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@H5kH荬ULK4PLC,1H H=dH5HcHAXZf@UHH=SH`HxH>bHEHt=Hx@H5HHx_HHs0H{@(C(tC,1H[]øAUATUSHHw,tHw0H9YE1s(H{|buHD[]A\A]f.^H-,8]cH{@H5}jIEMH ƝI1AH=OZcH5CHcHHD[]A\A]@H{Hs^CF^L-8HbH{@H5iI譪MH IH=1bH5HHcAՋs(H{SaAHW8H9H`]L%8bH{@H5=iHULK8PLC01H xH=bH5HcHAZAYfD}L%naH{@H5hH艩IH IH=1aH5HcHAfDH(dH%(HD$1H4$Ht$HG\HT$dH+%(uH(m]ff.fHHuH PL /L8PH5H=PH3P1`H H=\H51HHH%=D= tfATUH-S1^H5ЖI DHuHLx[tu[]A\HcH6HH=v Ht[]A\x[H5U H5% AWL=AVIAUIATAUH-SL)HUHt1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_ff.HH[-Z] %d UTF-8iiExtended Help for UnZipinstead.Basic unzip command line:Some examples:options.Basic zipinfo command line:unzip options: -hh Display extended help. -t Test archive files. zip -o but faster. verbose output.unzip modifiers: restore. standard header. care. directory levels. user privileges. system privileges.Wildcards:Include and Exclude: cat archive | funzipTesting archives: quieter operation.Unicode: digit.funzip stream extractor:funzip command line:unzipsfx self extractor:unzipsfx command line:unzipsfx options:unzipsfx modifiers: -n - Never overwrite. -q - Quiet operation. -j - Junk paths.0b\\\\\\\\\\\\`\\\\\\\a8_b\_\\a\P^`_\@`^\\\pax_Pa^b\0\\\\b\\p^]]\\`\`\`\_\b_@b ^\\bX_ a\\\]See "unzip -hh" or unzip.txt for more help. Examples: unzip data1 -x joe => extract all files except joe from zipfile data1.zip %s unzip -fo foo %-6s => quietly replace existing %s if archive file newer modifiers: -n never overwrite existing files -q quiet mode (-qq => quieter) -o overwrite files WITHOUT prompting -a auto-convert any text files -j junk paths (do not make directories) -aa treat ALL files as text -U use escapes for all non-ASCII Unicode -UU ignore any Unicode fields -C match filenames case-insensitively -L make (some) names lowercase %-42s -V retain VMS version numbers %s -O CHARSET specify a character encoding for DOS, Windows and OS/2 archives -I CHARSET specify a character encoding for UNIX and other archives -p extract files to pipe, no messages -l list files (short format) -f freshen existing files, create none -t test compressed archive data -u update files, create if necessary -z display archive comment only -v list verbosely/show version info %s -x exclude files that follow (in xlist) -d extract files into exdir -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage).Usage: unzip %s[-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir] Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir; file[.zip] may be a wildcard. %s Latest sources and executables are at ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/ ; see ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/UnZip.html for other sites. UnZip %d.%d%d%s of %s, by Debian. Original by Info-ZIP. 05 Jan 2007 [decryption, version %d.%d%s of %s] WILD_STOP_AT_DIRVMS_TEXT_CONVUSE_BZIP2 (PKZIP 4.6+, using bzip2 lib version %s)ZIP64_SUPPORT (archives using Zip64 for large files supported)LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT (large files over 2 GiB supported)otherUTF-8UNICODE_SUPPORT [wide-chars, char coding: %s] (handle UTF-8 paths)USE_DEFLATE64 (PKZIP 4.x Deflate64(tm) supported)USE_UNSHRINK (PKZIP/Zip 1.x unshrinking method supported)USE_EF_UT_TIMEUNIXBACKUPTIMESTAMPSYMLINKS (symbolic links supported, if RTL and file system permit)SET_DIR_ATTRIBCOPYRIGHT_CLEAN (PKZIP 0.9x unreducing method not supported)ACORN_FTYPE_NFS[none]%16s: %.1024s UnZip and ZipInfo environment options: %s UnZip special compilation options: -M page output through built-in "more" miscellaneous options: -h print header line -t print totals for listed files or for all -z print zipfile comment %c-T%c print file times in sortable decimal format %c-C%c be case-insensitive %s -x exclude filenames that follow from listing -O CHARSET specify a character encoding for DOS, Windows and OS/2 archives -I CHARSET specify a character encoding for UNIX and other archives main listing-format options: -s short Unix "ls -l" format (def.) -1 filenames ONLY, one per line -m medium Unix "ls -l" format -2 just filenames but allow -h/-t/-z -l long Unix "ls -l" format -v verbose, multi-page format ZipInfo %d.%d%d%s of %s, by Greg Roelofs and the Info-ZIP group. List name, date/time, attribute, size, compression method, etc., about files in list (excluding those in xlist) contained in the specified .zip archive(s). "file[.zip]" may be a wildcard name containing %s. usage: zipinfo [-12smlvChMtTz] file[.zip] [list...] [-x xlist...] or: unzip %s-Z%s [-12smlvChMtTz] file[.zip] [list...] [-x xlist...] *, ?, [] (e.g., "[a-j]*.zip") -K keep setuid/setgid/tacky permissions -M pipe through "more" pager -X restore UID/GID info -T timestamp archive to latest unzip -p foo | more => send contents of foo.zip via pipe into program more ReadMecaution: both -n and -o specified; ignoring -o error: -fn or any combination of -c, -l, -p, -t, -u and -v options invalid error: -Z must be first option for ZipInfo mode (check UNZIP variable?) error: must give decryption password with -P option error: -d option used more than once (only one exdir allowed) error: must specify directory to which to extract with -d option caution: not extracting; -d ignored error: command line parameter #%d exceeds internal size limit envargs: cannot get memory for argumentsZIPINFOOPTZIPINFOUNZIPOPTUNZIPCompiled with %s%s for %s%s%s%s. zipinfo (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly) caution: excluded filename not matched: %s caution: filename not matched: %s error [%s]: attempt to seek before beginning of zipfile %serror: expected central file header signature not found (file #%lu). note: didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir. 20 April 2009??See the UnZip Manual for more detailed helpUnZip lists and extracts files in zip archives. The default action is toextract zipfile entries to the current directory, creating directories asneeded. With appropriate options, UnZip lists the contents of archives unzip [-Z] options archive[.zip] [file ...] [-x xfile ...] [-d exdir] unzip -l foo.zip - list files in short format in archive foo.zip unzip -t foo - test the files in archive foo unzip -Z foo - list files using more detailed zipinfo format unzip foo - unzip the contents of foo in current dir unzip -a foo - unzip foo and convert text files to local OSIf unzip is run in zipinfo mode, a more detailed list of archive contentsis provided. The -Z option sets zipinfo mode and changes the available zipinfo options archive[.zip] [file ...] [-x xfile ...] unzip -Z options archive[.zip] [file ...] [-x xfile ...]Below, Mac OS refers to Mac OS before Mac OS X. Mac OS X is a Unix basedport and is referred to as Unix Apple. -Z Switch to zipinfo mode. Must be first option. -A [OS/2, Unix DLL] Print extended help for DLL. -c Extract files to stdout/screen. As -p but include names. Also, -a allowed and EBCDIC conversions done if needed. -f Freshen by extracting only if older file on disk. -l List files using short form. -p Extract files to pipe (stdout). Only file data is output and all files extracted in binary mode (as stored). -T Set timestamp on archive(s) to that of newest file. Similar to -u Update existing older files on disk as -f and extract new files. -v Use verbose list format. If given alone as unzip -v show version information. Also can be added to other list commands for more -z Display only archive comment. -a Convert text files to local OS format. Convert line ends, EOF marker, and from or to EBCDIC character set as needed. -b Treat all files as binary. [Tandem] Force filecode 180 ('C'). [VMS] Autoconvert binary files. -bb forces convert of all files. -B [UNIXBACKUP compile option enabled] Save a backup copy of each overwritten file in foo~ or foo~99999 format. -C Use case-insensitive matching. -D Skip restoration of timestamps for extracted directories. On VMS this is on by default and -D essentially becames -DD. -DD Skip restoration of timestamps for all entries. -E [MacOS (not Unix Apple)] Display contents of MacOS extra field during -F [Acorn] Suppress removal of NFS filetype extension. [Non-Acorn if ACORN_FTYPE_NFS] Translate filetype and append to name. -i [MacOS] Ignore filenames in MacOS extra field. Instead, use name in -j Junk paths and deposit all files in extraction directory. -J [BeOS] Junk file attributes. [MacOS] Ignore MacOS specific info. -K [AtheOS, BeOS, Unix] Restore SUID/SGID/Tacky file attributes. -L Convert to lowercase any names from uppercase only file system. -LL Convert all files to lowercase. -M Pipe all output through internal pager similar to Unix more(1). -n Never overwrite existing files. Skip extracting that file, no prompt. -N [Amiga] Extract file comments as Amiga filenotes. -o Overwrite existing files without prompting. Useful with -f. Use with -P p Use password p to decrypt files. THIS IS INSECURE! Some OS show command line to other users. -q Perform operations quietly. The more q (as in -qq) the quieter. -s [OS/2, NT, MS-DOS] Convert spaces in filenames to underscores. -S [VMS] Convert text files (-a, -aa) into Stream_LF format. -U [UNICODE enabled] Show non-local characters as #Uxxxx or #Lxxxxxx ASCII text escapes where x is hex digit. [Old] -U used to leave names uppercase if created on MS-DOS, VMS, etc. See -L. -UU [UNICODE enabled] Disable use of stored UTF-8 paths. Note that UTF-8 paths stored as native local paths are still processed as Unicode. -V Retain VMS file version numbers. -W [Only if WILD_STOP_AT_DIR] Modify pattern matching so ? and * do not match directory separator /, but ** does. Allows matching at specific -X [VMS, Unix, OS/2, NT, Tandem] Restore UICs and ACL entries under VMS, or UIDs/GIDs under Unix, or ACLs under certain network-enabled versions of OS/2, or security ACLs under Windows NT. Can require -XX [NT] Extract NT security ACLs after trying to enable additional -Y [VMS] Treat archived name endings of .nnn as VMS version numbers. -$ [MS-DOS, OS/2, NT] Restore volume label if extraction medium is removable. -$$ allows fixed media (hard drives) to be labeled. -/ e [Acorn] Use e as extension list. -: [All but Acorn, VM/CMS, MVS, Tandem] Allow extract archive members into locations outside of current extraction root folder. This allows paths such as ../foo to be extracted above the current extraction directory, which can be a security problem. -^ [Unix] Allow control characters in names of extracted entries. Usually this is not a good thing and should be avoided. -2 [VMS] Force unconditional conversion of names to ODS-compatible names. Default is to exploit destination file system, preserving cases and extended name characters on ODS5 and applying ODS2 filtering on ODS2. Internally unzip supports the following wildcards: ? (or %% or #, depending on OS) matches any single character * matches any number of characters, including zero [list] matches char in list (regex), can do range [ac-f], all but [!bf] If port supports [], must escape [ as [[] For shells that expand wildcards, escape (\* or "*") so unzip can recurse. -i pattern pattern ... include files that match a pattern -x pattern pattern ... exclude files that match a pattern Patterns are paths with optional wildcards and match paths as stored in archive. Exclude and include lists end at next option or end of line. unzip archive -x pattern pattern ...Multi-part (split) archives (archives created as a set of split files): Currently split archives are not readable by unzip. A workaround is to use zip to convert the split archive to a single-file archive and use unzip on that. See the manual page for Zip 3.0 or later.Streaming (piping into unzip): Currently unzip does not support streaming. The funzip utility can be used to process the first entry in a stream. -t test contents of archive This can be modified using -q for quieter operation, and -qq for even If compiled with Unicode support, unzip automatically handles archives with Unicode entries. Currently Unicode on Win32 systems is limited. Characters not in the current character set are shown as ASCII escapes in the form #Uxxxx where the Unicode character number fits in 16 bits, or #Lxxxxxx where it doesn't, where x is the ASCII character for a hexzipinfo options (these are used in zipinfo mode (unzip -Z ...)): -1 List names only, one per line. No headers/trailers. Good for scripts. -2 List names only as -1, but include headers, trailers, and comments. -s List archive entries in short Unix ls -l format. Default list format. -m List in long Unix ls -l format. As -s, but includes compression %. -l List in long Unix ls -l format. As -m, but compression in bytes. -v List zipfile information in verbose, multi-page format. -h List header line. Includes archive name, actual size, total files. -M Pipe all output through internal pager similar to Unix more(1) command. -t List totals for files listed or for all files. Includes uncompressed and compressed sizes, and compression factors. -T Print file dates and times in a sortable decimal format (yymmdd.hhmmss) Default date and time format is a more human-readable version. -U [UNICODE] If entry has a UTF-8 Unicode path, display any characters not in current character set as text #Uxxxx and #Lxxxxxx escapes representing the Unicode character number of the character in hex. -UU [UNICODE] Disable use of any UTF-8 path information. -z Include archive comment if any in listing. funzip extracts the first member in an archive to stdout. Typically used to unzip the first member of a stream or pipe. If a file argument is given, read from that file instead of stdin. funzip [-password] [input[.zip|.gz]] Self-extracting archives made with unzipsfx are no more (or less) portable across different operating systems than unzip executables. In general, a self-extracting archive made on a particular Unix system, for example, will only self-extract under the same flavor of Unix. Regular unzip may still be used to extract embedded archive however. [-options] [file(s) ... [-x xfile(s) ...]] -c, -p - Output to pipe. (See above for unzip.) -f, -u - Freshen and Update, as for unzip. -t - Test embedded archive. (Can be used to list contents.) -z - Print archive comment. (See unzip above.) Most unzip modifiers are supported. These include -a - Convert text files. -o - Overwrite without prompting. -C - Match names case-insensitively. -V - Keep version numbers. -s - Convert spaces to underscores. -$ - Restore volume label.If unzipsfx compiled with SFX_EXDIR defined, -d option also available: -d exd - Extract to directory exd.By default, all files extracted to current directory. This optionforces extraction to specified directory.See unzipsfx manual page for more information.error: encodings can't be negaterror: a valid character encoding should follow the -I argument the -O argument     AAAAAAAAA A  A  A  A  A AA  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@AB  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@AVMSPK[text] [empty] [binary]warninglseekEOFlocaltestlinkextractexplod [inflatbunzipp%-22s warning-centralrbsymlink errorwvrrrrurssrr8tjsmjserror: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb) error: not enough memory for bomb detection error [%s]: bad extra-field CRC %08lx (should be %08lx) error: unsupported extra-field compression type (%u)--skipping unknown error on extended attributes out of memory while inflating EAs unknown compression method for EAs (%u) bad CRC for extended attributes unsupported NTSD EAs version %d invalid compressed data for EAs bad extra-field entry: EF block length (%u bytes) invalid (< %d) bad extra-field entry: EF block length (%u bytes) exceeds remaining EF data (%u bytes) compressed WinNT security data missing (%d bytes)%s compressed EA data missing (%d bytes)%s bad CRC %08lx (should be %08lx) %s: unknown compression method warning: %s is probably truncated unshrinkexplodebunzipinflateinvalid compressed data to not enough memory to error: %s%s error: %s%s %s %lu file%s skipped because of unsupported compression or encoding. No errors detected in %s for the %lu file%s tested. No errors detected in compressed data of %s. (may instead be incorrect password) %lu file%s skipped because of incorrect password. skipping: %-22s incorrect password skipping: %-22s unable to get password %s: stored in VMS format. Extract anyway? (y/n) Caution: zero files tested in %s. At least one %serror was detected in %s. error: invalid response [%s] new name: NULL (EOF or read error, treating as "[N]one" ...) replace %s? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: %-22s -> %s finishing deferred symbolic links: warning: deferred symlink (%s) failed: invalid placeholder file warning: deferred symlink (%s) failed: out of memory failed setting times/attribs for %lu dir entrieswarning: set times/attribs failed for %s warning: cannot alloc memory to sort dir times/perms/etc. warning: cannot alloc memory for dir times/permissions/UID/GID skipping: %-22s %svolume label warning: stripped absolute path spec from %s warning: %s appears to use backslashes as path separators (attempting to re-compensate) file #%lu: bad local header local header sig%s: bad file comment length %s %s: %s bytes required to uncompress to %s bytes; %s supposed to require %s bytes%s%s%s %8sing: %-22s %s%sfile #%lu: bad zipfile offset (%s): %ld %s: bad extra field length (%s) %s: ucsize %s <> csize %s for STORED entry continuing with "compressed" size value file #%lu (%s): mismatch between local and central GPF bit 11 ("UTF-8"), continuing with central flag (IsUTF8 = %d) %s: mismatching "local" filename (%s), continuing with "central" filename version %s: warning, no memory for comparison with local header %s: bad filename length (%s)  abPPMdWavPackIBM LZ77IBM/TerseLZMAbzip2DCL implodedeflate64deflatetokenizeimplodereduceshrinkstore skipping: %-22s `%s' method not supported skipping: %-22s unsupported compression method %u skipping: %-22s need %s compat. v%u.%u (can do v%u.%u) w+bbus errorillegal instructionsegmentation violation with no real filex@ҳ#IJ# c';Zx0Nmpassword incorrect--reenter: Enter password: [%s] %s password: --- Press `Q' to quit, or any other key to continue -----More--(%lu)%s exists and is a symbolic link%s. error: zipfile probably corrupt (%s) %s: write error (disk full?). Continue? (y/n/^C) warning: extra field (type: 0x%04x) corrupt. Continuing... warning: extra field too long (%d). Ignoring... warning: Converted unicode filename too long--truncating. warning: filename too long--truncating. error: zipfile read error error: cannot create %s %s ~error: cannot rename old %s %s error: cannot delete old %s %s error: cannot open zipfile [ %s ] %s ׃Ѫ++++--+-+++---+i++_̯յݯ=??'".^%So??YϾ󨷵ǎԐѥ噞ᅠƄФ*(incomplete l-tree) (incomplete d-tree)  cc  !1Aa  0@`cccc #+3;CScs #+3;CScs     %s %s %03u%04X9NXFSStoredShrunkReduce1Reduce2Reduce3Reduce4ImplodeTokenDefl:#Def64#ImplDCLBZip2LZMATerseIBMLZ77WavPackPPMdUnk:###--------- ------- %s %lu file%s %s %02u%c%02u%c%02u %02u:%02u %c-------- ------- --- ------- %s %s %4s %lu file%s %s %-7s%s %4s %02u%c%02u%c%02u %02u:%02u %08lx %c%s ("^" ==> case %s conversion) -------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ---- Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name--------- ---------- ----- ---- Length Date Time Name100%%%c%d%% [%s] %sEmpty zipfile. s were was%02x warning: Unicode Path checksum invalid warning: Unicode Path version > 1 The zipfile comment is truncated. ========================= zipfile comment ends =========================== ======================== zipfile comment begins ========================== The zipfile comment is %u bytes long and contains the following text: There is no zipfile comment. caution: zipfile comment truncated Updated time stamp for %s. warning: cannot set time for %s End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. error [%s]: reported length of central directory is %s bytes too long (Atari STZip zipfile? J.H.Holm ZIPSPLIT 1.1 zipfile?). Compensating... error: End-of-centdir-64 signature not where expected (prepended bytes?) (attempting to process anyway) fatal error: read failure while seeking for End-of-centdir-64 signature. This zipfile is corrupt. error [%s]: start of central directory not found; zipfile corrupt. %swarning [%s]: zipfile is empty error [%s]: NULL central directory offset (attempting to process anyway) error [%s]: missing %s bytes in zipfile (attempting to process anyway) Archive: %s warning [%s]: %s extra byte%s at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway) warning [%s]: zipfile claims to be last disk of a multi-part archive; attempting to process anyway, assuming all parts have been concatenated together in order. Expect "errors" and warnings...true multi-part support doesn't exist yet (coming soon). warning [%s]: end-of-central-directory record claims this is disk %lu but that the central directory starts on disk %lu; this is a contradiction. Attempting to process anyway. [%s]: Zipfile is disk %lu of a multi-disk archive, and this is not the disk on which the central zipfile directory begins (disk %lu). note: %s may be a plain executable, not an archive unzip%s: cannot find or open %s, %s.zip or %s. %s: cannot find zipfile directory in one of %s or %s%s.zip, and cannot find %s, period. No zipfiles found. %d "zipfiles" were directories. 1 "zipfile" was a directory. %d file%s had no zipfile directory. %d archive%s had fatal errors. %d archive%s had warnings but no fatal errors. %d archive%s successfully processed. error: cannot allocate unzip buffers /dev/tty(line too long--try again) error: internal fatal libbzip2 error number %d @@@P@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@p@@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@p@@@@@@@@@@@@0xxxt`HsPWV3sP3sP3333sP3sPsPsP33XL@UL@L@L@L@L@&UL@UUL@pU|UJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecfatamivmsunxcmsatrhpfmaczzzcpmt20ntfqdsacovftmvsbe nskthsosx??????????????????????????????ath???NXFSstorshrkre:1re:2re:3re:4i#:#tokndef#d64#dclibzp2lzmaterslz77wavpppmdu###???? ??? ?? ??:??:??%04u%02u%02u.%02u%02u%02u%u %s %u %02u:%02u:%02u%02u-%s-%02u %02u:%02u%03d-------------------------- file comment ends ----------------------------- ------------------------- file comment begins ---------------------------- There is no file comment. GMT modification/access times onlyGMT modification/access times and Unix UID/GID There %s a local extra field with ID 0x%04x (%s) and %u data bytes (%s). %02x: . The first 20 are: . The 128-bit MD5 signature is %s. The file was originally a Tandem %s file, with file code %uObjectEditKey SequencedEntry SequencedRelativeUnstructured. The AOS/VS extra field revision is %d.%d. The QDOS extra field subtype is `%c%c%c%c'. The local extra field has %lu bytes of %scompressed BeOS file attributes. The local extra field has %lu bytes of %scompressed AtheOS file attributes. File is marked as %s, File Dates are in %d BitData-forkResource-fork. File is marked as %s. The associated file has type code `0x%lx' and creator code `0x%lx'. The associated file has type code `%c%c%c%c' and creator code `%c%c%c%c'. The local extra field has %lu bytes of %scompressed Macintosh finder attributes. The Mac long filename is %s. The first 24 UTF8 bytes in the extra field (V%u, ASCII name CRC `%.8lx') are: . The UTF8 data of the extra field (V%u, ASCII name CRC `%.8lx') are: creationaccessmodification. The local extra field has UTC/GMT %s time%s. The local extra field has %lu bytes of NT security descriptor data. The local extra field has %lu bytes of access control list informationcompressed(?)deflatedrun-length encodedstored. The extra field is %s and has %u bytes of VMS %s information%s. The local extra field has %lu bytes of OS/2 extended attributes. (May not match OS/2 "dir" amount due to storage method)unknownTheosTandem NSKASi UnixFred Kantor MD5Acorn SparkFSAOS/VSSMS/QDOSBeOSAtheOSSecurity DescriptorOS/2 ACLMVSVM/CMSZipIt Macintosh (short)SmartZip MacintoshZipIt Macintoshnew Info-ZIP Macintoshold Info-ZIP MacintoshUTF8 entry commentUTF8 path nameuniversal timeUnix UID/GID (any size)Unix UID/GID (16-bit)old Info-ZIP Unix/OS2/NTInfo-ZIP VMSPKWARE UnixPKWARE Win32PKWARE VMSOS/2PKWARE AVPKWARE 64-bit sizes - A subfield with ID 0x%04x (%s) and %u data bytes The central-directory extra field contains: error: EF data block (type 0x%04x) size %u exceeds remaining extra field space %u; block length has been truncated. ??? 386 program 286 program 86 program Indexed Keyed Direct Sequential Directory Library Theos file attributes (%04X hex): %s MS-DOS file attributes (%02X hex): %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s MS-DOS file attributes (%02X hex): read-only MS-DOS file attributes (%02X hex): none non-MSDOS external file attributes: %06lX hex Unix file attributes (%06o octal): %s Amiga file attributes (%06o octal): %s VMS file attributes (%06o octal): %s apparent file type: %s disk number on which file begins: disk %lu length of file comment: %u characters length of extra field: %u bytes length of filename: %u characters uncompressed size: %s bytes compressed size: %s bytes 32-bit CRC value (hex): %.8lx UTClocal file last modified on (UT extra field modtime): %s %s file last modified on (DOS date/time): %s extended local header: %s file security status: %sencrypted compression sub-type (deflation): %s number of Shannon-Fano trees (implosion): %c size of sliding dictionary (implosion): %cK compression method: %s minimum software version required to extract: %u.%u minimum file system compatibility required: %s version of encoding software: %u.%u file system or operating system of origin: %s offset of local header from start of archive: %s (%sh) bytes unknown (%d) There are an extra %s bytes preceding this file. superfastfastmaximumnormalPPMd-edWavPackedLZ77-compressed (IBM)tersed (IBM)LZMA-edbzippedimploded (PK DCL)deflated (enhanced-64k)deflatedtokenizedimplodedreduced (factor 4)reduced (factor 3)reduced (factor 2)reduced (factor 1)shrunknone (stored)Mac OS/X (Darwin)TheosTandem NSKBeOSAtheOSWin32 VFATMVSAcorn RISC OSSMS/QDOSNTFSTOPS-20CP/MZ-SystemMacintosh HFSOS/2 or NT HPFSAtari STVM/CMSUnixVMSAmigaMS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT%lu file%s, %s bytes uncompressed, %s bytes compressed: %s%d.%d%% Central directory entry #%lu: --------------------------- %s of the archive entries %s contained within this zipfile volume, out of a total of %s %s. of %s (%sh) bytes. The entire central directory is %s (%sh) bytes long. This zipfile constitutes disk %lu of a multi-part archive. The central directory starts on disk %lu at an offset within that archive part and its (expected) offset in bytes from the beginning of the zipfile is %s (%sh). This zipfile constitutes the sole disk of a single-part archive; its central directory contains %s %s. The central directory is %s (%sh) bytes long, Actual end-cent-dir record offset: %s (%sh) Expected end-cent-dir record offset: %s (%sh) (based on the length of the central directory and its expected offset) Zip archive file size: %s (%sh) ------------------------------- End-of-central-directory record: Zip file size: %s bytes, number of entries: %s sentryentriesisare11not yesnotextebcdicbinaryexelnk arc dir lab sys hid rdo XABALLXABDATFABXABRDTXABKEYXABFHCXABPROunknownversion.r.-... %u.%ucombtmcmdbat%2u.%u%s %s %s %c%3d%% %smay beun creating: %s ,%03x-> %s 10.2.1 20210121gcc (Linux ELF)UnixANSI_X3.4-1968CP850ISO-8859-1CP1252CP866KOI8-RKOI8-UISO-8859-5warning: cannot allocate wildcard buffers checkdir error: path too long: %s checkdir error: cannot create %s %s unable to process %s. checkdir error: %s exists but is not directory unable to process %s. checkdir warning: path too long; truncating %s -> %s checkdir: cannot create extraction directory: %s %s warning: skipped "../" path component(s) in %s Could not read directory attributeschmod (directory attributes) errormapname: conversion of %s failed warning: symbolic link (%s) failed: mem alloc overflow warning: symbolic link (%s) failed: no mem warning: symbolic link (%s) failed fchmod (file attributes) errorXL0LKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKxLKKKKKKKKKKKKwarning: cannot set permissions for %s %s (warning) cannot set modif./access times %swarning: cannot set modif./access times for %s %s (warning) cannot set UID %lu and/or GID %lu %swarning: cannot set UID %lu and/or GID %lu for %s %s ;sܹ,<|,\$\< |DXl|,,d D<X L| L  , ` | D BBB B(D0A8D`hQpNxII`X 8D0A(B BBBH nhSpBxBd`O hPpBxBL dTFBB B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBH ? 8D0A(B BBBA QFBA A(D0[ (A ABBA X (J NBBL 8I@z8A0q8M@(J NBBI08I@I8H0F8M@](J DEI|pDFBB B(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBE WDAJBAHFWROAKBwANxByFaIbNjANkBtNwBeNwA^NxBNwAeNkANqANwAZNxB,NqA PoAnPpB_NOA#KABKSUOK;NxBNxBNwBRtIFBBBARNxAINxB9PpBKPoAMB,#BAK D ABK 0D`#BBA DPm  ABBE x$FBA A(D0 (D ABBB * (D ABBE _ (A DBBH  (A DBBJ P (D ABBG LT'FBA A(D0 (C ABBA 7 (C ABBA pP)FEA D(D0G (D DBBI I (D ABBF  (D ABBH 8K@G8A0P0FBB B(A0A8G I a 8D0A(B BBBD \L7FBB A(A0Dpr 0A(A BBBF xH{xAp@ xHO 8x <RAA O CBH D(J0x(A (08 `(xM`hHX0 ` +_+_  0!p!!!+_@"""#`#+_## $h$+_$$%+_H%p%+_%&P&&&+_+_@'''((x(()P)))@*x**+`++,@,+_+_x,,-+_)H-+_+_>p--.P..+_W.+_n0/h///+_0P0p0000 1+_H1112+_02+_FFFFFFFFFpF`FWFRFHF8F0F$F@RRQQxxxxzyyyyyhyXyHy0yyyxxxxxzzzzzzzzzxzpziz`zPz@zKz3z(z"zz8zeeeeee#kkkj   %+%2%9%ao @ (o   /H oo8ooxo:0@@@P@`@p@@@@@@@@@AA A0A@APA`ApAAAAAAAAABB B0B@BPB`BpBBBBBBBBBCC C0C@CPC`CpCCCCCCCCCDD D0D@DPD`DpDDDDDDDDDEE E0E@EPE`E@LL@M/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/unzip.debug&3#=a~>n11b839c6f2fb3017ba65aa76e2f751e72d2e94.debugBhF.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debugaltlink.gnu_debuglink 88 &XX$9|| Go<Q Y aoxxno88`}HB//@@ @ @PpEpEEE@JJe(( A DD@!P P `P% PE 4/