# /etc/adduser.conf: `adduser' configuration. # See adduser(8) and adduser.conf(5) for full documentation. # A commented out setting indicates that this is the default in the # code. If you need to change those settings, remove the comment and # make your intended change. # STDERRMSGLEVEL, STDOUTMSGLEVEL, and LOGMSGLEVEL set the minimum # priority for messages logged to syslog/journal and the console, # respectively. # Values are trace, debug, info, warn, err, and fatal. # Messages with the set priority or higher get logged to the # respective medium. #STDERRMSGLEVEL=warn #STDOUTMSGLEVEL=info #SYSLOGLEVEL=info # The login shell to be used for all new users. # Default: DSHELL=/bin/bash #DSHELL=/bin/bash # The directory in which new home directories should be created. # Default: DHOME=/home # DHOME=/home # The directory from which skeletal user configuration files # will be copied. # Default: SKEL=/etc/skel #SKEL=/etc/skel # Specify inclusive ranges of UIDs and GIDs from which UIDs and GIDs # for system users, system groups, non-system users and non-system groups # can be dynamically allocated. # Default: FIRST_SYSTEM_UID=100, LAST_SYSTEM_UID=999 #FIRST_SYSTEM_UID=100 #LAST_SYSTEM_UID=999 # Default: FIRST_SYSTEM_GID=100, LAST_SYSTEM_GID=999 #FIRST_SYSTEM_GID=100 #LAST_SYSTEM_GID=999 # Default: FIRST_UID=1000, LAST_UID=59999 #FIRST_UID=1000 #LAST_UID=59999 # Default: FIRST_GID=1000, LAST_GID=59999 #FIRST_GID=1000 #LAST_GID=59999 # Specify a file or a directory containing UID and GID pool. #UID_POOL=/etc/adduser-pool.conf #UID_POOL=/etc/adduser-pool.d/ #GID_POOL=/etc/adduser-pool.conf #GID_POOL=/etc/adduser-pool.d/ # Specify whether each created non-system user will be # given their own group to use. # Default: USERGROUPS=yes #USERGROUPS=yes # Defines the groupname or GID of the group all newly-created # non-system users are placed into. # It is a configuration error to define both variables # even if the values are consistent. # Default: USERS_GID=undefined, USERS_GROUP=users #USERS_GID=100 #USERS_GROUP=users # The permissions mode for home directories of non-system users. # Default: DIR_MODE=0750 #DIR_MODE=0750 # The permissions mode for home directories of system users. # Default: SYS_DIR_MODE=0750 #SYS_DIR_MODE=0750 # If set to a nonempty value, new users will have quotas copied # from that user with `edquota -p QUOTAUSER newuser' # Default: QUOTAUSER="" #QUOTAUSER="" # Non-system user- and groupnames are checked against this regular # expression. # Default: NAME_REGEX="^[a-z][-a-z0-9_]*\$?$" #NAME_REGEX="^[a-z][-a-z0-9_]*\$?$" # System user- and groupnames are checked against this regular # expression. # Default: SYS_NAME_REGEX="^[A-Za-z_][-A-Za-z0-9_]*\$?$" #SYS_NAME_REGEX="^[A-Za-z_][-A-Za-z0-9_]*\$?$" # When populating the newly created home directory of a non-system user, # files in SKEL matching this regex are not copied. # Default: SKEL_IGNORE_REGEX="\.(dpkg|ucf)-(old|new|dist|save)$" #SKEL_IGNORE_REGEX="\.(dpkg|ucf)-(old|new|dist|save)$" # list of groups that new non-system users will be added to # if ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS is non-zero or set on the command line. # Default: EXTRA_GROUPS="users" #EXTRA_GROUPS="users" # Setting this to something other than 0 will cause adduser to add # newly created non-system users to the list of groups defined by # EXTRA_GROUPS. # Default: ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS=0 #ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS=0 # use extrausers by default #USE_EXTRAUSERS=1