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ignored"%s" is undocumented; use "last%s" instead"Zone %s" line and -l option are mutually exclusive"Zone %s" line and -p option are mutually exclusive%%z UT offset magnitude exceeds 99:59:59%.*s: ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter requires a value%.*s: Unknown ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter%1$s: definition does not end with `END %1$s'%15d current number of threads %15d maximum number of threads %15lu number of times clients had to wait %15s paranoia mode enabled %15lu restart internal %15u reload count %3ud %2uh %2um %2lus server runtime %d libs found in cache `%s' %s in ruleless zone%s is a 32 bit ELF file. %s is a 64 bit ELF file. %s is for unknown machine %d. %s is not a known library type%s is not a shared object file (Type: %d). %s is not a symbolic link %s is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start. %s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed. %n%s%s%s:%u: %s%sUnexpected error: %s. %n%s%sUnknown signal %d %s: %s; low version = %lu, high version = %lu%s: %s; why = %s %s: %s; why = (unknown authentication error - %d) %s: '%s' without matching 'ifdef' or 'ifndef'%s: 'endif' without matching 'ifdef' or 'ifndef'%s: must be greater than %s: Can't chdir to %s: %s %s: Can't create %s/%s: %s %s: Can't create directory %s: %s%s: Can't open %s: %s %s: Can't read %s/%s: %s %s: Can't remove %s/%s: %s %s: Memory exhausted: %s %s: More than one -L option specified %s: More than one -d option specified %s: More than one -l option specified %s: More than one -p option specified %s: More than one -t option specified %s: More than one -y option specified %s: Too many arguments %s: `%s' mentioned more than once in definition of weight %d%s: `%s' must be a character%s: `%s' value does not match `%s' value%s: `-1' must be last entry in `%s' field%s: `forward' and `backward' are mutually excluding each other%s: `position' must be used for a specific level in all sections or none%s: `translit_start' section does not end with `translit_end'%s: bad symbol <%.*s>%s: byte sequence of first character of range is not lower than that of the last character%s: byte sequences of first and last character must have the same length%s: cannot have `%s' as end of ellipsis range%s: cannot reorder after %.*s: symbol not known%s: character `%s' in charmap not representable with one byte%s: character `%s' needed as default value not representable with one byte%s: character `%s' not defined while needed as default value%s: command was '%s', result was %d %s: destination must not be a directory %s: direction flag in string %Zd in `era' field is not '+' nor '-'%s: direction flag in string %Zd in `era' field is not a single character%s: duplicate `default_missing' definition%s: duplicate category version definition%s: duplicate declaration of section `%s'%s: duplicate definition of `%s'%s: empty category description not allowed%s: empty weight string not allowed%s: error in state machine%s: failed to remove the old destination %s: field `%s' declared more than once%s: field `%s' does not contain exactly ten entries%s: field `%s' must not be defined%s: field `%s' must not be empty%s: field `%s' not defined%s: field `%s' undefined%s: file open error: %m %s: garbage at end of offset value in string %Zd in `era' field%s: garbage at end of starting date in string %Zd in `era' field %s: garbage at end of stopping date in string %Zd in `era' field%s: incomplete `END' line%s: invalid destination: %s %s: invalid escape `%%%c' sequence in field `%s'%s: invalid escape sequence in field `%s'%s: invalid number for offset in string %Zd in `era' field%s: invalid number of sorting rules%s: invalid option -- '%c' %s: invalid starting date in string %Zd in `era' field%s: invalid stopping date in string %Zd in `era' field%s: invalid value for field `%s'%s: language abbreviation `%s' not defined%s: line %d: bad command `%s' %s: line %d: cannot specify more than %d trim domains%s: line %d: expected `on' or `off', found `%s' %s: line %d: ignoring trailing garbage `%s' %s: line %d: list delimiter not followed by domain%s: link from %s/%s failed: %s %s: missing `order_end' keyword%s: missing `reorder-end' keyword%s: missing `reorder-sections-end' keyword%s: missing era format in string %Zd in `era' field%s: missing era name in string %Zd in `era' field%s: more than one 'else'%s: multiple order definitions for section `%s'%s: multiple order definitions for unnamed section%s: nested conditionals not supported%s: no correct regular expression for field `%s': %s%s: no identification for category `%s'%s: no representable `default_missing' definition found%s: not enough sorting rules%s: numeric country code `%d' not valid%s: option '%s%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option '%s%s' is ambiguous %s: option '%s%s' is ambiguous; possibilities:%s: option '%s%s' requires an argument %s: option '%s' requires an argument.\n%s: option '%s' requires an argument\n%s: option is ambiguous; possibilities:%s: option requires an argument -- '%c' %s: option requires an argument -- '%s'\n%s: order for `%.*s' already defined at %s:%Zu%s: order for collating element %.*s not yet defined%s: order for collating symbol %.*s not yet defined%s: out of memory to store relocation results for %s %s: panic: Invalid l_value %d %s: pre-%d clients may mishandle distant timestamps%s: premature end of file%s: section `%.*s' not known%s: starting date is invalid in string %Zd in `era' field%s: symbolic range ellipsis must not be directly followed by `order_end'%s: symbolic range ellipsis must not directly follow `order_start'%s: syntax error%s: syntax error in definition of new character class%s: syntax error in definition of new character map%s: table for class "%s": %lu bytes%s: table for map "%s": %lu bytes%s: table for width: %lu bytes%s: terminology language code `%s' not defined%s: the start and the end symbol of a range must stand for characters%s: third operand for value of field `%s' must not be larger than %d%s: too few values for field `%s'%s: too many rules; first entry only had %d%s: too many values%s: too many values for field `%s'%s: transliteration data from locale `%s' not available%s: unknown character in collating symbol name%s: unknown character in equivalent definition name%s: unknown character in equivalent definition value%s: unknown character in field `%s'%s: unknown section name `%.*s'%s: unknown standard `%s' for category `%s'%s: unknown symbol `%s' in equivalent definition%s: unrecognized option '%c%s'\n%s: unrecognized option '%s%s' %s: usage: %s OPTIONS TIMEZONE ... Options include: -c [L,]U Start at year L (default -500), end before year U (default 2500) -t [L,]U Start at time L, end before time U (in seconds since 1970) -i List transitions briefly (format is experimental) -v List transitions verbosely -V List transitions a bit less verbosely --help Output this help --version Output version info Report bugs to %s. %s: value for field `%s' must be a single character%s: value for field `%s' must be in range %d...%d%s: value for field `%s' must not be an empty string%s: value of field `int_curr_symbol' does not correspond to a valid name in ISO 4217 [--no-warnings=intcurrsym]%s: value of field `int_curr_symbol' has wrong length%s: values for field `%s' must be smaller than 127%s: values for field `%s' must not be larger than %d%s: warning: zone "%s" abbreviation "%s" %s %s: weights must use the same ellipsis symbol as the name%s: wild -c argument %s %s: wild -t argument %s %s:%u: cannot read directory %s'%s' is not a known database'wait' failed (PROGRAM ERROR) No version known!?(PROGRAM ERROR) Option should have been recognized!?(Unknown object) *** Cannot read debuginfo file name: %m *** The file `%s' is stripped: no detailed analysis possible *standard input*, OS ABI: %s %d.%d.%d-o OUTPUT-FILE [INPUT-FILE]... [OUTPUT-FILE [INPUT-FILE]...]-s ignored-y is obsolescent.lib section in a.out corrupted<%s> and <%s> are invalid names for range character must not be in class `%s' character not in class `%s'?AbortedAccess Rights : Access Vector Cache (AVC) startedAccessing a corrupted shared libraryAdd locales named by parameters to archiveAdding %s Address already in useAddress family for hostname not supportedAddress family not supported by protocolAddress not mapped to objectAdvertise errorAlarm clockAll requests doneAlso draw graph for total memory consumptionArchive control:Argument list too longAttempt to remove a non-empty tableAttempting to link in too many shared librariesAuthentication OKAuthentication errorBOGUS OBJECT Bad addressBad file descriptorBad font file formatBad messageBad system callBad value for ai_flagsBinary data Block device requiredBroadcast poll problemBroken pipeBus errorCACHECHARCONFCONFIGCPU time limit exceededCache expiredCan not access a needed shared libraryCan't bind to server which serves this domainCan't chdir to /Can't communicate with portmapperCan't communicate with ypbindCan't communicate with ypservCan't create temporary cache file %sCan't find %sCan't link %s to %sCan't open cache file %s Can't open cache file directory %s Can't open directory %sCan't stat %sCan't stat %s Can't unlink %sCannot allocate memoryCannot assign requested addressCannot create socket for broadcast rpcCannot exec a shared library directlyCannot fstat file %s. Cannot lstat %sCannot mmap file %s. Cannot receive reply to broadcastCannot register serviceCannot send after transport endpoint shutdownCannot send broadcast packetCannot set %s to default localeCannot set socket option SO_BROADCASTCannot stat %sChange to and use ROOT as root directoryChanging access rights of %s to %#o failedChannel number out of rangeCharacter Separator : %c Child exitedChild has exitedChild has stoppedChild has terminated abnormally and created a core fileChild has terminated abnormally and did not create a core fileClient credential too weakColumns : Comma-separated list of warnings to disable; supported warnings are: ascii, intcurrsymComma-separated list of warnings to enable; supported warnings are: ascii, intcurrsymCommunication error on sendCompile locale specificationComputer bought the farmConfigure Dynamic Linker Run Time Bindings.Connection refusedConnection reset by peerConnection timed outContinuedConvert encoding of given files from one encoding to another.Convert key to lower caseCoprocessor errorCopyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Could not allocate group list: %m Could not create log fileCouldn't execute %sCreate C header file NAME containing symbol definitionsCreate fastloading iconv module configuration file.Create output even if warning messages were issuedCreate simple database from textual input.Creation Time : %sDATAFILE [OUTFILE]DIRECTORY DST not allowed in SUID/SGID programsDYNAMIC LINKER BUG!!!Data input availableDatabase for table does not existDatabase is busyDefault Access rights : Destination address requiredDevice disconnectedDevice not a streamDevice or resource busyDiffie-Hellmann (%d bits) Directory : %s Directory arguments required when using --nostdlibDirectory not emptyDisk quota exceededDo not create hard links between installed localesDo not fork and display messages on the current ttyDo not fork, but otherwise behave like a daemonDo not print messages while building databaseDo not search standard directories, only those on the command lineDo not use existing catalog, force new output fileDomain not boundDon't add new data to archiveDon't buffer outputDon't build cacheDon't update symbolic linksDump information generated by PC profiling.ELF file ABI version invalidELF file OS ABI invalidELF file data encoding not big-endianELF file data encoding not little-endianELF file version does not match current oneELF file version ident does not match current oneELF file's phentsize not the expected sizeEMT trapENTRY Encrypted data Entry/table type mismatchEnumeration not supported on %s Error getting context of nscdError getting context of socket peerError getting security class for nscd.Error getting sid from contextError in RPC subsystemError in accessing NIS+ cold start file. Is NIS+ installed?Error in unknown error system: Error querying policy for undefined object classes or permissions.Error translating permission name "%s" to access vector bit.Error while talking to callback procError: .netrc file is readable by others.Exactly one parameter with process ID required. Exchange fullExec format errorFATAL: system does not define `_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF'FILEFILE contains mapping from symbolic names to UCS4 valuesFORMATFailed (unspecified error)Failed opening connection to the audit subsystem: %mFailed to create AVC lockFailed to determine if kernel supports SELinuxFailed to drop capabilitiesFailed to initialize drop of capabilitiesFailed to run nscd as user '%s'Failed to set keep-capabilitiesFailed to start AVCFailed to start AVC threadFailed to unset keep-capabilitiesFile %s is empty, not checked.File %s is too small, not checked.File descriptor in bad stateFile existsFile is not a cache file. File name too longFile size limit exceededFile too largeFilters not supported with LD_TRACE_PRELINKINGFirst/next chain brokenFloating point exceptionFloating-poing inexact resultFloating-point divide by zeroFloating-point overflowFloating-point underflowFor bug reporting instructions, please see: %s. For bug reporting instructions, please see:\\n%s.\\nFull resync required for directoryFunction not implementedGROUP Garbage in ARGP_HELP_FMT: %sGenerate big-endian outputGenerate graphic from memory profiling dataGenerate little-endian outputGenerate message catalog. If INPUT-FILE is -, input is read from standard input. If OUTPUT-FILE is -, output is written to standard output. Generate output linear to time (default is linear to number of function calls)Generate verbose messagesGenerated line not part of iterationGeneric system errorGet entries from administrative database.Get locale-specific information.Give a short usage messageGive this help listGratuitous errorGroup : %s Group Flags :Group entry for "%s.%s" group: Hang for SECS seconds (default 3600)HangupHaven't found "%s (%s,%s,%s)" in netgroup cache!Haven't found "%s" in group cache!Haven't found "%s" in hosts cache!Haven't found "%s" in netgroup cache!Haven't found "%s" in services cache!Haven't found "%s" in user database cache!High priority input availableHost is downHost name lookup failureI/O errorI/O possibleINPUT-FILE OUTPUT-FILE -o OUTPUT-FILE INPUT-FILE -u INPUT-FILEIdentifier removedIgnore auxiliary cache fileIgnored file %s since it is not a regular file.Illegal addressing modeIllegal instructionIllegal object type for operationIllegal opcodeIllegal operandIllegal seekIllegal trapInappropriate file type or formatInappropriate ioctl for deviceInappropriate operation for background processInformation requestInformation:Input Files:Input file %s not found. Input message availableInput/Output format specification:Input/output errorInteger divide by zeroInteger overflowInternal NIS errorInternal stack errorInternal ypbind errorInterruptInterrupted by a signalInterrupted system callInterrupted system call should be restartedInvalid address alignmentInvalid argumentInvalid back referenceInvalid character class nameInvalid client credentialInvalid client verifierInvalid collation characterInvalid content of \{\}Invalid cross-device linkInvalid exchangeInvalid floating-point operationInvalid link from "%s" to "%s": %s Invalid numeric gid "%s"!Invalid numeric uid "%s"!Invalid object for operationInvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide characterInvalid permissions for mapped objectInvalid preceding regular expressionInvalid range endInvalid regular expressionInvalid request codeInvalid request descriptorInvalid rule name "%s"Invalid server verifierInvalid slotInvalidate the specified cacheIs a directoryIs a named type fileKerberos. Key has been revokedKey has expiredKey was rejected by serviceKilledLINK LOCAL entry for UID %d in directory %s not unique Leap seconds too close togetherLevel 2 haltedLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink has been severedLink number out of rangeLink points to illegal nameLinked Object Type : Linked to : %s List content of archiveList dynamic shared objects loaded into process.Local domain name not setLocal resource allocation failureMachine is not on the networkMake output graphic VALUE pixels highMake output graphic VALUE pixels wideMalformed name, or illegal nameMandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for any corresponding\nshort options.\nMandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.Manually link individual libraries.Master Server : Master server busy, full dump rescheduled.Memory allocation failureMemory exhaustedMemory page has hardware errorMessage too longMissing or malformed attributeMod. Time : %sModification failedModify operation failedModify output format:Multihop attemptedMust specify user name for server-user optionMust specify user name for stat-user optionMust specify value for restart-interval optionNAMENAME [--add-to-archive|--delete-from-archive] FILE... --list-archive [FILE]NAME [-a|-m]NIS client/server version mismatch - can't supply serviceNIS map database is badNIS+ operation failedNIS+ servers unreachableNIS+ service is unavailable or not installedNO OBJECT NUMBERName : `%s' Name Service Cache Daemon.Name not served by this serverName not unique on networkName or service not knownName output fileName/entry isn't uniqueNamed object is not searchableNeed authenticatorNetwork dropped connection on resetNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNo CSI structure availableNo XENIX semaphores availableNo address associated with hostnameNo address associated with nameNo anodeNo buffer space availableNo character set name specified in charmapNo child processesNo data availableNo definition for %s category foundNo file space on serverNo link created since soname could not be found for %sNo locks availableNo matchNo medium foundNo message of desired typeNo more records in map databaseNo previous regular expressionNo program name givenNo program name given\nNo route to hostNo space left on deviceNo such deviceNo such device or addressNo such file or directoryNo such key in mapNo such map in server's domainNo such processNo target in line %d Non NIS+ namespace encounteredNon-recoverable failure in name resolutionNone. Nonexisting physical addressNot a XENIX named type fileNot a directoryNot foundNot found, no such nameNot master server for this domainNot ownerNot supportedNumber of Columns : %d Number of objects : %u Numerical argument out of domainNumerical result out of rangeObject #%d: Object Name : %s Object Type : Object is remoteObject with same name existsObject-specific hardware errorOdd number of quotation marksOnly process directories specified on the command line. Don't build cache.Only root is allowed to use this option!Only root or %s is allowed to use this option!Operation already in progressOperation canceledOperation not permittedOperation not possible due to RF-killOperation not supportedOperation now in progressOperation would blockOptional output file prefixOut of streams resourcesOutput buffers availableOutput control:Output selection:Owner : %s Owner diedPATHPIDPRIVATE Package not installedParameter string not correctly encodedParse error: %sPartial successPassed object is not the same object on serverPath `%s' given more than oncePermission deniedPower failurePrefix used for all file accessesPremature end of regular expressionPrint cachePrint content of database file, one entry a linePrint current configuration statisticsPrint more informationPrint more messagesPrint program versionPrivileged opcodePrivileged registerProbable successProbably not foundProcess breakpointProcess trace trapProcessing request in progressProfiling timer expiredProtocol driver not attachedProtocol errorProtocol family not supportedProtocol not availableProtocol not supportedProtocol wrong type for socketPut output in FILE instead of installed location (--prefix does not apply to FILE)Query illegal for named tableQuitRFS specific errorROOTRPC bad procedure for programRPC failure on NIS operationRPC program not availableRPC program version wrongRPC struct is badRPC version wrongRPC: (unknown error code)RPC: Authentication errorRPC: Can't decode resultRPC: Can't encode argumentsRPC: Failed (unspecified error)RPC: Incompatible versions of RPCRPC: Port mapper failureRPC: Procedure unavailableRPC: Program not registeredRPC: Program unavailableRPC: Program/version mismatchRPC: Remote system errorRPC: Server can't decode argumentsRPC: SuccessRPC: Timed outRPC: Unable to receiveRPC: Unable to sendRPC: Unknown hostRPC: Unknown protocolRSA (%d bits) RTLD_NEXT used in code not dynamically loadedRead and display shared object profiling data.Read configuration data from NAMERead-only file systemReal-time signal %dRegular expression too bigReloading "%s (%s,%s,%s)" in netgroup cache!Reloading "%s" in group cache!Reloading "%s" in hosts cache!Reloading "%s" in netgroup cache!Reloading "%s" in services cache!Reloading "%s" in user database cache!Remote I/O errorRemote address changedRemove 'password' line or make file unreadable by others.Remove locales named by parameters from archiveRenaming of %s to %s failedReopening shared object `%s' failedReplace existing archive contentReplicate : Report bugs to %s. Request arguments badRequest canceledRequest not canceledRequired key not availableResolver Error 0 (no error)Resolver internal errorResource deadlock avoidedResource lostResource temporarily unavailableResults sent to callback procSECSSHOBJ [PROFDATA]STRINGSearch Path : %s Segmentation faultServer busy, try againServer out of memoryServer rejected credentialServer rejected verifierService configuration to be usedServname not supported for ai_socktypeSet the owner, group and access permission of the slave pseudo terminal corresponding to the master pseudo terminal passed on file descriptor `%d'. This is the helper program for the `grantpt' function. It is not intended to be run directly from the command line. Set the program nameShut the server downSignal generated by the arrival of a message on an empty message queueSignal generated by the completion of an I/O requestSignal generated by the completion of an asynchronous I/O requestSignal generated by the completion of an asynchronous name lookup requestSignal generated by the expiration of a timerSignal sent by kill()Signal sent by sigqueue()Signal sent by the kernelSignal sent by tkill()Socket operation on non-socketSocket type not supportedSoftware caused connection abortSource definitions are found in FILESrmount errorStack faultStale file handleStart NUMBER threadsState not recoverableStatus : %s StoppedStopped (signal)Stopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)Stopped child has continuedStreams pipe errorStrictly conform to POSIXStructure needs cleaningSubscript out of rangeSuccessSupported databases: Supported tables: %s For bug reporting instructions, please see: %s. Suppress warnings and information messagesSymbolic character names defined in FILESyntax: memusage [--data=FILE] [--progname=NAME] [--png=FILE] [--unbuffered] [--buffer=SIZE] [--no-timer] [--time-based] [--total] [--title=STRING] [--x-size=SIZE] [--y-size=SIZE] PROGRAM [PROGRAMOPTION]...System errorSystem information:System resource allocation failureSystem's directory for character maps : %s repertoire maps: %s locale path : %s %sTABLETABLE TABLE,yesTLS generation counter wrapped! Please report this.Table Type : %s Temporary failure in name resolutionTerminatedText file busyThe following list contains all the coded character sets known. This does not necessarily mean that all combinations of these names can be used for the FROM and TO command line parameters. One coded character set can be listed with several different names (aliases). The owner is set to the current user, the group is set to `%s', and the access permission is set to `%o'. %sTime to live : Timer expiredTitle string used in output graphicToo many attributesToo many levels of symbolic linksToo many linksToo many open filesToo many open files in systemToo many processesToo many references: cannot spliceToo many usersTrace execution of program by printing currently executed function. --data=FILE Don't run the program, just print the data from FILE. -?,--help Print this help and exit --usage Give a short usage message -V,--version Print version information and exit Mandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for any corresponding short options. Trace/breakpoint trapTraced child has trappedTrailing backslashTranslator diedTransport endpoint is already connectedTransport endpoint is not connectedTry \`%s --help' or \`%s --usage' for more information.\nTry \`ldd --help' for more information.Try `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information. Trying %s... Type : %s UNKNOWNUT offset out of rangeUnable to authenticate NIS+ clientUnable to authenticate NIS+ serverUnable to create callbackUnable to create process on serverUnknown (type = %d, bits = %d) Unknown .netrc keyword %sUnknown ELFCLASS in file %s. Unknown NIS error codeUnknown OSUnknown database nameUnknown database: %s Unknown error Unknown hostUnknown objectUnknown option: %s %s %sUnknown resolver errorUnknown server errorUnknown signalUnknown signal %dUnknown signal %d Unknown system errorUnknown ypbind errorUnmatched ( or \(Unmatched ) or \)Unmatched [, [^, [:, [., or [=Unmatched \{Unrecognized variable `%s'Urgent I/O conditionUsage:Usage: %s [-ef] [-F FROMLIST] [-o FILENAME] [-T TOLIST] [--exit] [--follow] [--from FROMLIST] [--output FILENAME] [--to TOLIST] [--help] [--usage] [--version] [--] EXECUTABLE [EXECUTABLE-OPTION...]\nUsage: %s [-v specification] variable_name [pathname] Usage: getconf [-v SPEC] VAR or: getconf [-v SPEC] PATH_VAR PATH Get the configuration value for variable VAR, or for variable PATH_VAR for path PATH. If SPEC is given, give values for compilation environment SPEC. Usage: ldd [OPTION]... FILE... --help print this help and exit --version print version information and exit -d, --data-relocs process data relocations -r, --function-relocs process data and function relocations -u, --unused print unused direct dependencies -v, --verbose print all information Usage: lddlibc4 FILE Usage: memusage [OPTION]... PROGRAM [PROGRAMOPTION]... Profile memory usage of PROGRAM. -n,--progname=NAME Name of the program file to profile -p,--png=FILE Generate PNG graphic and store it in FILE -d,--data=FILE Generate binary data file and store it in FILE -u,--unbuffered Don't buffer output -b,--buffer=SIZE Collect SIZE entries before writing them out --no-timer Don't collect additional information through timer -m,--mmap Also trace mmap & friends -?,--help Print this help and exit --usage Give a short usage message -V,--version Print version information and exit The following options only apply when generating graphical output: -t,--time-based Make graph linear in time -T,--total Also draw graph of total memory use --title=STRING Use STRING as title of the graph -x,--x-size=SIZE Make graphic SIZE pixels wide -y,--y-size=SIZE Make graphic SIZE pixels high Mandatory arguments to long options are also mandatory for any corresponding short options. Usage: sln src dest|file Usage: sotruss [OPTION...] [--] EXECUTABLE [EXECUTABLE-OPTION...] -F, --from FROMLIST Trace calls from objects on FROMLIST -T, --to TOLIST Trace calls to objects on TOLIST -e, --exit Also show exits from the function calls -f, --follow Trace child processes -o, --output FILENAME Write output to FILENAME (or FILENAME.$PID in case -f is also used) instead of standard error -?, --help Give this help list --usage Give a short usage message --version Print program versionUsage: xtrace [OPTION]... PROGRAM [PROGRAMOPTION]...\nUse CACHE as cache fileUse CONF as configuration fileUse separate cache for each userUser defined signal 1User defined signal 2VALUEValue too large for defined data typeVirtual timer expiredWarning: ignoring configuration file that cannot be opened: %sWild result from command executionWindow changedWrite names of available charmapsWrite names of available localesWrite names of selected categoriesWrite names of selected keywordsWrite output to file NAMEWriting of cache data failedWritten by %s and %s. Written by %s. Written by %s.\nWrong medium typeYes, 42 is the meaning of lifeYou really blew it this timeZone continuation line end time is not after end time of previous line[DIR...][FILE...][FILE]\`$program' is no executable\n`%.*s' already defined as collating element`%.*s' already defined as collating symbol`%.*s' already defined in charmap`%.*s' already defined in repertoire`%1$s' definition does not end with `END %1$s'`%s' and `%.*s' are not valid names for symbolic range`%s' is no correct profile data file for `%s'`digit' category has not entries in groups of tenadd new entry "%s" of type %s for %s to cache%sai_family not supportedai_socktype not supportedalignment overflowalready runningargument to <%s> must be a single characterargument to `%s' must be a single characterauth_unix.c: Fatal marshalling problembad argumentbad ownerblank FROM field on Link lineblock freed twice bogus mcheck_status, library is buggy cache_set: could not allocate new rpc_buffercache_set: victim alloc failedcache_set: victim not foundcan't determine time zone abbreviation to use just after until timecan't disable CETcan't reassign procedure number %ld cannot access '%s'cannot add already read locale `%s' a second timecannot add to locale archivecannot allocate buffer for object namecannot allocate dependency buffercannot allocate dependency listcannot allocate memory for program headercannot allocate memory in static TLS blockcannot allocate name recordcannot allocate symbol datacannot allocate symbol search listcannot allocate version reference tablecannot apply additional memory protection after relocationcannot attach to process %lucannot change current working directory to "/"cannot change current working directory to "/": %scannot change memory protectionscannot change mode of new locale archivecannot change mode of resized locale archivecannot change to old GID: %s; disabling paranoia modecannot change to old UID: %s; disabling paranoia modecannot change to old working directory: %s; disabling paranoia modecannot close file descriptorcannot create %s; no persistent database usedcannot create %s; no sharing possiblecannot create RUNPATH/RPATH copycannot create TLS data structurescannot create a pipe to talk to the childcannot create cache for search pathcannot create capability listcannot create directory for output filescannot create internal descriptorcannot create output file `%s' for category `%s'cannot create read-only descriptor for "%s"; no mmapcannot create scope listcannot create search path arraycannot create search treecannot create shared object descriptorcannot create temporary filecannot create temporary file namecannot create temporary file: %scannot determine escape charactercannot determine file namecannot dynamically load executablecannot dynamically load position-independent executablecannot enable executable stack as shared object requirescannot enable socket to accept connections: %scannot extend global scopecannot extend locale archive filecannot find program header of processcannot forkcannot generate output filecannot get current working directory: %s; disabling paranoia modecannot get information about process %lucannot handle old request version %d; current version is %dcannot initialize archive filecannot load auxiliary `%s' because of empty dynamic string token substitution cannot load profiling datacannot lock locale archive "%s"cannot lock new archivecannot make segment writable for relocationcannot map archive headercannot map database filecannot map locale archive filecannot map pages for fdesc tablecannot map pages for fptr tablecannot map zero-fill pagescannot opencannot open %scannot open %s/taskcannot open /proc/self/cmdline: %m; disabling paranoia modecannot open `%s'cannot open database file `%s'cannot open directory "%s": %s: ignoredcannot open input filecannot open input file `%s'cannot open locale archive "%s"cannot open locale definition file `%s'cannot open output filecannot open output file `%s'cannot open output file `%s' for category `%s'cannot open shared object filecannot open socket: %scannot prepare reading %s/taskcannot read all files in "%s": ignoredcannot read archive headercannot read character map directory `%s'cannot read data from locale archivecannot read dynamic sectioncannot read file datacannot read headercannot read header from `%s'cannot read invalidate ACKcannot read link mapcannot read object namecannot read program headercannot read program interpretercannot read r_debugcannot read statistics datacannot rename new archivecannot rename temporary filecannot resize archive filecannot restore segment prot after reloccannot save new repertoire mapcannot set file creation context for `%s'cannot stat database filecannot stat locale archive "%s"cannot stat newly created filecannot stat shared objectcannot write output files to `%s'cannot write result: %scannot write statistics: %scannot write to database file %s: %scap_init failedcap_set_proc failedcharacter '%s' in class `%s' must be in class `%s'character '%s' in class `%s' must not be in class `%s'character not defined in character mapcharacter L'\u%0*x' in class `%s' must be in class `%s'character L'\u%0*x' in class `%s' must not be in class `%s'character class `%s' already definedcharacter map `%s' already definedcharacter map `%s' is not ASCII compatible, locale not ISO C compliant [--no-warnings=ascii]character map file `%s' not foundcharacter sets with locking states are not supportedchecking for monitored file `%s': %schild exited with status %d child terminated by signal %d circular dependencies between locale definitionsclnt_raw.c: fatal header serialization errorcommand lineconnect to address %s: conversion from `%s' is not supportedconversion from `%s' to `%s' is not supportedconversion modules not availableconversion rate value cannot be zeroconversion stopped due to problem in writing the outputconversion to `%s' is not supportedconversions from `%s' and to `%s' are not supportedcopy used because hard link failed: %scopy used because symbolic link failed: %scould not initialize conditional variablecould not start any worker thread; terminatingcould not start clean-up thread; terminatingcouldn't create an rpc server couldn't register prog %ld vers %ld database %s is not supporteddatabase [key ...]database for %s corrupted or simultaneously used; remove %s manually if necessary and restartdefault character map file `%s' not founddisable IDN encodingdisabled inotify-based monitoring after read error %ddisabled inotify-based monitoring for directory `%s': %sdisabled inotify-based monitoring for file `%s': %sduplicate definition of <%s>duplicate definition of script `%s'duplicate keyduplicate set definitionduplicated definition for mapping `%s'duplicated message identifierduplicated message numberellipsis range must be marked by two operands of same typeempty dynamic string token substitutionempty file nameenablecache: cache already enabledenablecache: could not allocate cacheenablecache: could not allocate cache dataenablecache: could not allocate cache fifoencoding for outputencoding of original texterror getting caller's id: %serror while adding equivalent collating symbolerror while closing input `%s'error while closing output fileerror while closing the profiling data fileerror while loading shared librarieserror while reading the inputerror: you do not have read permission forexecutable \`$program' not found\nexited with unknown exit codeexpected continuation line not foundexpecting string argument for `copy'extra trailing semicolonfailed to add file watch `%s`: %sfailed to create new locale archivefailed to load shared object `%s'failed to load symbol datafailed to map segment from shared objectfailed to mmap the profiling data filefailed to remove file watch `%s`: %sfailed to start conversion processingfailed to write new database filefailure while reading configuration file; this is fatalfailure while writing data for category `%s'file %s is truncated file name '%s' begins with '/'file name '%s' component contains leading '-'file name '%s' contains '%.*s' componentfile name '%s' contains byte '%c'file name '%s' contains byte '\%o'file name '%s' contains overlength component '%.*s...'file not a database filefile size does not matchfile too shortformat '%s' not handled by pre-2015 versions of zicfractional seconds rejected by pre-2018 versions of zicfreed %zu bytes in %s cachefstat failedgarbage at end of character code specificationgarbage at end of numbergenerate call graphgenerate flat profile with counts and ticksgetgrouplist failedhandle_request: request received (Version = %d)handle_request: request received (Version = %d) from PID %ldhard linked somewherehas characters other than ASCII alphanumerics, '-' or '+'has fewer than 3 charactershas more than 6 charactersheader size does not matchhexadecimal range format should use only capital charactersignored inotify event for `%s` (file exists)illegal escape sequence at end of stringillegal input sequence at position %Zdillegal input sequence at position %ldillegal set numberimplementation limit: no more than %Zd character classes allowedimplementation limit: no more than %d character maps allowedincomplete character or shift sequence at end of bufferincomplete set of locale files in "%s"initial getgrouplist failedinput line of unknown typeinteger overflowinternal errorinternal error (illegal descriptor)internal error in %s, line %uinternal error: symidx out of range of fptr tableinvalid ELF headerinvalid UT offsetinvalid abbreviation formatinvalid character: message ignoredinvalid day of monthinvalid definitioninvalid encoding giveninvalid ending yearinvalid escape sequenceinvalid leaping yearinvalid lineinvalid modeinvalid mode for dlopen()invalid mode parameterinvalid month nameinvalid names for character rangeinvalid namespaceinvalid persistent database file "%s": %sinvalid pointer sizeinvalid process ID '%s'invalid quote characterinvalid saved timeinvalid starting yearinvalid target namespace in dlmopen()invalid thread ID '%s'invalid time of dayinvalid weekday nameinvalidation failedkey length in request too long: %dldd: option \`$1' is ambiguousleap second precedes Epochlibc4 library %s in wrong directorylibc5 library %s in wrong directorylibc6 library %s in wrong directorylibraries %s and %s in directory %s have same soname but different type.line too longlink to linklist all known coded character setslocale "%s" not in archivelocale '%s' already existslocale alias file `%s' not foundlocale name should consist only of portable characterslocale.alias file to consult when making archivelstat failedmakecontext: does not know how to handle more than 8 arguments malformed line ignoredmaximum file size for %s database too smallmemory clobbered before allocated block memory clobbered past end of allocated block memory exhaustedmemory is consistent, library is buggy memusage: option \`${1##*=}' is ambiguousmemusage: unrecognized option \`$1'missing file argumentsmmap of cache file failed. monitored file `%s` changed (mtime)monitored file `%s` was %s, adding watchmonitored file `%s` was %s, removing watchmonitored file `%s` was written tomonitored parent directory `%s` was %s, removing watch on `%s`monitoring directory `%s` (%d)monitoring file %s for database %smonitoring file `%s` (%d)more than one dynamic segment need absolute file name for configuration file when using -rneeds to be installed setuid `root'never registered prog %d nono or value givenno POSIX environment variable for zoneno entries to be processedno input digits defined and none of the standard names in the charmapno more memory for database '%s'no more namespaces available for dlmopen()no other keyword shall be specified when `copy' is usedno output digits defined and none of the standard names in the charmapno output file produced because errors were issuedno output file produced because warnings were issuedno symbolic name givenno symbolic name given for end of rangeno valid %s/task entriesnonzero padding in e_identnot all characters used in `outdigit' are available in the charmapnot all characters used in `outdigit' are available in the repertoirenot regular filenscd configuration: %15d server debug level nscd not running! number of bytes for byte sequence of beginning and end of range not the same: %d vs %dobject file has no dynamic sectionobject file has no loadable segmentsomit invalid characters from outputonly ET_DYN and ET_EXEC can be loadedonly WIDTH definitions are allowed to follow the CHARMAP definitionorder for `%.*s' already defined at %s:%Zuout of memoryout of memory output fileparameter null or not setpmap_getmaps.c: rpc problempoll: protocol failure in circuit setup prctl(KEEPCAPS) failedpre-2014 clients may mishandle more than 1200 transition timespremature end of `translit_ignore' definitionprevious definition was hereprint list of count paths and their number of useprint progress informationproblems while reading `%s'process %lu is no ELF programprofiling data file `%s' does not match shared object `%s'provide access to FD %d, for %spruning %s cache; time %ldrcmd: %s: short readrcmd: Cannot allocate memory rcmd: poll (setting up stderr): %m rcmd: socket: All ports in use rcmd: write (setting up stderr): %m re-exec failed: %s; disabling paranoia modereading of ELF header failedreading of section header string table failedreading of section headers failedreference clients mishandle more than %d transition timesregisterrpc: out of memory relative path `%s' used to build cacherepertoire map file `%s' not foundrequest from %ld not handled due to missing permissionrequest from '%s' [%ld] not handled due to missing permissionrequest not handled due to missing permissionresulting bytes for range not representable.rule goes past start/end of month; will not work with pre-2004 versions of zicsame rule name in multiple filessecure services not implemented anymoresetgroups failedshared object cannot be dlopen()edshared object not openshort read while reading request key: %sshort read while reading request: %sshort write in %s: %ssize overflowsocket: protocol failure in circuit setup standard inputstart and end character sequence of range must have the same lengthstarting year greater than ending yearstat failed for file `%s'; will try again later: %sstat of "%s" failed: %s: ignoredsuggested size of table for database %s larger than the persistent database's tablesuppress warningssvc_run: - out of memorysvc_run: - poll failedsvc_tcp.c - cannot getsockname or listensvc_tcp.c - tcp socket creation problemsvc_unix.c - AF_UNIX socket creation problemsvc_unix.c - cannot getsockname or listensvcudp_create - cannot getsocknamesvcudp_create: socket creation problemsvcudp_create: xp_pad is too small for IP_PKTINFO symbol `%.*s' not in charmapsymbol `%.*s' not in repertoire mapsymbol `%s'symbol `%s' has the same encoding assymbol `%s' not definedsymbol lookup errorsymbolic link used because hard link failed: %ssyntax errorsyntax error in %s definition: %ssyntax error in prolog: %ssyntax error in repertoire map definition: %ssyntax error: not inside a locale definition sectionthis is the first definitiontime overflowtime too largetime too smalltime zone abbreviation differs from POSIX standardtime zone abbreviation has fewer than 3 characterstime zone abbreviation has too many charactersto-value of range is smaller than from-value to-value character sequence is smaller than from-value sequencetoo few bytes in character encodingtoo many argumentstoo many bytes in character encodingtoo many errors; giving uptoo many leap secondstoo many local time typestoo many transition timestoo many, or too long, time zone abbreviationstrailing garbage at end of linetrouble replying to prog %d two rules for same instanttyped single yearunable to allocate buffer for inputunable to free argumentsundefineduninitialized headerunknownunknown character `%s'unknown directive `%s': line ignoredunknown iconv() error %dunknown name "%s"unknown set `%s'unknown specification "%s"unrecognized optionunsupported dlinfo requestunterminated messageunterminated stringunterminated symbolic nameupper limit in range is smaller than lower limituse of 2/29 in non leap-yearvalue for %s must be an integervalue for <%s> must be 1 or greatervalue of <%s> must be greater or equal than the value of <%s>values over 24 hours not handled by pre-2007 versions of zicverification failedversion lookup errorwarning: warning: The LOCPATH variable is set to "%s" warning: you do not have execution permission forwhile inserting in search treewhile opening old catalog filewhile preparing outputwhile stat'ing profiling data filewild compilation-time specification of zic_twith UCS range values one must use the hexadecimal symbolic ellipsis `..'with character code range values one must use the absolute ellipsis `...'with symbolic name range values the absolute ellipsis `...' must not be usedwrite incompletewriteable by other than ownerwrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64wrong number of argumentswrong number of fields on Leap linewrong number of fields on Link linewrong number of fields on Rule linewrong number of fields on Zone continuation linewrong number of fields on Zone linextrace: unrecognized option \`$1'\nyear type "%s" is obsolete; use "-" insteadyesyp_update: cannot convert host to netname yp_update: cannot get server address Project-Id-Version: libc 2.30.9000 PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-21 17:37+0800 Last-Translator: Mingye Wang Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address. X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3 Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; 访问权限 : 属性 : 访问权限 : 型别为 %s 的项目数据 名称 :%s 公钥 : 类型 :%s 绝对地址(%u) [%d] 名称 :%s [%u] - [%u 字节] 不是动态可执行文件 组成员 : SELinux AVC 统计: %15u 项目查找 %15u 项目符合项目 %15u 项目缺少 %15u 项目舍弃 %15u CAV 查找 %15u CAV 符合项目 %15u CAV 探查 %15u CAV 缺少 存留时间 : %2lus 服务器 运行时长 %2um %2lus 服务器 运行时长 %s -a [路径名称] %2uh %2um %2lus 服务器 运行时长 数据长度 = %u 显式成员: 明确的非成员: 隐含成员: 不明确的非成员: 无显式成员 没有明确的非成员 无隐含成员 没有不明确的非成员 无递归成员 没有递归的非成员 递归成员: 递归非成员: 或: (跳过) (改变) (首先) [选项...]“%s” 在2017年前的 zic 中模糊不清“%s”不是目录;忽略“%s” 未被列入文档;使用“last%s”代替"Zone %s" 行和 -l 选项是互斥的"Zone %s" 行和 -p 选项是互斥的%%z UT 偏移量超过了 99:59:59%.*s:参数 ARGP_HELP_FMT 需要一个值%.*s:未知的 ARGP_HELP_FMT 参数%1$s:定义不以“END %1$s”结尾%15d 目前线程数量 %15d 最大线程数量 %15lu 客户端必须等待的次数 %15s 偏执模式已启用 %15lu 内部重新启动 %15u 重新加载计数 %3ud %2uh %2um %2lus 服务器 运行时长 在缓存“%2$s”中找到 %1$d 个库 %s 位于没有规则的区域%s 是一个 32 位 ELF 文件。 %s 是一个 64 位 ELF 文件。 %s 用于未知的机器 %d。 %s 不是已知类型的库%s 不是共享目标文件 (类型:%d)。 %s 不是符号链接 %s 不是 ELF 文件 - 起始处的魔数有误。 %s%s%s:%u:%s%s假设 ‘%s’ 失败。 %n%s%s%s:%u:%s%s意外的错误:%s。 %n%s%s未知的信号 %d %s: %s; 低版本 = %lu,高版本 = %lu%s: %s; 原因 = %s %s: %s; 原因 = (不明的认证错误 - %d) %s: “%s” 没有匹配 “ifdef” 或 “ifndef” %s: “endif” 没有匹配 “ifdef” 或 “ifndef” %s: 必须大于 %s:无法改变目录到 %s:%s %s:无法创建 %s/%s:%s %s:无法创建目录 %s:%s%s:无法打开 %s:%s %s:无法读取 %s/%s:%s %s:无法删除 %s/%s:%s %s:内存耗尽:%s %s:给出了多个 -L 选项 %s:给出了多个 -d 选项 %s:给出了多个 -l 选项 %s:给出了多个 -p 选项 %s:给出了多个 -t 选项 %s:给出了多个 -y 选项 %s:过多的选项 %s: `%s' 不只一次地在权重 %d 中被提到%s:“%s”必须是一个字符%s:“%s”的值不能匹配“%s”的值%s:“-1”必须是“%s”域中的最后一个条目%s:“forward”和“backward”是互斥的%s: `position' 必须在所有区块里特定的等级中使用,否则不能使用%s:“translit_start”节不以“translit_end”结束%s: 不当的符号 <%.*s>%s:范围的字节序列的第一个字符不小于最后一个字符%s:字节序列的第一个和最后一个字符的长度必须相同%s: 无法用 `%s' 作为省略节的结尾%s: 无法重新排列在 %.*s 之后: 未知的符号%s: 字集对照表中的字符 `%s' 无法表示为单一字节%s:需要作为默认值的字符“%s”无法以单个字节来表示%s: 字符 `%s' 没有定义,但它是必需的默认值%s:命令为“%s”,结果为 %d %s:目的必须不是目录 %s: 在 `era' 字段的字串 %Zd 中,方向旗标既不是 '+' 也不是 '-'%s: 在 `era' 字段的字串 %Zd 中,方向旗标不是一个单一字符%s:重复定义“default_missing”%s: 重复的类别版本定义%s:重复声明节“%s”%s:重复定义“%s”%s:不允许空范畴描述%s:不允许空权字符串%s:状态机出错%s:无法移除旧的目的 %s:多次声明域“%s”%s:域“%s”含有条目的个数不是十个%s:域“%s”必须未定义%s:域“%s”不能为空%s:域“%s”未定义%s:解除域“%s”的定义%s:文件打开错误:%m %s: 无用的数据,在 `era' 字段、字串 %Zd 中末尾的位移值%s:在 ‘era’ 域中字串 %Zd 中末尾的起始日期的数据无效 %s: 无用的数据,在 `era' 区域、字串 %Zd 中末尾的结束日期%s:不完整的“END”行%s:无效的目的:%s %1$s:域“%3$s”中无效的转义“%%%2$c”序列%s:域“%s”中含有无效转义序列%s: 在 `era' 字段、字串 %Zd 中的位移数字不适用%s:排序规则的数量无效%s: 不适用的选项 -- %c %s: 在 `era' 字段、字串 %Zd 中的起始日期不适用%s: 在 `era' 字段、字串 %Zd 中的结束日期不适用%s:域“%s”中的值无效%s:未定义的语言缩写“%s”%s:行 %d:错误命令“%s” %s:行 %d:无法指定多于 %d 个规整域%s:行 %d:应为“on”或“off”,得到“%s” %s: 行 %d: 正在忽略尾端的无用数据 `%s' %s:行 %d:列表分隔符没有出现在域之后%s:从 %s/%s 链接失败:%s %s:遗漏关键字“order_end”%s:以后关键字“reorder-end”%s:遗漏关键字“reorder-sections-end”%s: 缺少 era 格式,在 `era' 字段、字串 %Zd 中%s: 缺少 era 名称,在 `era' 字段、字串 %Zd 中%s: 使用多于一个 “else”%s:关于“%s”节出现多个顺序定义%s:关于未命名节出现多个顺序定义%s: 不支持嵌套条件%s:域“%s”中没有正确的常规表达式:%s%s: 类别 `%s' 没有身份信息%s: 找不到可表示为 `default_missing' 的定义%s:排序规则不足%s:数值国家编码“%d”无效%s:选项 ‘%s%s’ 不允许有参数 %s: 选项 ‘%s%s’ 含义不清 %s: 选项 ‘%s%s’ 含义不清;可能为:%s:选项 ‘%s%s’ 需要一个参数 %s:选项 ‘%s’ 需要一个参数.\n%s:选项 ‘%s’ 需要一个参数\n%s:选项是模糊的;可能是:%s: 选项需要一个参数 -- %c %s:选项需要一个参数 -- ‘%s’ \n%s: `%.*s' 的顺序已在 %s:%Zu 中定义%s: 对照元素 %.*s 的顺序尚未定义%s: 对照符号 %.*s 的顺序尚未定义%s: 内存不足以保存重寻址结果用于 %s %s: 严重错误: 错误的 l_value %d %s: %d 之前的客户端可能会错误处理久远的时间戳%s:文件不完整%s:未知的节“%.*s”%s: 在 `era' 区域的字串 %Zd 中的启始日期是不适用的%s: 符号范围的省略不可以直接在 `order_end' 之前%s: 符号范围的省略不可以直接在 `order_start' 之后%s:语法错误%s:在定义新字符集合中出现语法错误%s:在新字符映射中出现语法错误%s: 类别 "%s" 表格: %lu 字节%s:映射表 “%s” 表格:%lu 字节%s:宽度表格:%lu 字节%s: 术语语言编码 `%s' 未定义%s: 启始与结束符号范围必须代表字符%s: 字段 `%s' 值的第三个算符不可以比 %d 大%s:域“%s”的值过少%s:规则过多;第一个条目只含有 %d%s:值过多%s:域“%s”的值过多%s: 语区数据`%s' 的音译数据不存在%s: 未知的字符在对照符号名称中%s:等价定义名中未知的字符%s:等价定义值中未知的字符%s:域“%s”中含有未知字符%s:未知的节名“%.*s”%1$s:类别“%3$s”的标准“%2$s”未知%s:等价定义中未知的符号“%s”%s:无法辨识的选项 ‘%c%s’ \n%s:未识别的选项 ‘%s%s’ %s:用法: %s 选项 时区 ... 选项包括: -c [低,]高 从低年开始(默认 -500), 在高年前结束(默认 2500) -t [低,]高 从低时间开始, 在高时间前结束(以 1970 年以来的秒数计) -i 简略地列出过渡(实验性格式) -v 啰嗦地列出过渡 -V 不那么啰嗦地列出过渡 --help 显示这个帮助 --version 输出版本信息 向 %s 报告错误. %s:“%s”域的值必须是单个字符%s:“%s”域的值必须在 %d...%d 的范围内%s:域“%s”的值不能是空字符串%s:域 “int_curr_symbol” 的值与 ISO 4217 中有效的名称不对应 [--no-warnings=intcurrsym]%s:域“int_curr_symbol”的值的长度错误%s:域“%s”的值必须小于 127%s:域“%s”的值不能大于 %d%s: 警告:区域 “%s” 缩写 “%s” %s %s: 权重必须使用与名称相同的省略符号%s:怪异的 -c 选项 %s %s:怪异的 -t 选项 %s %s:%u: 无法读取目录 %s‘%s’ 并非已知数据库'wait' 失败 (程序错误) 版本号未知!?(程序错误) 选项应该可识别!?(未知对象) *** 无法读取调试信息文件名: %m *** 文件“%s”已剥离:不可能进行细节分析 *标准输入*, OS ABI: %s %d.%d.%d-o 输出文件 [输入文件]... [输出文件 [输入文件]...]-s 已被忽略-y 是过时的a.out 中的 .lib 节已毁坏<%s> 和 <%s> 是无效的范围名字符 不能属于类“%s”字符 不在类“%s”中<警告>?已放弃访问权限:访问矢量缓存 (AVC) 开始正在访问一个已毁坏的共享库将由参数命名的区域添加到归档文件中正在添加 %s 地址已在使用不支持的主机名地址族协议不支持的地址族地址没有映射到对象通知错误闹钟完成所有请求同时对总内存用量作图归档控制:参数列表过长试图删除非空的表试图与过多的共享库相链接认证成功认证错误虚假对象 错误的地址错误的文件描述符错误的字体文件格式错误的消息错误的系统调用错误的 ai_flags 的值二进制数据 需要块设备Broadcast 调查有问题断开的管道总线错误CACHE字符CONF配置超出 CPU 时限缓冲器过期无法访问必须的共享库无法于为此域服务的服务器绑定无法改变目录到 /无法与 portmapper 通讯无法与 ypbind 通讯无法与 ypserv 通讯无法创建临时缓冲文件 %s无法找到 %s无法将 %s 链接到 %s无法打开缓冲文件 %s 无法打开缓冲文件目录 %s 无法打开目录 %s无法对 %s 进行 stat 操作无法对 %s 进行 stat 操作 无法取消链接 %s无法分配内存无法指定被请求的地址无法为广播 rpc 创建套接字无法直接执行共享库无法对文件 %s 进行 fstat 操作。 无法对 %s 进行 lstat 操作无法对文件 %s 进行 mmap 操作。 无法接收对广播的应答无法注册服务无法在传输端点关闭以后发送无法发送广播包无法将 %s 设置为默认的语区无法设置套接字选项 SO_BROADCAST无法对 %s 进行 stat 操作进入 ROOT 目录并将其作为根目录将 %s 的访问权限改变为 %#o 失败通道编号超出范围字符分隔符 :%c 子进程已退出子进程已结束子进程已停止子进程异常终止,创建了内存转储文件子进程已异常终止且未创建内存文件客户证书太弱列 : 逗号分隔的警告禁用列表;支持的警告有:ascii,intcurrsym逗号分隔的警告启用列表;支持的警告有:ascii,intcurrsym发送时出现通讯错误编译区域规范这台电脑买了一块地啰设置运行时期动态链接绑定。拒绝连接连接被对方重设连接超时继续转换给定文件的编码。转换键转换为小写辅助处理器错误Copyright (C) %s 自由软件基金会。 这是一个自由软件;请见源代码的授权条款。本软件不含任何没有担保;甚至不保证适销性 或者适合某些特殊目的。 无法分配组列表:%m 无法创建日志文件无法运行 %s创建含有符号定义的给定名称的 C 头文件创建快速载入 iconv 模块配置文件。即使出现警告消息也创建输出从文本输入创建简单的数据库。创建时间 :%s数据文件 [输出文件]目录 在 SUID/SGID 程序中不允许 DST动态链接器 BUG!!!数据输入可用表格数据库不存在数据库忙默认访问权限: 需要目标地址设备已经结束连接设备不是流设备或资源忙Diffie-Hellmann(%d 位) 目录 :%s 目录参数必要项时正在使用 --nostdlib目录非空超出磁盘限额不要在已安装的语区之间创建硬链接不在目前的 tty 产生子进程 (fork) 以及显示消息不衍生,但是否则 behave 如同守护程序不印出消息当创建数据库不搜索标准目录,只使用命令行指定的不使用现有的分类,强制创建新输出文件未绑定域不要将新数据添加到归档文件中不要对输出进行缓冲不要创建缓存不更新符号链接转储由 PC 分析生成的信息。ELF 文件 ABI 版本无效ELF 文件 OS ABI 无效ELF 文件数据编码不是大端序ELF 文件数据编码不是小端序ELF 文件版本与当前版本不匹配ELF 文件的版本信息不符合目前所使用的ELF 文件的标头项目大小(phentsize)出乎意料EMT 陷阱条目 已加密的数据 条目/表格类型不匹配%s 不支持枚举 取得 nscd 的状态组合时发生错误取得对等通信端的状态组合时发生错误取得 nscd 的安全类时发生错误。无法从上下文中获取 sidRPC 子系统中出错访问 NIS+ 冷启动文件出错。NIS+ 安装了吗?未知的错误系统中出错:为未定义的对象类型或权限请求策略时出错。将权限名 "%s" 翻译到访问矢量位时出错。与回调函数交互时出错错误:.netrc 对其它人是可读的。需要刚好一个附有进程识别号的参数。 交换满可执行文件格式错误致命错误:系统未定义“_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF”文件文件 FILE 内含符号名与 UCS4 编码之间的映射FORMAT失败 (未指明的错误)失败的打开连接到审核子系统:%m无法创建 AVC 锁决定如果内核支持 SELinux 时失败放弃功能时失败初始化功能放弃时失败以用户 '%s' 的身分运行 nscd 失败设置功能保持时失败无法启动 AVC开始 AVC 线程时失败解除设置功能保持时失败文件 %s 为空,未检查。文件 %s 过小,未检查。文件描述符处于错误状态文件已存在文件不是缓存文件。 文件名过长文件大小超出限制文件过大过滤程序不支持与 LD_TRACE_PRELINKING 共用第一个/下一个链坏掉了浮点数例外不精确的浮点数结果浮点数被零除浮点数溢出浮点数下限溢出要知道错误报告指令,请参看: %s。 要知道错误报告指令,请参看:\\n%s.\\n需要对目录进行完全的重新同步函数未实现组 ARGP_HELP_FMT 中有垃圾:%s生成大端序输出从内存性能测试数据产生图像生成小端序输出产生消息 catelog。\v如果输入文件名是 -, 将从标准输入读取输入。 如果输出文件名是 -, 则输出将写到标准输出去。 产生输出与时间呈线性关系 (缺省是与函数调用数目呈线性关系)生成详细消息产生的行不是迭代的一部分一般系统错误从管理数据库取得条目。给出区域特定的信息。给出简要的用法信息给出此帮助列表无故的错误组 :%s 组标志 :群组 "%s.%s" 群组项目: 挂起 SECS 秒 (默认 3600)挂起尚未在网络群组缓存中找到 “%s (%s,%s,%s)” !无法在组缓存中找到“%s”!无法在主机缓存中找到“%s”!尚未在网络群组缓存中找到 “%s” !无法在服务缓存中找到“%s”!无法在用户数据库缓存中找到“%s”!高优先权输入可用主机关闭主机名搜索失败I/O 错误I/O 可行输入文件 输出文件 -o 输出文件 输入文件 -u 输入文件标识符已删除忽略辅助缓存文件忽略文件 %s 由于不是一个普通文件。不合法的寻址模式非法指令操作的非法对象类型不合法的 opcode不合法的算符非法 seek 操作不合法的陷阱不适当的文件类型或格式对设备不适当的 ioctl 操作对后台进程的不适当操作信息请求信息:输入文件:未找到输入文件 %s。 输入消息可用输入/输出格式规范:输入/输出错误整数被零除整数溢出内部 NIS 错误内部堆栈错误内部 ypbind 错误中断被信号中断被中断的系统调用被中断的系统调用应该重新启动无效的地址对齐无效的参数无效的向后引用无效的字符类名无效的客户证书无效的客户校验不适用的对照字符无效的 \{\} 的内容无效的跨设备链接无效的交换无效的浮点数操作从 “%s” 到 “%s” 的链结无效:%s 无效的 gid 数值 "%s"!无效的 uid 数值 "%s"!操作无效的对象无效或不完整的多字节字符或宽字符对于映射对象的权限无效无效的前导常规表达式不适用的范围结束无效的常规表达式无效的请求码无效的请求描述符无效的规则名称 "%s"无效的服务器校验不适用的 slot使选定的缓存无效是一个目录是一个有名类型文件Kerberos。 键值已取消关键字已过期键值被服务所拒绝已杀死链接 %2$s 目录中 UID 为 %1$d 的项目在 LOCAL 中不是唯一的 闰秒距离太近级别 2 己关闭级别 2 尚未同步级别 3 已关闭级别 3 已重置链接已有服务链接数超出范围链接指向非法名称链接到对象类型 :链接到 :%s 列出归档文件的内容列出已加载进程中的动态共用对象。未设置本地域名本地资源分配失败机器不在网络中定制输出图形的高度像素值定制输出图形的宽度像素值奇怪的名字,或不合法的名字长选项的必要参数同样也是相对应短选项的必要参数。\n长选项的强制或可选参数对对应的短选项也是强制或可选的。手工链接独立的库。主服务器: 主要服务器忙中,完整数据转储已被重调度。内存分配失败内存耗尽内存分页有硬件错误消息过长遗漏或畸形的属性修改时间 :%s修改失败修改操作失败修改输出格式:尝试 Multihop必须为服务器用户选项指定用户名必须为 stat 用户选项指定用户名必须指定用于 restart-interval 选项的值名称名称 [--add-to-archive|--delete-from-archive] 文件... --list-archive [文件]名称 [-a|-m]NIS 客户端/服务器版本不匹配 - 无法支持服务NIS 映射数据库错误NIS+ 操作失败NIS+ 服务器不可达NIS+ 服务器不可用或未安装无对象 号码名称:“%s” 域名服务缓存守护进程。域名服务不是由此服务器提供网络上的名称不是唯一的未知的名称或服务名输出文件名称/条目不唯一不能搜索命名对象需要认证器重置时断开网络连接网络已关闭网络不可达没有可用的 CSI 结构没有可用的 XENIX 信号量没有与主机名关联的地址没有与名字关联的地址没有 anode没有可用的缓冲区空间字符映射表中未给出字符集名称没有子进程没有可用的数据找不到 %s 类别的定义服务器上没有文件空间未创建链接,因为 %s 无法找到 soname没有可用的锁没有匹配找不到介质没有符合需求格式的消息在映射表数据库中没有其他纪录了没有前一个常规表达式未指定程序名未指定程序名没有到主机的路由设备上没有空间没有那个设备没有那个设备或地址没有那个文件或目录在映射表中没有此一键值在服务器的领域数据中找不到此一映射表没有那个进程没有目标于第 %d 行 遭遇违反 NIS+ 命名规则的名称域名解析中出现不可修复的失败无。 不存在的实体地址不是 XENIX 命名的类型文件不是目录找不到找不到,没有那个名字该域没有主服务器不是所有者不支持列数 :%d 对象的数量 :%u 数值参数超出域数值结果超出范围对象 #%d: 对象名称 :%s 对象类型 :对象是远程的同名对象已存在对象特定的硬件错误奇数个引号只在命令行中给出了进程目录。未创建缓存。只有根用户允许使用本选项!只有根用户或 %s 允许使用本选项!操作已经在进行操作已取消不允许的操作由于 RF-kill 而无法操作不支持的操作操作现在正在进行操作将阻塞可选的输出文件前缀流资源不足输出缓冲区可用输出控制:输出选择:所有者 :%s 拥有者已消逝路径进程识别号私有 包未安装参数字串无法正确编码解析错误:%s部分成功经过的对象与服务器上的并不相同多次给出路径“%s”权限不够电源失效用于所有文件访问的前缀常规表达式非正常结束打印缓存印出内容的数据库文件,每项一行印出目前组态统计打印更多信息打印更多消息打印程序版本号需要权限的 opcode需要权限的暂存器可能成功可能找不到进程中断点进程追踪陷阱此项请求已经在处理当中测速评估用的计时器已过时取消了未加载协议驱动程序协议错误不支持的协议族不可用的协议不支持的协议错误的 socket 协议类型在 FILE 中置放输出以代替已安装的位置 (--prefix 不套用到 FILE)对命名表来说查询非法退出RFS 特定错误ROOT程序的 RPC 进程错误NIS 运作 RPC 失败RPC 程序不可用RPC 程序版本错误RPC 结构错误RPC 版本错误RPC:(未知的错误码)RPC:认证错误RPC:无法对结果进行解码RPC:无法对参数进行编码RPC:失败 (未指明的错误)RPC:RPC 版本不兼容RPC: 通信阜映射错误RPC: 无法取得进程RPC:程序未注册RPC:程序不可用RPC:程序/版本不匹配RPC:远程系统错误RPC:服务器无法对参数进行解码RPC:成功RPC:超时RPC:无法接收RPC:无法发送RPC:未知主机RPC:未知协议RSA(%d 位) 代码所使用的 RTLD_NEXT 没有动态加载读取和显示共用对象规范数据。从 NAME 中读取配置数据只读文件系统实时信号 %d常规表达式过大重新在网络群组缓存中加载 “%s (%s,%s,%s)” !在组缓存中重新加载“%s”!在主机缓存中重新加载“%s”!重新在网络群组缓存中加载 “%s” !在服务缓存中重新加载“%s”!在用户数据库缓存中重新加载“%s”!远程 I/O 错误远程地址已改变删除“password”(口令)行或令文件不可由他人读取。从归档文件中删除由参数命名的区域将 %s 改名为 %s 失败重现打开共享对象“%s”失败替换现有的归档文件内容复制: 将错误报告给 %s。 请求参数错误请求已取消请求未取消需要的关键字不存在解析器错误 0 (无错误)解析器内部错误已避免资源死锁资源丢失资源暂时不可用结果发送给返回进程秒数SHOBJ [PROFDATA]字串搜索路径 :%s 段错误服务器忙,重试服务器内存不足服务器拒绝证书服务器拒绝校验要使用的服务配置不支持 ai_socktype 的伺服名称设置与以文件描述符 %d 指定的主伪终端对应的从属伪终端的所有者、组和权限 。 此辅助程序用于 “grantpt” 函数,并未用于直接从命令行运行。 设定程序名关闭服务器空消息队列中到达的消息已产生信号I/O 要求的完成已产生信号异步 I/O 要求的完成已产生信号异步名称查找要求的完成已产生信号计时器的逾期已产生信号kill() 已发送信号sigqueue() 已发送信号内核已发送信号tkill() 已发送信号对非套接字进行套接字操作不支持的套接字类型由软件导致的连接断开在 FILE 中找到源定义Srmount 错误栈失效过旧的文件控柄启动 NUMBER 个线程状态无法回复状态 :%s 停止停止 (信号)停止 (tty 输入)停止 (tty 输出)停止的子进程已继续流管道错误严格遵从 POSIX结构需要清理注标超出范围成功支持的数据库: 支持的表: %s 要获得 bug 报告指示,请见: %s。 关闭警告和信息消息符号字符的名称定义在文件 FILE 中语法:memusage [--data=文件] [--progname=名称] [--png=文件] [--unbuffered] [--buffer=大小] [--no-timer] [--time-based] [--total] [--title=字串] [--x-size=大小] [--y-size=大小] 程序 [PROGRAMOPTION]…系统错误系统信息:系统资源分配失败系统的字符对应目录:%s 编码对应:%s 语区路径 :%s %s表格表 要制作表格TLS 产生计数器被转换运行! 请报告这个情况。表格类型 :%s 域名解析暂时失败已终止文本文件忙以下的列表包含所有已知的编码字符集,但这不代表所有的字符名称组合皆可用于 命令行的 "来源" 以及 "目的" 参数。一个编码字符集可以用几个不同的名称 来表示 (即 "别名")。 拥有者设置为目前用户,群组设置为 “%s” ,而权限设置为 “%o” 。 %s存留时间 : 计时器超时用于输出图形的标题字符串属性过多符号连接的层数过多过多的链接打开的文件过多系统中打开的文件过多进程过多过多的引用:无法接合用户过多经由打印目前运行的函数来追踪程序的运行。 --data=文件 无法运进程序,仅从文件印出数据。 -?,--help 打印这份说明然后离开 --usage 给出简短用法消息 -V,--version 印出版本信息然后离开 对于长选项必要的参数同样必要于任何相应的 短选项。 追踪与中断点陷阱追踪的子进程已落入陷阱尾端的反斜线中介程序已经结束传输端点已连接传输端点尚未连接请尝试 \ ‘%s --help’ 或\ ‘%s --usage’ 以获得更多信息。\n试用“ldd --help”以获取更多信息。试用“%s --help”或“%s --usage”以获取更多信息。 正在尝试 %s... 类型:%s 未知UTC 偏移超出范围无法认证 NIS+ 客户端无法认证 NIS+ 服务器无法创建回调函数无法在服务器上创建进程未知(类型 = %d,位数 = %d) 未知的 .netrc 关键字 %s文件 %s 中未知的 ELFCLASS。 未知的 NIS 错误码未知的操作系统未知的数据库名未知的数据库:%s 未知的错误 未知的主机未知的对象未知的选项:%s %s %s未知的解析器错误未知的服务器错误未知信号未知信号 %d不明信号 %d 未知的系统错误未知的 ypbind 错误不匹配的 ( 或 \(不匹配的 ) 或 \)不匹配的 [、[^、[:、[.、或 [=不匹配的 \{不可识别的变量“%s”紧急的输出入状态用法:用法:%s [-ef] [-F FROMLIST] [-o FILENAME] [-T TOLIST] [--exit] [--follow] [--from FROMLIST] [--output 文件名] [--to TOLIST] [--help] [--usage] [--version] [--] 可运行文件 [EXECUTABLE-OPTION...]\n用法:%s [-v 规范] 变量名 [路径名] 用法:getconf [-v SPEC] VAR 或: getconf [-v SPEC] PATH_VAR 路径 取得变量 VAR 的组态值,或是变量 PATH_VAR 用于路径 PATH。 如果已提供 SPEC,就给出用于编译的 环境 SPEC 值。 用法:ldd [选项]… 文件… --help 印出这份说明然后离开 --version 印出版本信息然后离开 -d, --data-relocs 进程数据重寻址 -r, --function-relocs 进程数据和函数重寻址 -u, --unused 印出未使用的直接依赖关系 -v, --verbose 印出所有信息 用法:lddlibc4 文件 用法:memusage [选项]… 程序 [PROGRAMOPTION]… 剖析程序的内存用量情况。 -n,--progname=名称 要被分析的的程序文件名称 -p,--png=文件 产生 PNG 图形并存为文件 -d,--data=文件 产生二进制数据并存为文件 -u,--unbuffered 不要将输出缓冲 -b,--buffer=大小 收集<大小>条项目后再输出 --no-timer 不通过计时器收集附加信息 -m,--mmap 同时追踪 mmap 和相关者 -?,--help 打印这个说明然后离开 --usage 给出简短用法消息 -V,--version 打印版本信息然后离开 下列的选项只在产生图形输出时有效: -t,--time-based 使图像在时间上是线性的 -T,--total 同时绘制总计内存使用量图形 --title=字串 使用字串作为图形的标题 -x,--x-size=大小 定制图形大小像素宽度 -y,--y-size=大小 定制图形大小像素高度 长选项的必要参数同样也是相对应短选项的必要参数。 用法:sln 源代码 目的|文件 用法:sotruss [选项…] [--] 可运行文件 [EXECUTABLE-OPTION...] -F, --from FROMLIST 追踪来自 FROMLIST 上对象的调用 -T, --to TOLIST 追踪来自 TOLIST 上对象的调用 -e, --exit 也显示来自函数的离开调用 -f, --follow 追踪子进程 -o, --output 文件名 将输出写入 FILENAME (当同时使用 -f 时 则使用 FILENAME.$PID) 以代替标准错误 -?, --help 给出这份说明清单 --usage 给出简短用法消息 --version 印出程序版本用法:xtrace [选项]… 程序 [PROGRAMOPTION]…\n将 CACHE 用作缓存文件将 CONF 用作配置文件为每个用户使用分离的缓存用户定义信号 1用户定义信号 2像素值对已定义的数据类型来说值过大虚拟计时器超时警告:正在忽略无法打开的组态文件:%s命令运行导致奇怪的结果范围改变了写出可用字符映射的名称写出可用区域的名称写出选中范畴的名称写出选中关键字的名称将输出写入到指定文件中写缓冲数据失败由 %s 和 %s 编写。 由 %s 编写。 作者 %s。\n错误的介质类型是的,42 就是存在的意义这次真的被您打败了时区接续行的结束时间不在上一行的结束时间之后[目录...][文件...][文件]“$program”不可执行\n`%.*s' 已被定义为对照元素`%.*s' 已被定义为对照符号已经在字符映射表中定义了“%.*s”已经在指令表中定义了“%.*s”对“%1$s”的定义并不以“END %1%s”结束“%s”和“%.*s”是无效的符号范围名`%s' 不是 `%s' 中正确的测速评估数据文件`digit' 类别在群组 "十" 中没有项目加入新的项目 “%s” 的型态 %s 用于 %s 到 cache%s不支持 ai_family不支持 ai_socktype对齐溢出已经在运行<%s>的参数必须是单个字符“%s”的参数必须是单个字符auth_unix.c: 严重的编组问题错误的参数错误的拥有者Link 行中空白的 FROM 域块释放了两次 内存检查状态 (mcheck_ststus) 有误,您所用的函数库有问题 cache_set:无法分配新的 rpc_buffercache_set:分配 victim 失败cache_set:找不到 victim无法决定在结束时间以后该使用的时区简写无法禁用 CET无法重新指定进程编号 %ld 无法访问 ‘%s’无法再次添加已经读入的“%s”无法添加到区域归档文件无法为对象名称分配缓冲区无法分配依赖缓冲无法分配依赖列表无法为程序头分配内存无法在静态 TLS 块中分配内存无法分配名记录无法分配符号数据无法分配符号搜索列表无法分配版本引用表格无法在重定位后应用额外的内存保护无法附加到进程 %lu无法变更目前的工作目录到 “/”无法变更目前的工作目录到 “/” :%s无法改变内存保护无法改变新归档文件的模式无法改变过大小的区域归档文件的模式无法变更为旧的 GID:%s; 停用偏执模式无法变更为旧的 UID:%s; 停用偏执模式无法变更为旧的工作目录:%s; 停用偏执模式无法关闭文件描述符无法创建 %s; 不使用持久数据库无法创建 %s; 无法共享无法创建 RUNPATH/RPATH 的副本无法创建 TLS 数据结构无法为同子进程交流创建管道无法创建搜索路径缓冲器无法创建功能列表无法为输出文件创建目录无法创建内部描述符无法为范畴“%2$s”创建输出文件“%1$s”无法为“%s”创建只读描述符;没有 mmap无法创建范围列表无法创建搜索路径数组无法创建搜索树无法创建共享对象描述符无法创建临时文件无法创建暂存文件名称无法产生暂时档:%s无法确定转义字符无法确定文件名无法动态载入可执行文件无法动态载入位置无关可执行文件无法启用共享目标需要的执行栈无法启用套接字以接受连接:%s无法扩展全局范围无法扩展区域归档文件找不到进程的程序标头无法 fork无法生成输出文件无法取得目前的工作目录:%s; 停用偏执模式无法获得进程 %lu 的相关信息无法处理旧请求版本 %d;当前版本为 %d无法初始化归档文件由于空的动态字串字组替换而无法加载外部的 `%s' 无法加载 profile 数据无法锁定区域归档文件“%s”无法锁定新归档文件在重新寻址以后无法将节设为可写入状态无法映射归档文件头无法映射数据库文件无法映射区域归档文件无法为 fdesc 表映射页无法为 fptr 表映射页无法映射用零填充的页无法打开无法打开 %s无法打开 %s/任务无法打开 /proc/self/cmdline:%m;停用偏执模式无法打开“%s”无法打开数据库文件 %s无法打开目录“%s”:%s:忽略无法打开输入文件无法打开输入文件“%s”无法打开区域归档文件“%s”无法打开区域定义文件“%s”无法打开输出文件无法打开输出文件“%s”无法为范畴“%2$s”打开输出文件“%1$s”无法打开共享对象文件无法打开套接字:%s无法准备读取 %s/任务无法读入“%s”中的所有文件:忽略无法读入归档文件头无法读入字母映射目录“%s”无法从语区归档读取数据无法读取动态节无法读入文件数据无法读入头无法从“%s”中读入头无法读入 invalidate ACK无法读取链结映射无法读取对象名称无法读取程序标头无法读取程序解译器无法读取 r_debug无法读入统计数据无法改变新归档文件的名称无法重命名暂存文件无法改变归档文件的大小重定位后无法恢复段 prot无法保存新的指令表无法为 %s 设置文件创建语境无法取得数据库文件的状态无法对区域归档文件“%s”进行 stat() 操作无法取得新创建文件的状态无法对共享目标进行 stat 操作无法将输出文件写入“%s”无法写入结果:“%s”无法写入统计:%s无法写入数据库文件 %s: %scap_init 失败cap_set_proc 失败类“%2$s”中的字符“%1$s”必须属于类“%3$s”类“%2$s”中的字符“%1$s”不得属于类“%3$s”字符映射中未定义字符 character L'\u%0*x' (放在类别 `%s' 之中) 必须在类别 `%s' 里面character L'\u%0*x' (放在类别 `%s' 之中) 不能在类别 `%s' 里面字符类“%s”已定义字集对照表 `%s' 已经定义过了字符映射“%s”不兼容ASCII,区域化数据库不符合 ISO C [--no-warnings=ascii]找不到字符映射文件“%s”不支持带有锁定状态的字符集检查监视的文件 '%s': %s子进程以状态 %d 退出 子进程被信号 %d 中断 区域定义中的循环依赖clnt_raw.c:致命的头编序错误命令行连接到地址 %s: 不支持以“%s”为源头的转换不支持从“%s”到“%s”的转换转换模块不可用转换率的值不能为 0由于写入输出时出现的问题转换停止不支持以“%s”为目标的转换不支持从“%s”到“%s”的转换硬链接失败,已复制文件:%s符号链接失败,已复制文件:%s无法初始化条件变量无法开始任何背景工作线程;终止中无法开始清理线程;终止中无法创建 rpc 服务器 无法注册程序 %ld 版本 %ld 不支持数据库“%s”数据库 [键 ...]数据库用于 %s 已损坏或被同步地使用;若必要,手动移除 %s 并重启找不到默认字符映射文件“%s”停用 IDN 编码停用基于 inotify 的监控,在读取错误 %d 发生后为目录 `%s' 禁用基于 inotify 的监控: %s为 `%s' 禁用基于 inotify 的监控: %s重复定义 <%s>重复定义脚本“%s”重复键值重复的集合定义重复定义映射“%s”重复的消息标识符重复的消息编号省略区域必须用两个型别相同的算符标示出来空动态字符串替换空文件名enablecache:缓存已经启用enablecache:无法分配缓存enablecache:无法分配缓存数据enablecache: 无法配置缓存 fifo 管线输出编码原始文本编码取得调用程序识别码时发生错误: %s正在加入同义对照符号时发生错误关闭输入“%s”时出错关闭输出文件时出错正在关闭测试数据文件时发生错误载入共享库时出错读取输入时出错错误:你没有读权限 可运行文件 “$program” 找不到\n以未知的退出码退出找不到应该出现的续行`copy' 的参数应该是字串才对多余的终止分号添加文件监视 `%s' 失败: %s无法创建新区域归档文件载入共享目标文件“%s”失败载入符号数据失败无法从共享目标中映射段测试数据文件 mmap 失败移除文件监视 `%s' 失败: %s启动转换处理失败写入新数据库文件时失败无法读入配置文件;这是致命的为范畴“%s”写入数据失败文件 %s 己被截断 文件名“%s”以“/”开头文件名“%s”部分以“-”开头文件名“%s”包含“%.*s”部分文件名“%s”包含字节“%c”文件名“%s”包含字节“\%o”文件名“%s”中的“%.*s”部分过长文件不是数据库文件文件大小不匹配文件过短“%s”格式无法由早于 2015 年的 zic 版本所处理小数秒会被 2018 年之前的 zic 版本拒绝在 %2$s 缓存中 %1$zu 字节可用fstat 失败字符编码设置结束位置的无用数据数字末尾有无用字符生成调用图从运行次数与经历时间的数据中产生直接的测速结果getgrouplist 失败处理请求:已收到请求 (版本 = %d)处理请求:已从进程ID %2$ld 收到请求 (版本 = %1$d)某处的硬链接含有 ASCII 数字、字母、“-”、“+”之外的字符不足 3 个字符超过 6 个字符标头大小不吻合在表示十六进制的范围时只能用大写的英文本母表示为 `%s` 忽略 inotify 事件(文件存在)字符串末尾的非法转义序列位于 %Zd 的非法输入序列未知 %ld 处的非法输入序列非法的集合编号程序实现的限制: 不能使用超过 %Zd 个字集类别实现限制:不得多于 %d 个字符映射表位于缓冲区末尾的不完整字符或转义序列“%s”中的区域文件不完整初始化 getgrouplist 失败未知类型的输入行整数溢出内部错误内部错误 (非法的描述符)在 %s 的第 %u 行出现内部错误内部错误: symidx 超出 fptr 表的范围无效的 ELF 头无效的 UT 偏移量无效的缩略格式无效的字符:忽略消息无效的日无效的定义给出无效的编码无效的终止年份无效的转义序列无效的闰年无效的行无效的模式无效的 dlopen() 模式无效的模式参数无效的月名称无效的字符范围名称无效的命名空间无效的永久性的数据库文件 “%s” :%s无效的指针大小无效的进程识别号 %s无效的引用字符无效的已保存时间无效的起始年份dlmopen() 中无效的目标名字空间无效的线程识别号 %s无效的时间无效的星期名无效化失败请求中的键过长:%dldd: 选项“$1”具有二义性闰秒出现在创世之前libc4 的库 %s 处于错误的目录中libc5 的库 %s 处于错误的目录中libc5 的库 %s 处于错误的目录中目录 %3$s 中的 %1$s 和 %2$s 的 so 名称相同但类型不同。行过长链接到链接列举所有已知的字符集区域“%s”在归档文件中区域“%s”已存在找不到区域别名文件“%s”区域名称应该仅由可移植的字符组成在制作归档文件时参考 locale.alias 文件lstat 操作失败makecontext:不知道该如何处理多于 8 个参数的情况 忽略格式错误的行最大值文件大小用于 %s 数据库太小内存在分配之前就被覆写了 内存覆写超过了经过的已分配的区块尾部 内存耗尽内存不一致,库有错误 memusage:选项“${1##*=}”具有二义性memusage:无法识别的选项“$1”缺少文件参数缓冲文件的 mmap 失败。 监视的文件 '%s' 变了 (mtime)监视文件 `%s' 原为 %s,添加监视监视文件 `%s' 原为 %s,移除监视监视的文件 '%s' 被写入监视父目录 `%s' 原为 %s,移除 `%s' 上的监视监视目录 `%s` (%d)监视文件 %s, 用于数据库 %s监控文件 `%s' (%d)多于一个动态段 需要绝对文件名称用于组态文件时正在使用 -r需要是已安装的 setuid “root”从未注册的程序 %d 无即未给出 也未给出 无 POSIX 环境变量用于区没有条目可供处理没有定义输入数字,在字集对照表中也找不到相符的标准名称无更多内存可用于数据库 “%s” 无更多命名空间可见于 dlmopen ()使用“copy”时不应再使用其它关键字没有定义输出数字,在字集对照表中也找不到相符的标准名称由于出现错误,没有产生输出文件由于出现警告而未生成输出文件没有给出符号名没有为范围的结束给出符号化的名称无效的 %s/task 条目在 e_ident 中填补非零值在字集对照表中无法找到某些在 `outdigit' 中用到的字符在编码映射表中无法找到某些在 `outdigit' 中用到的字符不是普通文件nscd 配置: %15d 服务器调试级别 nscd 未运行! 在范围起始与结束的字节序列中,字节的数目并不一致: %d vs %d目标文件没有动态节目标文件没有可加载段从输出中忽略无效的字符只有 ET_DYN 以及 ET_EXEC 可以加载只有 WIDTH 定义才能直接写在 CHARMAP 定义之后`%.*s' 的顺序已经在 %s:%Zu 里面定义了内存不足内存不足 输出文件参数为 null 或未设置pmap_getmaps.c: 远程进程调用问题poll: 通信协定在设置线路时失效 prctl(KEEPCAPS) 失败2014 之前的客户端可能会错误处理超过 1200 次的改变次数`translit_ignore' 定义没有按时结束前一个定义在这里打印当前路径的列表和他们的使用次数打印进度信息读取“%s”时出错进程 %lu 并非 ELF 程序测试数据文件 `%s' 与共用对象文件 `%s' 不符合提供访问到 FD %d, 用于 %spruning %s 缓存;时间 %ldrcmd: %s: 读入数据过短rcmd:无法分配内存 rcmd: poll (正在设置标准错误输出): %m rcmd:socket:所有端口都已在使用了 rcmd: write (正在设置标准错误输出): %m re-exec 失败:%s; 停用偏执模式读取 ELF 头部失败读取节头部字符串表失败读取节头部失败参考客户端会错误处理超过 %d 次的改变次数registerrpc:内存不足 用来建置缓存的相对路径 `%s'找不到编码映射表 `%s'由于缺少权限而无法处理来自 %ld 的要求由于缺少权限而无法处理来自 '%s' [%ld] 的要求要求无法控柄的由于缺少权限范围的结果字节无法被表述出来。规则超过开始/结束月分;将无法用于 2004 年之前的 zic 版本多个文件中的相同规则名安全服务不再实现setgroups 失败无法用 dlopen() 打开共享库共享库未打开读入请求键的时候没有读入足够的数据:%s读取请求时没有读入足够的数据:%s写入 %s 的数据过短: %s大小溢出socket: 通信协定在设置线路时失效 标准输入范围的起始和终止字符序列必须具有相同的长度起始年份大于终止年份stat 文件 `%s' 失败;将稍后再试: %s无法对“%s”运行 stat:%s:忽略用于数据库 %s 的建议表格大小大于永久性的数据库表格关闭警告svc_run: - 内存不足svc_run: - poll 失败svc_tcp.c - 无法进行 getsockname 或 listen 操作svc_tcp.c - tcp 套接字创建问题svc_unix.c - AF_UNIX 套接字创建问题svc_unix.c - 无法进行 getsockname 或 listen 操作svcudp_create - 无法调用 getsocknamesvcudp_create: 套接字创建问题svcudp_create:xp_pad 对 IP_PKTINFO 来说太小 符号 `%.*s' 并不在字集对照表中符号 `%.*s' 并不在编码映射表中符号“%s”跟符号 `%s' 有相同的编码: 符号“%s”未定义符号查询错误硬链接失败,已使用符号链接:%s语法错误%s 的定义中的语法错误:%s序言中语法错误:%s编码映射表中的定义有语法错误: %s语法错误:不在区域定义节之中这是第一个定义时间溢出时间过大时间太小时区缩写与 POSIX 标准不同时区缩写少于 3 个字母时区缩写字母太多区域定义的结尾值 比起始值 还要小字符序列定义的结尾值比起始值还要小字符编码中字节数过少选项过多字符编码中字节数过多错误过多;放弃太多闰秒过多的本地时间类型过多的改变次数过多或过长的时区缩写行尾出现无用字符回应程序 %d 时发生困难 为同一时间点制订了两种规则输入的年分是同一年无法为输入分配缓冲区无法释放参数未定义未起始的标头未知未知的字符“%s”未知的指令“%s”:忽略此行未知的 iconv() 错误 %d未知名称 “%s” 未知集合“%s”未知的规范“%s”无法识别的选项不支持的 dlinfo 请求未终止的消息未终止的字符串未终止的符号名范围的上限小于下限在非闰年时用到 2/29 日%s 的值必须为整数<%s>的值必须是 1 或更大<%s> 的值必须大于等于 <%s> 的值24 小时以上的值无法由早于 2007 的 zic 版本所处理验证失败版本查找错误警告: 警告:变量 LOCPATH 设置为 “%s” 警告:你没有执行权限 插入搜索树时在打开旧分类文件时准备输出时当分析 profile 数据文件zic_t 的万用编译时间规格用来指定 UCS 值的范围时得用十六进制表示的省略符号 `..'用来指定字符编码值的范围时得用绝对位置的省略符号 `…'用符号名称来指定字符编码范围时不可以用绝对位置的省略符号 `…'写入不完整可由除所有者之外的人写入错误的 ELF 类:ELFCLASS32错误的 ELF 类:ELFCLASS64参数个数错误闰时设置行的字段数目错误链接行中域的个数错误规则行中域的个数错误时区接续行的字段数目不对区域行中域的个数错误xtrace:无法识别的选项“$1”\n年类型 “%s” 过时;使用 ”-“ 替代是yp_update:无法将主机名转换为网名 yp_update:无法获取服务器地址 PRIu64PRIuMAXPRIdMAXconsidering %s entry "%s", timeout % %s cache: %15s cache is enabled %15s cache is persistent %15s cache is shared %15zu suggested size %15zu total data pool size %15zu used data pool size %15lu seconds time to live for positive entries %15lu seconds time to live for negative entries %15 cache hits on positive entries %15 cache hits on negative entries %15 cache misses on positive entries %15 cache misses on negative entries %15lu%% cache hit rate %15zu current number of cached values %15zu maximum number of cached values %15zu maximum chain length searched %15 number of delays on rdlock %15 number of delays on wrlock %15 memory allocations failed %15s check /etc/%s for changes "%s", line %: (rule from "%s", line %)duplicate zone name %s (file "%s", line %)认为中 %s 项目 “%s” ,逾时 % %s 缓存: %15s 缓存已启用 %15s 缓存为持续的 %15s 缓存为共享 %15zu 建议的大小 %15zu 总计数据保存池大小 %15zu 使用的数据保存池大小 %15lu 正项目的存在时间(秒) %15lu 负项目的存在时间(秒) %15 正项目中找到缓存数 %15 负项目中找到缓存数 %15 正项目中遗漏的缓存数 %15 负项目中遗漏的缓存数 %15lu%% 缓存找到的比例 %15zu 目前缓存的数量值 %15zu 最大值缓存数量值 %15zu 已搜索最大值链接长度 %15 rdlock 延迟数量 %15 wrlock 延迟数量 %15 内存配置失败 %15s 检查 /etc/%s 的变更 "%s", 第 %行: (规则来自 "%s",第 % 行)重复的区域名称 %s (文件“%s”,行 %)