using Tricks using InteractiveUtils using Test struct Iterable end; struct NonIterable end; iterableness_static(::Type{T}) where T = static_hasmethod(iterate, Tuple{T}) ? Iterable() : NonIterable() struct Foo end # if code has no calls then it must be fully static has_no_calls(ir) = all(stmt->!Meta.isexpr(stmt, :call), ir) VERSION >= v"1.3" && @testset "static_hasmethod" begin @testset "positive: $(typeof(data))" for data in ( "abc", [1,2,3], (2,3), ones(4,10,2), 'a', 1:100 ) T = typeof(data) @test iterableness_static(T) === Iterable() code_typed = (@code_typed iterableness_static(T)) @test code_typed[2] === Iterable # return type @test has_no_calls(code_typed[1].code) end @testset "negative: $(typeof(data))" for data in ( :a, rand, Int ) T = typeof(data) @test iterableness_static(T) === NonIterable() code_typed = (@code_typed iterableness_static(T)) @test code_typed[2] === NonIterable # return type @test has_no_calls(code_typed[1].code) end @testset "add method" begin @test iterableness_static(Foo) === NonIterable() Base.iterate(::Foo) = ("Foo", nothing); Base.iterate(::Foo, ::Nothing) = nothing; Base.length(::Foo) = 1; @test collect(Foo()) == ["Foo"] @test iterableness_static(Foo) === Iterable() end @testset "delete method" begin @test iterableness_static(Foo) === Iterable() meth = first(methods(iterate, Tuple{Foo})) Base.delete_method(meth) @test_throws MethodError collect(Foo()) @test iterableness_static(Foo) === NonIterable() end @testset "abstract type args" begin # goo(x::Integer) = 1 @assert !hasmethod(goo, Tuple{Real}) # the behaviour we want to match @test !static_hasmethod(goo, Tuple{Real}) goo(x::Number) = 2 @assert hasmethod(goo, Tuple{Real}) # Now it _is_ covered. @test static_hasmethod(goo, Tuple{Real}) # Now it _is_ covered. end end @testset "compat_hasmethod" begin @static if VERSION < v"1.3" @test compat_hasmethod == hasmethod else @test compat_hasmethod == static_hasmethod end end module Bar h(::Int) = 1 end using .Bar VERSION >= v"1.3" && @testset "static_methods" begin # behavour f(x) = x + 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(f) == 1 f(::Int) = 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(f) == 2 g(::Int) = 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(g) == 1 g(x) = x+1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(g) == 2 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(Bar.h) == 1 Bar.h(x) = x @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(Bar.h) == 2 # Code Generation code_typed = (@code_typed static_methods(f)) @test code_typed[2] === Base.MethodList # return type @test has_no_calls(code_typed[1].code) @testset "delete method" begin i(::Int) = 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(i) == 1 i(x) = x+1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(i) == 2 Base.delete_method((first ∘ methods)(i)) @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(i) == 1 Base.delete_method((first ∘ methods)(i)) @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(i) == 0 i(x) = x+1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(i) == 1 end end @testset "type signatures" begin j(x) = x j(x, y, z...) = x + y + length(y) @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j) == 2 @test static_method_count(j) == 2 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Int}) == 1 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Int,Int}) == 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Int,Int}) == 1 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Int,Int}) == 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Int,Int,Int}) == 1 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Int,Int,Int}) == 1 # Varargs @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Int, Int, Vararg{Int}}) == 1 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Int, Int, Vararg{Int}}) == 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) == 2 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) == 2 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Int}}) == 2 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Int}}) == 2 j(x, y::Int, z...) = x + y + length(y) @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Int, Int, Vararg{Int}}) == 1 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Int, Int, Vararg{Int}}) == 1 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Int, Any, Vararg{Int}}) == 2 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Int, Any, Vararg{Int}}) == 2 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Vararg{Any}}) == 3 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Vararg{Any}}) == 3 @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) == 3 @test static_method_count(j, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}}) == 3 @testset "delete method" begin while length(collect(methods(j))) > 0 Base.delete_method((first ∘ methods)(j)) T = Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any}} @test (length ∘ collect ∘ static_methods)(j, T) == length(collect(methods(j))) @test static_method_count(j, T) == length(collect(methods(j))) end end end # Redefine module Bar module Bar h(::Int) = 1 end VERSION >= v"1.3" && @testset "static_method_count" begin # behavour f(x) = x + 1 @test static_method_count(f) == 1 f(::Int) = 1 @test static_method_count(f) == 2 g(::Int) = 1 @test static_method_count(g) == 1 g(x) = x+1 @test static_method_count(g) == 2 @test static_method_count(Bar.h) == 1 Bar.h(x) = x @test static_method_count(Bar.h) == 2 # Code Generation code_typed = (@code_typed static_method_count(f)) @test code_typed[2] === Int # return type @test has_no_calls(code_typed[1].code) @testset "delete method" begin i(::Int) = 1 @test static_method_count(i) == 1 i(x) = x+1 @test static_method_count(i) == 2 Base.delete_method((first ∘ methods)(i)) @test static_method_count(i) == 1 Base.delete_method((first ∘ methods)(i)) @test static_method_count(i) == 0 i(x) = x+1 @test static_method_count(i) == 1 end end VERSION >= v"1.3" && @testset "closures" begin make_add_n(n) = x->x+n func = make_add_n(2) # Add a 0-arg method: (::typeof(func))() = func(0) @assert func(1) == 3 @assert func() == 2 @testset "static_hasmethod" begin @assert hasmethod(func, Tuple{Int}) == true @test static_hasmethod(func, Tuple{Int}) == true @assert hasmethod(func, Tuple{}) == true @test static_hasmethod(func, Tuple{}) == true end @testset "static_methods" begin @test collect(methods(func, Tuple{Int})) == collect(static_methods(func, Tuple{Int})) @test length(static_methods(func, Tuple{Int})) == 1 @test collect(methods(func, Tuple{})) == collect(static_methods(func, Tuple{})) @test length(static_methods(func, Tuple{})) == 1 @test collect(methods(func, Tuple{Int,Int,Int})) == collect(static_methods(func, Tuple{Int,Int,Int})) @test length(static_methods(func, Tuple{Int,Int,Int})) == 0 end @testset "static_method_count" begin @test length(collect(methods(func, Tuple{Int}))) == static_method_count(func, Tuple{Int}) == 1 @test length(collect(methods(func, Tuple{}))) == static_method_count(func, Tuple{}) == 1 @test length(collect(methods(func, Tuple{Int,Int,Int}))) == static_method_count(func, Tuple{Int,Int,Int}) == 0 end end @testset "static_field____" begin function foo(data) names = static_fieldnames(typeof(data)) map(name -> getproperty(data, name), names) end @test (@inferred foo(:a => 1)) == (:a, 1) bar(::Type{T}) where {T} = Val{static_fieldcount(T)}() @test @inferred(bar(Complex{Int})) == Val(2) baz(::Type{T}) where {T} = static_fieldtypes(T) @test @inferred(baz(Complex{Int})) == (Int, Int) end