^1000) write(input, "hello"^100) write(input, "hello"^10) close(input) wait(t_tee) @test filesize(fname) == 5*1110 @test String(read(output)) == "hello"^1110 @test String(read(fname)) == "hello"^1110 end end function task_sleepy_chain(io_in, io_out; sleep_factor=0.1*rand()) @async begin while !eof(io_in) write(io_out, readavailable(io_in)) sleep(sleep_factor*rand()) end close(io_out) end end function task_fixedsize_chain(io_in, io_out; buffsize=rand(128:512)) @async begin buff = Vector{UInt8}(undef, buffsize) while !eof(io_in) r = readbytes!(io_in, buff, buffsize) @assert r <= buffsize write(io_out, buff[1:r]) end close(io_out) end end @testset "async passing" begin # Sleepy chaos tests tasks = Task[] input_buff = BufferStream() last_buff = input_buff for idx in 1:9 # Create a link in the chain of tasks that randomly sleeps sleepy_buff = BufferStream() push!(tasks, task_sleepy_chain(last_buff, sleepy_buff)) # Create a link in the chain of tasks that only reads a fixed size fixed_buff = BufferStream() push!(tasks, task_fixedsize_chain(sleepy_buff, fixed_buff)) last_buff = fixed_buff end # Generate a bunch of chunks that should flow down the chain: result = UInt8[] for idx in 1:10 chunk = rand(UInt8, rand(64:64:4096)) write(input_buff, chunk) append!(result, chunk) end close(input_buff) # Wait for the tasks to complete for idx in 1:length(tasks) wait(tasks[idx]) end # Ensure that the last buffer gets everything perfectly. @test read(last_buff) == result end function task_compare(io_in, truth_io) @async begin idx = 0 ret = UInt8[] while !eof(io_in) chunk = readavailable(io_in) append!(ret, chunk) truth_chunk = read(truth_io, length(chunk)) if chunk != truth_chunk @error("Divergence in chunk starting at index $(idx)", chunk, truth_chunk) end idx += length(chunk) end return ret end end # I built this package so that it could work well with HTTP/Gzip/Tar, so let's make sure it does using HTTP, Gzip_jll, Tar @testset "HTTP.jl streaming" begin reg_uuid = "23338594-aafe-5451-b93e-139f81909106" reg_hash = "433c8c72652d3230287c72184da6be3325155b64" url = "$(reg_uuid)/$(reg_hash)" mktemp() do file_path, file_io # Get our ground-truth value: @test HTTP.get(url, response_stream=file_io).status == 200 # Ensure that streaming through a BufferStream gets the exact same thing http_buffio = BufferStream() t_compare = task_compare(http_buffio, open(file_path, "r")) @test HTTP.get(url, response_stream=http_buffio).status == 200 @test fetch(t_compare) == read(file_path) # Ensure that streaming HTTP -> BufferStream -> Gzip works http_buffio = BufferStream() gzip_http = gzip(gz -> open(`$gz -d`, read=true, write=true)) gzip_file = gzip(gz -> open(pipeline(`cat $(file_path)`, `$gz -d`), read=true)) t_compare = task_compare(gzip_http.out, gzip_file.out) @test HTTP.get(url, == 200 wait(gzip_http) wait(gzip_file) # Make another gzip_file for the final comparison. :P gzip_file = gzip(gz -> open(pipeline(`cat $(file_path)`, `$gz -d`), read=true)) @test fetch(t_compare) == read(gzip_file.out) end # Finally, test the literal `PkgServer.jl` workload mktemp() do file_path, file_io http_buffio = BufferStream() tar_skip_buffio = BufferStream() tar_noskip_buffio = BufferStream() # Create gzip process to decompress for us, using `gzip()` from `Gzip_jll` gzip_proc = gzip(gz -> open(`$gz -d`, read=true, write=true)) # Create tee nodes, one http -> (file, gzip), and one gzip -> (skip, noskip) http_tee_task = tee_task(http_buffio, file_io, tar_tee_task = tee_task(gzip_proc.out, tar_skip_buffio, tar_noskip_buffio) # Create two tasks to read in the gzip output and do in-tar tree hashing. tar_skip_task = @async Tar.tree_hash(tar_skip_buffio; skip_empty=true) tar_noskip_task = @async Tar.tree_hash(tar_noskip_buffio; skip_empty=false) # Start the HTTP response, ensure it's 200 OK @test HTTP.get(url, response_stream=http_buffio).status == 200 # Wait for the async tasks to finish wait(http_tee_task) wait(tar_tee_task) # Fetch the result of the tarball hash checks calc_skip_hash = fetch(tar_skip_task) calc_noskip_hash = fetch(tar_noskip_task) @test calc_skip_hash == calc_noskip_hash == reg_hash end end