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Tree conflict on '%s': %s Helpshow this help (also '?')Display conflictEdit propertyEdit fileShow diffMergeLaunch toolInternal merge toolShow all optionsQuit resolutionmctcuInvalid option; there's no merged version to edit. Words in square brackets are the corresponding --accept option arguments. Possible working copy destinations for moved-away '%s' are: %sOnly one destination can be a move; the others are copies. Specify the correct move target path by number: Possible repository destinations for moved-away '%s' are: %sOnly one destination can be a move; the others are copies. Specify the correct move target path by number: ../subversion/svn/conflict-callbacks.cMerge conflict discovered in binary file '%s'. Merge conflict discovered in file '%s'. Invalid option; cannot display conflicts for a binary file. Invalid option; original files not available. >>>>>>> THEIRS (select with 'tc')<<<<<<< MINE (select with 'mc')Invalid option; there's no merged version to diff. Invalid option; there's no base path to merge. Invalid option; cannot choose based on conflicts in a binary file. Invalid option; use diff/edit/merge/launch before choosing 'mark resolved'. Conflict for property '%s' discovered on '%s'. Invalid option; please edit the property first. Subversion is not smart enough to resolve this tree conflict automatically! See 'svn help resolve' for more information. Ambiguous move destinations exist in the repository; try the 'd' option Ambiguous move destinations exist in the working copy; try the 'w' option Applying recommended resolution '%s': Set repository move destination pathpick repository move target from list of possible targetsSet working copy move destination pathpick working copy move target from list of possible targetsshow conflicts in this propertychange merged property value in an editorchange merged file in an editorshow all changes made to merged fileshow all conflicts (ignoring merged version)use merge tool to resolve conflictlaunch external merge tool to resolve conflictuse built-in merge tool to resolve conflictshow this list (also 'h', '?')postpone all remaining conflicts|$D<'%s': a peg revision is not allowed hereLocal, non-commit operations do not take a log message or revision properties%c%c %s modified--git--patch-compatible--show-copies-as-adds--internal-diff--diff-cmd--no-diff-added--no-diff-deleted--forcediff-ignore-content-type'--xml' option only valid with '--summarize' option'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option'--new' option only valid with '--old' option'svn diff [-r N[:M]] [TARGET[@REV]...]' does not support mixed target types. Try using the --old and --new options or one of the shorthand invocations listed in 'svn help diff'.Path '%s' not relative to base URLsAMDDestination directory exists; please remove the directory or use --force to overwriteCould not write data to merged fileCould not write data to temporary file../subversion/svn/file-merge.c(2) your version (at line %lu)(1) their version (at line %lu)Conflicting section found during merge:Select: (1) use their version, (2) use your version, (12) their version first, then yours, (21) your version first, then theirs, (e1) edit their version and use the result, (e2) edit your version and use the result, (eb) edit both versions and use the result, (p) postpone this conflicting section leaving conflict markers, (a) abort file merge and return to main menu: Could not write merged result to '%s', saved instead at '%s'. '%s' remains in conflict. Merge of '%s' completed (remains in conflict). <<<<<<< ======= >>>>>>> No editor found.Error running editor./dev/ttyCOLUMNSwidth == line_width%s %s|%s %s%s|%s Merging '%s'. Merge of '%s' aborted. Merge of '%s' completed. ../subversion/svn/filesize.c%.0f%.*findex < order_size - 1 B kB MB GB TBT EB PB KiB MiB GiB TiB EiB PiBabsolute_human_readable_size < 1000get_base10_unit_file_sizeformat_sizeget_base2_unit_file_size@@$@"@eff?P?<@The following repository access (RA) modules are available: WARNING: Plaintext password storage is enabled! The following authentication credential caches are available: usage: svn [options] [args] Subversion command-line client. Type 'svn help ' for help on a specific subcommand. Type 'svn --version' to see the program version and RA modules, 'svn --version --verbose' to see dependency versions as well, 'svn --version --quiet' to see just the version number. Most subcommands take file and/or directory arguments, recursing on the directories. If no arguments are supplied to such a command, it recurses on the current directory (inclusive) by default. Available subcommands: serversstore-auth-credsauthstore-passwordsASKstore-plaintext-passwordsglobalTRUE%s* Plaintext cache in %s * Gnome Keyring * GPG-Agent * KWallet (KDE) svnSubversion is a tool for version control. For additional information, see http://subversion.apacon.apache.org/ Invalid URL '%s'Repository URL required when importingToo many arguments to import command%-10ld %s%-10s %ssvn checkout -r0svn updatesvn switch --set-depth=%s --depth=%s ^/%s -r%ld%s%-23s%-10s %s /*/~/**!@0Format: %d Url: %s Revision: %ld %s%s %s%s normalrepository^/relative-urlwc-infowcroot-abspathschedulecopy-from-urlcopy-from-revtext-updatedchecksumchangelistmoved-frommoved-to../subversion/svn/info-cmd.cName: %s Working Copy Root Path: %s Relative URL: %s Repository Root: %s Repository UUID: %s Node Kind: file Node Kind: directory Node Kind: none Node Kind: unknown Size in Repository: %s Schedule: normal Schedule: add Schedule: delete Schedule: replace Depth: empty Depth: files Depth: immediates Depth: exclude Depth: INVALID Copied From URL: %s Copied From Rev: %ld Moved From: %s Moved To: %s Last Changed Author: %s Last Changed Rev: %ld Last Changed DateText Last UpdatedChecksum: %s Tree conflictConflict DetailsSource left %s: %s Source rightLock Token: %s Lock Owner: %s Lock CreatedLock ExpiresLock Comment (%i lines): %s Lock Comment (%i line): %s Changelist: %s Conflicted Properties: %s repos-root-urlrepos-uuidrepos-sizelast-changed-revisionlast-changed-datelast-changed-authorwc-rootsvn-viewspec.py format 1 does not support the 'not-present' state found at '%s'svn-viewspec.py format 1 does not support the 'switched' state found at '%s'Resource is not under version control.can't show in-repository size of working copy file '%s'Conflict Previous Base File: %s Conflict Previous Working File: %s Conflict Current Base File: %s --show-item is not valid in --xml mode--no-newline is not valid in --xml mode--human-readable is not valid in --xml mode--incremental is only valid in --xml mode--no-newline is only available for single-target, non-recursive info operations'%s' is not a valid value for --show-item'%s' is not a valid value for --show-item; did you mean '%s'?'%s' is not a valid value for --show-item; did you mean '%s' or '%s'?'%s' is not a valid value for --show-item; did you mean '%s', '%s' or '%s'?--no-newline' is only valid with --show-itemCould not display info for all targets because some targets don't existHdXdhd8dctllllmmmmmmmnDldlkrttt=rkr ? ../subversion/svn/list-cmd.c%b %d %H:%M%b %d %Y%7ld %-*.*s %c %*s %12s %s%s parent_urltokencommentcreatedexpires(external_parent_url == NULL && external_target == NULL) || (external_parent_url && external_target)Listing external '%s' defined on '%s': --verbose is not valid in --xml mode'search-and' option is not supportedCould not list all targets because some targets don't existLock comment contains a zero byteOne or more locks could not be obtainedtruefalselogentryreverse-mergeprop-modstext-modscopyfrom-revcopyfrom-pathmsg(no author)(no date) | %d lines | %d lineChanged paths: (from %s:%ld) %c %s%s Reverse merged via:Merged via: r%ld%csvn:log------------------------------------------------------------------------ r%ld | %s | %s'with-all-revprops' option only valid in XML mode'with-no-revprops' option only valid in XML mode'with-revprop' option only valid in XML mode'diff' option is not supported in XML mode'diff-cmd' option requires 'diff' option'internal-diff' option requires 'diff' option'extensions' option requires 'diff' option'depth' option requires 'diff' option-c and -r are mutually exclusiveOnly relative paths can be specified after a URL for 'svn log', but '%s' is not a relative pathcannot assign with 'with-revprop' option (drop the '=')Invalid merge source '%s'; a working copy path can only be used with a repository revision (a number, a date, or head)-r and -c can't be used with --reintegrateCannot specify a revision range with two URLs--reintegrate cannot be used with --ignore-ancestry--reintegrate cannot be used with --record-only--depth cannot be used with --reintegrate--force cannot be used with --reintegrate--reintegrate can only be used with a single merge source--allow-mixed-revisions cannot be used with --reintegrateMerge sources must both be either paths or URLsMerge target '%s' must be a local path but looks like a URLMerge tracking not possible, use --ignore-ancestry or fix invalid mergeinfo in target with 'svn propset'Merge source requiredSecond revision requiredToo many arguments given--- Merging r%ld* r%ld -------| |-- \ \ --| |-- / / ... / WC Not enough arguments given %-8ld | --------- / | %-8ld \ %-8ld| - repository pathtip of branchlast full mergeyoungest common ancestor--quiet (-q) option valid only with --log option--verbose (-v) option valid only with --log option--incremental option valid only with --log option--revision (-r) option valid only with --show-revs optionDepth specification options valid only with --show-revs option--log option valid only with --show-revs option %s | %s | | %s | | | %s Try 'svn add' or 'svn add --non-recursive' instead?Try 'svn mkdir --parents' instead?Cannot specify revisions (except HEAD) with move operationsSkipped missing target: '%s' Skipped '%s' D %s B %s Removed external '%s': %s Removed external '%s' R %s C %s A %s %s %s Restored '%s' Reverted '%s' ../subversion/svn/notify.c Checking r Checking r%ld... done A (bin) %s A %s D %s %s %s %lu and fuzz %lu (%s) %lu and fuzz %lu Updating '%s': Exported revision %ld. Checked out revision %ld. Updated to revision %ld. External at revision %ld. At revision %ld. External export complete. Export complete. External checkout complete. Checkout complete. External update complete. Update complete. Sending copy of %s Sending %s Adding copy of (bin) %s Adding (bin) %s Adding copy of %s Adding %s Deleting copy of %s Deleting %s Replacing copy of %s Replacing %s Transmitting file data '%s' locked by user '%s'. '%s' unlocked. A [%s] %s D [%s] %s --- Merging r%ld into '%s': C %s A %s U %s D %s property '%s' set on '%s' Upgraded '%s' Redirecting to URL '%s': Committing transaction... Summary of conflicts: Text conflicts: %d Property conflicts: %d Tree conflicts: %d and %d already resolved%d remaining Text conflicts: %s (%s) Tree conflicts: %s (%s) Skipped paths: %d Skipped target: '%s' -- copy-source is missing Skipped '%s' -- obstructed by unversioned node Skipped '%s' -- An obstructing working copy was found Skipped '%s' -- Has no versioned parent Skipped '%s' -- Access denied Skipped '%s' -- Node remains in conflict Left local modifications as '%s' Failed to revert '%s' -- try updating instead. Resolved conflicted state of '%s' Merge conflicts in '%s' marked as resolved. n->prop_name && strlen(n->prop_name) > 0Conflict in property '%s' at '%s' marked as resolved. Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved. Searching tree conflict details for '%s' in repository: > applied hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## with offset %s> applied hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ with offset %s> applied hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## with fuzz %lu (%s) > applied hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ with fuzz %lu > rejected hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## (%s) > rejected hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ > hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## already applied (%s) > hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ already applied Fetching external item into '%s': Error handling externals definition for '%s':Exported external at revision %ld. Checked out external at revision %ld. Updated external to revision %ld. Performing status on external item at '%s': Performing info on external item at '%s': Status against revision: %6ld --- Merging differences between repository URLs into '%s': --- Reverse-merging r%ld into '%s': --- Merging r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Reverse-merging r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for merge between repository URLs into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for reverse merge of r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for reverse merge of r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Eliding mergeinfo from '%s': --- Merging differences between foreign repository URLs into '%s': --- Merging (from foreign repository) r%ld into '%s': --- Reverse-merging (from foreign repository) r%ld into '%s': --- Merging (from foreign repository) r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Reverse-merging (from foreign repository) r%ld through r%ld into '%s': property '%s' deleted from '%s'. Attempting to delete nonexistent property '%s' on '%s' property '%s' set on repository revision %ld property '%s' deleted from repository revision %ld '%s' is not under version control--- Copying from foreign repository URL '%s': Breaking move with source path '%s' Performing cleanup on external item at '%s'. Property conflicts: %s (%s) X@(0 HxpЭ```@ЯH8ȶp( pX`شЭ8 `ȵ0бCannot specify revision for deleting versioned property '%s'Set new value for property '%s' on '%s' '%s' is not a valid Subversion property name--encoding option applies only to textual Subversion-controlled propertiesSet new value for property '%s' on revision %ld No changes to property '%s' on revision %ld Cannot specify revision for editing versioned property '%s'Explicit target argument required'%s' does not appear to be a working copy pathNo changes to property '%s' on '%s' svn-propError writing to stream%s - Properties on '%s': Inherited properties on '%s', from '%s': --verbose cannot be used with --revprop or --no-newline or --xml--show-inherited-props can't be used with --revpropProperty '%s' not found on revision %s--no-newline is only available for single-target, non-recursive propget operationsProperty '%s' not found on '%s'Unversioned properties on revision %ld: Could not display properties of all targets because some targets don't existCould not display properties of all targets because some targets are not versionedUse '--force' to set the '%s' property.Use '--force' to edit the '%s' property.Use '--force' to use the '%s' property'.Must specify the revision as a number, a date or 'HEAD' when operating on a revision propertyWrong number of targets specifiedEither a URL or versioned item is requiredTo turn off the %s property, use 'svn propdel'; setting the property to '%s' will not turn it off.'%s' is not a valid %s property name; did you mean '%s'?'%s' is not a valid %s property name; use '--force' to set it'%s' is not a valid %s property name; use '--force' to edit it'%s' is not a valid %s property name; use '--force' to use it'%s' is not a valid %s property name; did you mean '%s' or '%s'?'%s' is not a valid %s property name; did you mean '%s', '%s' or '%s'?nooffsvn:svn:mime-typesvn:ignoresvn:eol-stylesvn:keywordssvn:executablesvn:needs-locksvn:specialsvn:externalssvn:mergeinfosvn:auto-propssvn:global-ignoressvn:text-timesvn:ownersvn:groupsvn:unix-modesvn:autoversionedsvn:original-datesvn:sync-locksvn:sync-from-urlsvn:sync-from-uuidsvn:sync-last-merged-revsvn:sync-currently-copyingCannot specify revision for setting versioned property '%s'Explicit target required ('%s' interpreted as prop value)missing --accept optioninvalid 'accept' ARGFailure occurred resolving one or more conflictsTry 'svn revert --depth infinity' instead?%d days ago%d day ago%d hours ago%d hour ago%d minutes ago%d minute agoversion %dversion %d of %d%d paths changed%d path changed%-30s %s, %s, %s %.50s Shelf '%s': no versions found > not shelved %-30s no versions '%s' is not a local path../subversion/svn/shelf-cmd.c%-20.20s %s deleted '%s' --- Saving... --- Shelving... %d paths could not be shelved%d path could not be shelvedsaved '%s' version %d shelved '%s' version %d No shelves foundToo many argumentsx-shelf-diffx-shelf-dropx-shelf-listx-shelvesx-shelf-list-by-pathsx-shelf-logx-shelf-savex-shelvex-unshelvex-wc-copy-modsAll targets must be in the same WCsvn_relpath_is_canonical(target_relpath)--- Save a new version of '%s' in WC root '%s' --- Shelve '%s' in WC root '%s' No local modifications could be savedNo local modifications could be shelvedunshelving the youngest shelf, '%s' --- Unshelve '%s' in WC root '%s' Shelved path '%s' already has status '%c' in the working copyCannot unshelve/restore, as at least one shelved path would conflict with a local modification or other status in the working copyrestored '%s' version %d and deleted %d newer versions restored '%s' version %d and deleted %d newer version restored '%s' version %d (the newest version) Show shelved changes as a diff. usage: x-shelf-diff SHELF [VERSION] Show the changes in SHELF:VERSION (default: latest) as a diff. See also: 'svn diff --cl=svn:shelf:SHELF' which supports most options of 'svn diff'. The shelving feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to change in the next release, and there is no promise of backward compatibility. Delete a shelf. usage: x-shelf-drop SHELF [PATH ...] Delete the shelves named SHELF from the working copies containing PATH (default PATH is '.') List shelves. usage: x-shelf-list [PATH ...] List shelves for each working copy containing PATH (default is '.') Include the first line of any log message and some details about the contents of the shelf, unless '-q' is given. List which shelf affects each path. usage: x-shelf-list-by-paths [PATH...] List which shelf most recently affects each path below the given PATHs. Show the versions of a shelf. usage: x-shelf-log SHELF [PATH...] Show all versions of SHELF for each working copy containing PATH (the default PATH is '.'). Copy local changes onto a new version of a shelf. usage: x-shelf-save SHELF [PATH...] Save local changes in the given PATHs as a new version of SHELF. The shelf's log message can be set with -m, -F, etc. The same as 'svn shelve --keep-local'. Move local changes onto a shelf. usage: x-shelve [--keep-local] SHELF [PATH...] Save the local changes in the given PATHs to a new or existing SHELF. Revert those changes from the WC unless '--keep-local' is given. The shelf's log message can be set with -m, -F, etc. 'svn shelve --keep-local' is the same as 'svn shelf-save'. The kinds of change you can shelve are committable changes to files and properties, except the following kinds which are not yet supported: * copies and moves * mkdir and rmdir Uncommittable states such as conflicts, unversioned and missing cannot be shelved. To bring back shelved changes, use 'svn unshelve SHELF'. Shelves are currently stored under /.svn/experimental/shelves/ . (In Subversion 1.10, shelves were stored under /.svn/shelves/ as patch files. To recover a shelf created by 1.10, either use a 1.10 client to find and unshelve it, or find the patch file and use any 1.10 or later 'svn patch' to apply it.) Copy shelved changes back into the WC. usage: x-unshelve [--drop] [SHELF [VERSION]] Apply the changes stored in SHELF to the working copy. SHELF defaults to the newest shelf. Apply the newest version of the shelf, by default. If VERSION is specified, apply that version and discard all versions newer than that. In any case, retain the unshelved version and versions older than that (unless --drop is specified). With --drop, delete the entire shelf (like 'svn shelf-drop') after successfully unshelving with no conflicts. The working files involved should be in a clean, unmodified state before using this command. To roll back to an older version of the shelf, first ensure any current working changes are removed, such as by shelving or reverting them, and then unshelve the desired version. Unshelve normally refuses to apply any changes if any path involved is already modified (or has any other abnormal status) in the WC. With --force, it does not check and may error out and/or produce partial or unexpected results. Copy local modifications from one WC to another. usage: x-wc-copy-mods SRC_WC_PATH DST_WC_PATH The source and destination WC paths may be in the same WC or in different WCs. This feature is EXPERIMENTAL. This command is likely to change in the next release, and there is no promise of backward compatibility. .? A!DRMGCI~X:../subversion/svn/shelf2-cmd.c.? A!DRMGCI~X:--revision (-r) option valid only with --show-updates (-u) optionagainst --- Changelist '%s': Text conflicts: %u Property conflicts: %u Tree conflicts: %u incompletereplacedobstructed../subversion/svn/status.cwc-lockedcopiedswitchedfile-externaltree-conflictedwc-statusrepos-status > %sswapped places with %s > moved from %smoved to %s%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %s%s%s%s 5h4x4554444 54444X4 ? A!DRM?CI~X!%c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c %8s %8s %-12s %s%s%s%s %c%c%c%c%c%c%c %c %8s %s%s%s%s SVN_EXPERIMENTAL_COMMANDSshelf3shelf2, Can't specify -c with --oldThere is no change 0CRCRLFInvalid strip count '%s'classicsvn11helpSubcommand argument required Unknown subcommand: '%s' undo--config-optionexclusive-locking-clientsworking-copy ,exclusive-lockinghelpersdiff3-cmdmime-types-fileenable-auto-propsinteractive-conflictssvn_subrsvn_clientsvn_wcsvn_rasvn_deltasvn_diff--versionadd intermediate parentspraiseannotateanncatclcocleanupdeprecated and ignoredcicpremovermdiexport?importspecify lock comment ARGsteal locks Examples: also print all affected pathsdo not print the log message svn merge ^/trunk - Merge Tracking - mkdirmvrenamerenpatchpropdelpdpropeditpropgetpgproplistpldon't print the pathpropsetrelocateresolverevertstatdon't print unversioned itemsswbreak locksupgradeforce operation to runforce-logshow help on a subcommandspecify log message ARGquietnon-recursiveobsoletehuman-readableshow human-readable outputchangeincrementalverboseprint extra informationshow-updatesdisplay update informationspecify a username ARGpassword-from-stdinread password from stdinextensionsset-depthxmloutput in XMLstrictDEPRECATEDstop-on-copyno-ignoreno-auth-cachetrust-server-certtrust-server-cert-failuresnon-interactiveforce-interactivedry-runignore-ancestryignore-externalsignore externals definitionsuse ARG as merge commandeditor-cmduse ARG as external editorrecord-onlyuse ARG as the older targetnewuse ARG as the newer targetrelocate via URL-rewritingconfig-direnable automatic propertiesno-auto-propsdisable automatic propertiesnative-eollimitmaximum number of log entriesdon't unlock the targetsremove changelist associationkeep-changelistskeep-localkeep path in working copywith-all-revpropswith-no-revpropswith-revpropmake intermediate directoriesuse-merge-historyacceptshow-revsreintegratedeprecatedstripignore-keywordsdon't expand keywordsreverse-diffapply the unidiff in reverseignore-whitespaceproduce diff outputuse ARG as diff commandnotice-ancestrysummarizeshow a summary of the resultsignore-propertiesproperties-onlyallow-mixed-revisionsinclude-externalsshow-inherited-propssearchsearch-andremove-unversionedremove unversioned itemsremove-ignoredremove ignored itemsremove-addedno-newlineshow-passwordsshow cached passwordspin-externalsshow-itemadds-as-modificationvacuum-pristinesx-viewspecNon-numeric limit argument givenArgument to --limit must be positiveNegative number in range (%s) not supported with -cNon-numeric change argument (%s) given to -cSyntax error in revision argument '%s'Error converting depth from locale to UTF-8'%s' is not a valid depth; try 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity''%s' is not a valid depth; try 'exclude', 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity'Syntax error in native-eol argument '%s'Changelist names must not be empty'%s' is not a valid --accept value'%s' is not a valid --show-revs valueArgument to --strip must be positive'%s' is not a valid --x-viewspec value--non-interactive and --force-interactive are mutually exclusiveUndo is done using either the 'svn revert' or the 'svn merge' command. Subcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svn help %s' for usage. Multiple revision arguments encountered; can't specify -c twice, or both -c and -r--depth and --set-depth are mutually exclusive--with-all-revprops and --with-no-revprops are mutually exclusive--with-revprop and --with-no-revprops are mutually exclusive--message (-m) and --file (-F) are mutually exclusive--trust-server-cert-failures requires --non-interactive--password-from-stdin requires --non-interactive--diff-cmd and --internal-diff are mutually exclusive--relocate and --depth are mutually exclusive--relocate and --non-recursive (-N) are mutually exclusiveLog message file is a versioned file; use '--force-log' to overrideLock comment file is a versioned file; use '--force-log' to overrideThe log message is a pathname (was -F intended?); use '--force-log' to overrideThe lock comment is a pathname (was -F intended?); use '--force-log' to override--auto-props and --no-auto-props are mutually exclusive--accept=%s incompatible with --non-interactiveTry 'svn help %s' for more informationPlease see the 'svn upgrade' commandAuthentication failed and interactive prompting is disabled; see the --force-interactive optionReading file from standard input because of -F option; this can interfere with interactive promptingRun 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)Another process is blocking the working copy database, or the underlying filesystem does not support file locking; if the working copy is on a network filesystem, make sure file locking has been enabled on the file serverWhen using svn+ssh:// URLs, keep in mind that the --username and --password options are ignored because authentication is performed by SSH, not SubversionPut new files and directories under version control. usage: add PATH... Schedule unversioned PATHs for addition, so they will become versioned and be added to the repository in the next commit. Recurse into directories by default (see the --depth option). The 'svn add' command is only necessary for files and directories that are not yet under version control. Unversioned files and directories can be identified with 'svn status' (see 'svn help status'). The effects of 'svn add' can be undone with 'svn revert' before the addition has been committed. Once committed, a path can be removed from version control with 'svn delete', and in some circumstances by running a reverse- merge (see 'svn help merge' for details). With --force, add all the unversioned paths found in PATHs and ignore the rest; otherwise, error out if any specified paths are already versioned. The selection of items to add may be influenced by the 'ignores' feature. Properties may be attached to the items as configured by the 'auto-props' feature. obsolete; same as --depth=emptyignore already versioned pathsManage cached authentication credentials. usage: 1. svn auth [PATTERN ...] 2. svn auth --remove PATTERN [PATTERN ...] With no arguments, list all cached authentication credentials. Authentication credentials include usernames, passwords, SSL certificates, and SSL client-certificate passphrases. If PATTERN is specified, only list credentials with attributes matching one or more patterns. With the --remove option, remove cached authentication credentials matching one or more patterns. If more than one pattern is specified credentials are considered only if they match all specified patterns. Patterns are matched case-sensitively and may contain glob wildcards: ? matches any single character * matches a sequence of arbitrary characters [abc] matches any of the characters listed inside the brackets Note that wildcards will usually need to be quoted or escaped on the command line because many command shells will interfere by trying to expand them. remove matching authentication credentialsShow when each line of a file was last (or next) changed. usage: blame [-rM:N] TARGET[@REV]... Annotate each line of a file with the revision number and author of the last change (or optionally the next change) to that line. With no revision range (same as -r0:REV), or with '-r M:N' where M < N, annotate each line that is present in revision N of the file, with the last revision at or before rN that changed or added the line, looking back no further than rM. With a reverse revision range '-r M:N' where M > N, annotate each line that is present in revision N of the file, with the next revision after rN that changed or deleted the line, looking forward no further than rM. If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. Write the annotated result to standard output. Output the content of specified files or URLs. usage: cat TARGET[@REV]... If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. Associate (or dissociate) changelist CLNAME with the named files. usage: 1. changelist CLNAME PATH... 2. changelist --remove PATH... Check out a working copy from a repository. usage: checkout URL[@REV]... [PATH] If specified, REV determines in which revision the URL is first looked up. If PATH is omitted, the basename of the URL will be used as the destination. If multiple URLs are given each will be checked out into a sub-directory of PATH, with the name of the sub-directory being the basename of the URL. If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working copy destination do not automatically cause the check out to fail. If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the corresponding path in the repository it becomes versioned but its contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy. This means that an obstructing directory's unversioned children may also obstruct and become versioned. For files, any content differences between the obstruction and the repository are treated like a local modification to the working copy. All properties from the repository are applied to the obstructing path. See also 'svn help update' for a list of possible characters reporting the action taken. obsolete; same as --depth=filesEither recover from an interrupted operation that left the working copy locked, or remove unwanted files. usage: 1. cleanup [WCPATH...] 2. cleanup --remove-unversioned [WCPATH...] cleanup --remove-ignored [WCPATH...] 3. cleanup --vacuum-pristines [WCPATH...] 1. When none of the options --remove-unversioned, --remove-ignored, and --vacuum-pristines is specified, remove all write locks (shown as 'L' by the 'svn status' command) from the working copy. Usually, this is only necessary if a Subversion client has crashed while using the working copy, leaving it in an unusable state. WARNING: There is no mechanism that will protect write locks still being used by other Subversion clients. Running this command without any options while another client is using the working copy can corrupt the working copy beyond repair! 2. If the --remove-unversioned option or the --remove-ignored option is given, remove any unversioned or ignored items within WCPATH. Note that the 'svn status' command shows unversioned items as '?', and ignored items as 'I' if the --no-ignore option is given to it. 3. If the --vacuum-pristines option is given, remove pristine copies of files which are stored inside the .svn directory and which are no longer referenced by any file in the working copy. Send changes from your working copy to the repository. usage: commit [PATH...] A log message must be provided, but it can be empty. If it is not given by a --message or --file option, an editor will be started. If any targets are (or contain) locked items, those will be unlocked after a successful commit, unless --no-unlock is given. If --include-externals is given, also commit file and directory externals reached by recursion. Do not commit externals with a fixed revision. Copy files and directories in a working copy or repository. usage: copy SRC[@REV]... DST SRC and DST can each be either a working copy (WC) path or URL: WC -> WC: copy and schedule for addition (with history) WC -> URL: immediately commit a copy of WC to URL URL -> WC: check out URL into WC, schedule for addition URL -> URL: complete server-side copy; used to branch and tag All the SRCs must be of the same type. If DST is an existing directory, the sources will be added as children of DST. When copying multiple sources, DST must be an existing directory. WARNING: For compatibility with previous versions of Subversion, copies performed using two working copy paths (WC -> WC) will not contact the repository. As such, they may not, by default, be able to propagate merge tracking information from the source of the copy to the destination. Remove files and directories from version control. usage: 1. delete PATH... 2. delete URL... 1. Each item specified by a PATH is scheduled for deletion upon the next commit. Files, and directories that have not been committed, are immediately removed from the working copy unless the --keep-local option is given. PATHs that are, or contain, unversioned or modified items will not be removed unless the --force or --keep-local option is given. 2. Each item specified by a URL is deleted from the repository via an immediate commit. Display local changes or differences between two revisions or paths. usage: 1. diff 2. diff [-c M | -r N[:M]] [TARGET[@REV]...] 3. diff [-r N[:M]] --old=OLD-TGT[@OLDREV] [--new=NEW-TGT[@NEWREV]] \ [PATH...] 4. diff OLD-URL[@OLDREV] NEW-URL[@NEWREV] 5. diff OLD-URL[@OLDREV] NEW-PATH[@NEWREV] 6. diff OLD-PATH[@OLDREV] NEW-URL[@NEWREV] 1. Use just 'svn diff' to display local modifications in a working copy. 2. Display the changes made to TARGETs as they are seen in REV between two revisions. TARGETs may be all working copy paths or all URLs. If TARGETs are working copy paths, N defaults to BASE and M to the working copy; if URLs, N must be specified and M defaults to HEAD. The '-c M' option is equivalent to '-r N:M' where N = M-1. Using '-c -M' does the reverse: '-r M:N' where N = M-1. 3. Display the differences between OLD-TGT as it was seen in OLDREV and NEW-TGT as it was seen in NEWREV. PATHs, if given, are relative to OLD-TGT and NEW-TGT and restrict the output to differences for those paths. OLD-TGT and NEW-TGT may be working copy paths or URL[@REV]. NEW-TGT defaults to OLD-TGT if not specified. -r N makes OLDREV default to N, -r N:M makes OLDREV default to N and NEWREV default to M. If OLDREV or NEWREV are not specified, they default to WORKING for working copy targets and to HEAD for URL targets. Either or both OLD-TGT and NEW-TGT may also be paths to unversioned targets. Revisions cannot be specified for unversioned targets. Both targets must be of the same node kind (file or directory). Diffing unversioned targets against URL targets is not supported. 4. Shorthand for 'svn diff --old=OLD-URL[@OLDREV] --new=NEW-URL[@NEWREV]' 5. Shorthand for 'svn diff --old=OLD-URL[@OLDREV] --new=NEW-PATH[@NEWREV]' 6. Shorthand for 'svn diff --old=OLD-PATH[@OLDREV] --new=NEW-URL[@NEWREV]' Create an unversioned copy of a tree. usage: 1. export [-r REV] URL[@PEGREV] [PATH] 2. export [-r REV] PATH1[@PEGREV] [PATH2] 1. Exports a clean directory tree from the repository specified by URL, at revision REV if it is given, otherwise at HEAD, into PATH. If PATH is omitted, the last component of the URL is used for the local directory name. 2. Exports a clean directory tree from the working copy specified by PATH1, at revision REV if it is given, otherwise at WORKING, into PATH2. If PATH2 is omitted, the last component of the PATH1 is used for the local directory name. If REV is not specified, all local changes will be preserved. Files not under version control will not be copied. If specified, PEGREV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: help [SUBCOMMAND...] also show experimental subcommands and optionsCommit an unversioned file or tree into the repository. usage: import [PATH] URL Recursively commit a copy of PATH to URL. If PATH is omitted '.' is assumed. Parent directories are created as necessary in the repository. If PATH is a directory, the contents of the directory are added directly under URL. Unversionable items such as device files and pipes are ignored if --force is specified. Display information about a local or remote item. usage: info [TARGET[@REV]...] Print information about each TARGET (default: '.'). TARGET may be either a working-copy path or a URL. If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up; the default is HEAD for a URL or BASE for a WC path. With --show-item, print only the value of one item of information about TARGET. EXPERIMENTAL: With --x-viewspec, print the working copy layout. show file sizes with base-2 unit suffixes (Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte), limiting the number of digits to three or lessList directory entries in the repository. usage: list [TARGET[@REV]...] List each TARGET file and the contents of each TARGET directory as they exist in the repository. If TARGET is a working copy path, the corresponding repository URL will be used. If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. The default TARGET is '.', meaning the repository URL of the current working directory. Multiple --search patterns may be specified and the output will be reduced to those paths whose last segment - i.e. the file or directory name - matches at least one of these patterns. With --verbose, the following fields will be shown for each item: Revision number of the last commit Author of the last commit If locked, the letter 'O'. (Use 'svn info URL' to see details) Size (in bytes) Date and time of the last commit with --verbose, show file sizes with base-2 unit suffixes (Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte), limiting the number of digits to three or lessLock working copy paths or URLs in the repository, so that no other user can commit changes to them. usage: lock TARGET... Use --force to steal a lock from another user or working copy. read lock comment from file ARGforce validity of lock comment sourceShow the log messages for a set of revision(s) and/or path(s). usage: 1. log [PATH][@REV] 2. log URL[@REV] [PATH...] 1. Print the log messages for the URL corresponding to PATH (default: '.'). If specified, REV is the revision in which the URL is first looked up, and the default revision range is REV:1. If REV is not specified, the default revision range is BASE:1, since the URL might not exist in the HEAD revision. 2. Print the log messages for the PATHs (default: '.') under URL. If specified, REV is the revision in which the URL is first looked up, and the default revision range is REV:1; otherwise, the URL is looked up in HEAD, and the default revision range is HEAD:1. Multiple '-c' or '-r' options may be specified (but not a combination of '-c' and '-r' options), and mixing of forward and reverse ranges is allowed. With -v, also print all affected paths with each log message. Each changed path is preceded with a symbol describing the change: A: The path was added or copied. D: The path was deleted. R: The path was replaced (deleted and re-added in the same revision). M: The path's file and/or property content was modified. If an added or replaced path was copied from somewhere else, the copy source path and revision are shown in parentheses. If a file or directory was moved from one path to another with 'svn move' the old path will be listed as deleted and the new path will be listed as copied from the old path at a prior revision. With -q, don't print the log message body itself (note that this is compatible with -v). Each log message is printed just once, even if more than one of the affected paths for that revision were explicitly requested. Logs follow copy history by default. Use --stop-on-copy to disable this behavior, which can be useful for determining branchpoints. The --depth option is only valid in combination with the --diff option and limits the scope of the displayed diff to the specified depth. If the --search option is used, log messages are displayed only if the provided search pattern matches any of the author, date, log message text (unless --quiet is used), or, if the --verbose option is also provided, a changed path. The search pattern may include "glob syntax" wildcards: ? matches any single character * matches a sequence of arbitrary characters [abc] matches any of the characters listed inside the brackets If multiple --search options are provided, a log message is shown if it matches any of the provided search patterns. If the --search-and option is used, that option's argument is combined with the pattern from the previous --search or --search-and option, and a log message is shown only if it matches the combined search pattern. If --limit is used in combination with --search, --limit restricts the number of log messages searched, rather than restricting the output to a particular number of matching log messages. Show the latest 5 log messages for the current working copy directory and display paths changed in each commit: svn log -l 5 -v Show the log for bar.c as of revision 42: svn log bar.c@42 Show log messages and diffs for each commit to foo.c: svn log --diff http://www.example.com/repo/project/foo.c (Because the above command uses a full URL it does not require a working copy.) Show log messages for the children foo.c and bar.c of the directory '/trunk' as it appeared in revision 50, using the ^/ URL shortcut: svn log ^/trunk@50 foo.c bar.c Show the log messages for any incoming changes to foo.c during the next 'svn update': svn log -r BASE:HEAD foo.c Show the log message for the revision in which /branches/foo was created: svn log --stop-on-copy --limit 1 -r0:HEAD ^/branches/foo Show all log messages for commits between the tags ^/tags/2.0 and ^/tags/3.0; assuming that tag 2.0 was created in revision 100: svn log -rHEAD:100 ^/tags/3.0 If ^/trunk/foo.c was moved to ^/trunk/bar.c' in revision 22, 'svn log -v' shows a deletion and a copy in its changed paths list, such as: D /trunk/foo.c A /trunk/bar.c (from /trunk/foo.c:21) retrieve revision property ARGthe change made in revision ARGMerge changes into a working copy. usage: 1. merge SOURCE[@REV] [TARGET_WCPATH] (the 'complete' merge) 2. merge [-c M[,N...] | -r N:M ...] SOURCE[@REV] [TARGET_WCPATH] (the 'cherry-pick' merge) 3. merge SOURCE1[@REV1] SOURCE2[@REV2] [TARGET_WCPATH] (the '2-URL' merge) 1. This form, with one source path and no revision range, is called a 'complete' merge: svn merge SOURCE[@REV] [TARGET_WCPATH] The complete merge is used for the 'sync' and 'reintegrate' merges in the 'feature branch' pattern described below. It finds all the changes on the source branch that have not already been merged to the target branch, and merges them into the working copy. Merge tracking is used to know which changes have already been merged. SOURCE specifies the branch from where the changes will be pulled, and TARGET_WCPATH specifies a working copy of the target branch to which the changes will be applied. Normally SOURCE and TARGET_WCPATH should each correspond to the root of a branch. (If you want to merge only a subtree, then the subtree path must be included in both SOURCE and TARGET_WCPATH; this is discouraged, to avoid subtree mergeinfo.) SOURCE is usually a URL. The optional '@REV' specifies both the peg revision of the URL and the latest revision that will be considered for merging; if REV is not specified, the HEAD revision is assumed. If SOURCE is a working copy path, the corresponding URL of the path is used, and the default value of 'REV' is the base revision (usually the revision last updated to). TARGET_WCPATH is a working copy path; if omitted, '.' is generally assumed. There are some special cases: - If SOURCE is a URL: - If the basename of the URL and the basename of '.' are the same, then the differences are applied to '.'. Otherwise, if a file with the same basename as that of the URL is found within '.', then the differences are applied to that file. In all other cases, the target defaults to '.'. - If SOURCE is a working copy path: - If the source is a file, then differences are applied to that file (useful for reverse-merging earlier changes). Otherwise, if the source is a directory, then the target defaults to '.'. In normal usage the working copy should be up to date, at a single revision, with no local modifications and no switched subtrees. - The 'Feature Branch' Merging Pattern - In this commonly used work flow, known also as the 'development branch' pattern, a developer creates a branch and commits a series of changes that implement a new feature. The developer periodically merges all the latest changes from the parent branch so as to keep the development branch up to date with those changes. When the feature is complete, the developer performs a merge from the feature branch to the parent branch to re-integrate the changes. parent --+----------o------o-o-------------o-- \ \ \ / \ merge merge merge \ \ \ / feature +--o-o-------o----o-o----o------- A merge from the parent branch to the feature branch is called a 'sync' or 'catch-up' merge, and a merge from the feature branch to the parent branch is called a 'reintegrate' merge. - Sync Merge Example - ............ . . trunk --+------------L--------------R------ \ \ \ | \ v feature +------------------------o----- r100 r200 Subversion will locate all the changes on 'trunk' that have not yet been merged into the 'feature' branch. In this case that is a single range, r100:200. In the diagram above, L marks the left side (trunk@100) and R marks the right side (trunk@200) of the merge source. The difference between L and R will be applied to the target working copy path. In this case, the working copy is a clean checkout of the entire 'feature' branch. To perform this sync merge, have a clean working copy of the feature branch and run the following command in its top-level directory: Note that the merge is now only in your local working copy and still needs to be committed to the repository so that it can be seen by others. You can review the changes and you may have to resolve conflicts before you commit the merge. - Reintegrate Merge Example - The feature branch was last synced with trunk up to revision X. So the difference between trunk@X and feature@HEAD contains the complete set of changes that implement the feature, and no other changes. These changes are applied to trunk. rW rX trunk ------+--------------------L------------------o \ . ^ \ ............. / \ . / feature +--------------------------------R In the diagram above, L marks the left side (trunk@X) and R marks the right side (feature@HEAD) of the merge. The difference between the left and right side is merged into trunk, the target. To perform the merge, have a clean working copy of trunk and run the following command in its top-level directory: svn merge ^/feature To prevent unnecessary merge conflicts, a reintegrate merge requires that TARGET_WCPATH is not a mixed-revision working copy, has no local modifications, and has no switched subtrees. A reintegrate merge also requires that the source branch is coherently synced with the target -- in the above example, this means that all revisions between the branch point W and the last merged revision X are merged to the feature branch, so that there are no unmerged revisions in-between. 2. This form is called a 'cherry-pick' merge: svn merge [-c M[,N...] | -r N:M ...] SOURCE[@REV] [TARGET_WCPATH] A cherry-pick merge is used to merge specific revisions (or revision ranges) from one branch to another. By default, this uses merge tracking to automatically skip any revisions that have already been merged to the target; you can use the --ignore-ancestry option to disable such skipping. SOURCE is usually a URL. The optional '@REV' specifies only the peg revision of the URL and does not affect the merge range; if REV is not specified, the HEAD revision is assumed. If SOURCE is a working copy path, the corresponding URL of the path is used, and the default value of 'REV' is the base revision (usually the revision last updated to). TARGET_WCPATH is a working copy path; if omitted, '.' is generally assumed. The special cases noted above in the 'complete' merge form also apply here. The revision ranges to be merged are specified by the '-r' and/or '-c' options. '-r N:M' refers to the difference in the history of the source branch between revisions N and M. You can use '-c M' to merge single revisions: '-c M' is equivalent to '-r :M'. Each such difference is applied to TARGET_WCPATH. If the mergeinfo in TARGET_WCPATH indicates that revisions within the range were already merged, changes made in those revisions are not merged again. If needed, the range is broken into multiple sub-ranges, and each sub-range is merged separately. A 'reverse range' can be used to undo changes. For example, when source and target refer to the same branch, a previously committed revision can be 'undone'. In a reverse range, N is greater than M in '-r N:M', or the '-c' option is used with a negative number: '-c -M' is equivalent to '-r M:'. Undoing changes like this is also known as performing a 'reverse merge'. Multiple '-c' and/or '-r' options may be specified and mixing of forward and reverse ranges is allowed. - Cherry-pick Merge Example - A bug has been fixed on trunk in revision 50. This fix needs to be merged from trunk onto the release branch. 1.x-release +-----------------------o----- / ^ / | / | trunk ------+--------------------------LR----- r50 In the above diagram, L marks the left side (trunk@49) and R marks the right side (trunk@50) of the merge. The difference between the left and right side is applied to the target working copy path. Note that the difference between revision 49 and 50 is exactly those changes that were committed in revision 50, not including changes committed in revision 49. To perform the merge, have a clean working copy of the release branch and run the following command in its top-level directory; remember that the default target is '.': svn merge -c50 ^/trunk You can also cherry-pick several revisions and/or revision ranges: svn merge -c50,54,60 -r65:68 ^/trunk 3. This form is called a '2-URL merge': svn merge SOURCE1[@REV1] SOURCE2[@REV2] [TARGET_WCPATH] You should use this merge variant only if the other variants do not apply to your situation, as this variant can be quite complex to master. Two source URLs are specified, identifying two trees on the same branch or on different branches. The trees are compared and the difference from SOURCE1@REV1 to SOURCE2@REV2 is applied to the working copy of the target branch at TARGET_WCPATH. The target branch may be the same as one or both sources, or different again. The three branches involved can be completely unrelated. SOURCE1 and/or SOURCE2 can also be specified as a working copy path, in which case the merge source URL is derived from the working copy. - 2-URL Merge Example - Two features have been developed on separate branches called 'foo' and 'bar'. It has since become clear that 'bar' should be combined with the 'foo' branch for further development before reintegration. Although both feature branches originate from trunk, they are not directly related -- one is not a direct copy of the other. A 2-URL merge is necessary. The 'bar' branch has been synced with trunk up to revision 500. (If this revision number is not known, it can be located using the 'svn log' and/or 'svn mergeinfo' commands.) The difference between trunk@500 and bar@HEAD contains the complete set of changes related to feature 'bar', and no other changes. These changes are applied to the 'foo' branch. foo +-----------------------------------o / ^ / / / r500 / trunk ------+------+-----------------L---------> / \ . / \ ............ / \ . / bar +-----------------------------------R In the diagram above, L marks the left side (trunk@500) and R marks the right side (bar@HEAD) of the merge. The difference between the left and right side is applied to the target working copy path, in this case a working copy of the 'foo' branch. To perform the merge, have a clean working copy of the 'foo' branch and run the following command in its top-level directory: svn merge ^/trunk@500 ^/bar The exact changes applied by a 2-URL merge can be previewed with svn's diff command, which is a good idea to verify if you do not have the luxury of a clean working copy to merge to. In this case: svn diff ^/trunk@500 ^/bar@HEAD The following applies to all types of merges: To prevent unnecessary merge conflicts, svn merge requires that TARGET_WCPATH is not a mixed-revision working copy. Running 'svn update' before starting a merge ensures that all items in the working copy are based on the same revision. If possible, you should have no local modifications in the merge's target working copy prior to the merge, to keep things simpler. It will be easier to revert the merge and to understand the branch's history. Switched sub-paths should also be avoided during merging, as they may cause incomplete merges and create subtree mergeinfo. For each merged item a line will be printed with characters reporting the action taken. These characters have the following meaning: A Added D Deleted U Updated C Conflict G Merged E Existed R Replaced Characters in the first column report about the item itself. Characters in the second column report about properties of the item. A 'C' in the third column indicates a tree conflict, while a 'C' in the first and second columns indicate textual conflicts in files and in property values, respectively. Subversion uses the svn:mergeinfo property to track merge history. This property is considered at the start of a merge to determine what to merge and it is updated at the conclusion of the merge to describe the merge that took place. Mergeinfo is used only if the two sources are on the same line of history -- if the first source is an ancestor of the second, or vice-versa (i.e. if one has originally been created by copying the other). This is verified and enforced when using sync merges and reintegrate merges. The --ignore-ancestry option prevents merge tracking and thus ignores mergeinfo, neither considering it nor recording it. - Merging from foreign repositories - Subversion does support merging from foreign repositories. While all merge source URLs must point to the same repository, the merge target working copy may come from a different repository than the source. However, there are some caveats. Most notably, copies made in the merge source will be transformed into plain additions in the merge target. Also, merge-tracking is not supported for merges from foreign repositories. force deletions even if deleted contents don't matchDisplay merge-related information. usage: 1. mergeinfo SOURCE[@REV] [TARGET[@REV]] 2. mergeinfo --show-revs=WHICH SOURCE[@REV] [TARGET[@REV]] 1. Summarize the history of merging between SOURCE and TARGET. The graph shows, from left to right: the youngest common ancestor of the branches; the latest full merge in either direction, and thus the common base that will be used for the next complete merge; the repository path and revision number of the tip of each branch. 2. Print the revision numbers on SOURCE that have been merged to TARGET (with --show-revs=merged), or that have not been merged to TARGET (with --show-revs=eligible). Print only revisions in which there was at least one change in SOURCE. If --revision (-r) is provided, filter the displayed information to show only that which is associated with the revisions within the specified range. Revision numbers, dates, and the 'HEAD' keyword are valid range values. SOURCE and TARGET are the source and target branch URLs, respectively. (If a WC path is given, the corresponding base URL is used.) The default TARGET is the current working directory ('.'). REV specifies the revision to be considered the tip of the branch; the default for SOURCE is HEAD, and the default for TARGET is HEAD for a URL or BASE for a WC path. The depth can be 'empty' or 'infinity'; the default is 'empty'. Create a new directory under version control. usage: 1. mkdir PATH... 2. mkdir URL... Create version controlled directories. 1. Each directory specified by a working copy PATH is created locally and scheduled for addition upon the next commit. 2. Each directory specified by a URL is created in the repository via an immediate commit. In both cases, all the intermediate directories must already exist, unless the --parents option is given. Move (rename) an item in a working copy or repository. usage: move SRC... DST SRC and DST can both be working copy (WC) paths or URLs: WC -> WC: move an item in a working copy, as a local change to be committed later (with or without further changes) URL -> URL: move an item in the repository directly, immediately creating a new revision in the repository All the SRCs must be of the same type. If DST is an existing directory, the sources will be added as children of DST. When moving multiple sources, DST must be an existing directory. SRC and DST of WC -> WC moves must be committed in the same revision. Furthermore, WC -> WC moves will refuse to move a mixed-revision subtree. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, it is recommended to run 'svn update' to update the subtree to a single revision before moving it. The --allow-mixed-revisions option is provided for backward compatibility. Apply a patch to a working copy. usage: patch PATCHFILE [WCPATH] Apply a unidiff patch in PATCHFILE to the working copy WCPATH. If WCPATH is omitted, '.' is assumed. A unidiff patch suitable for application to a working copy can be produced with the 'svn diff' command or third-party diffing tools. Any non-unidiff content of PATCHFILE is ignored, except for Subversion property diffs as produced by 'svn diff'. Changes listed in the patch will either be applied or rejected. If a change does not match at its exact line offset, it may be applied earlier or later in the file if a match is found elsewhere for the surrounding lines of context provided by the patch. A change may also be applied with fuzz, which means that one or more lines of context are ignored when matching the change. If no matching context can be found for a change, the change conflicts and will be written to a reject file with the extension .svnpatch.rej. For each patched file a line will be printed with characters reporting the action taken. These characters have the following meaning: A Added D Deleted U Updated C Conflict G Merged (with local uncommitted changes) Changes applied with an offset or fuzz are reported on lines starting with the '>' symbol. You should review such changes carefully. If the patch removes all content from a file, that file is scheduled for deletion. If the patch creates a new file, that file is scheduled for addition. Use 'svn revert' to undo deletions and additions you do not agree with. Hint: If the patch file was created with Subversion, it will contain the number of a revision N the patch will cleanly apply to (look for lines like '--- foo/bar.txt (revision N)'). To avoid rejects, first update to the revision N using 'svn update -r N', apply the patch, and then update back to the HEAD revision. This way, conflicts can be resolved interactively. Remove a property from files, dirs, or revisions. usage: 1. propdel PROPNAME [PATH...] 2. propdel PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [TARGET] 1. Removes versioned props in working copy. 2. Removes unversioned remote prop on repos revision. TARGET only determines which repository to access. See 'svn help propset' for descriptions of the svn:* special properties. Edit a property with an external editor. usage: 1. propedit PROPNAME TARGET... 2. propedit PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [TARGET] 1. Edits versioned prop in working copy or repository. 2. Edits unversioned remote prop on repos revision. TARGET only determines which repository to access. Print the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions. usage: 1. propget PROPNAME [TARGET[@REV]...] 2. propget PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [TARGET] 1. Prints versioned props. If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. 2. Prints unversioned remote prop on repos revision. TARGET only determines which repository to access. With --verbose, the target path and the property name are printed on separate lines before each value, like 'svn proplist --verbose'. Otherwise, if there is more than one TARGET or a depth other than 'empty', the target path is printed on the same line before each value. By default, an extra newline is printed after the property value so that the output looks pretty. With a single TARGET, depth 'empty' and without --show-inherited-props, you can use the --no-newline option to disable this (useful when redirecting a binary property value to a file, for example). print path, name and value on separate lines(deprecated; use --no-newline)List all properties on files, dirs, or revisions. usage: 1. proplist [TARGET[@REV]...] 2. proplist --revprop -r REV [TARGET] 1. Lists versioned props. If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. 2. Lists unversioned remote props on repos revision. TARGET only determines which repository to access. With --verbose, the property values are printed as well, like 'svn propget --verbose'. With --quiet, the paths are not printed. Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions. usage: 1. propset PROPNAME PROPVAL PATH... 2. propset PROPNAME --revprop -r REV PROPVAL [TARGET] 1. Changes a versioned file or directory property in a working copy. 2. Changes an unversioned property on a repository revision. (TARGET only determines which repository to access.) The value may be provided with the --file option instead of PROPVAL. Property names starting with 'svn:' are reserved. Subversion recognizes the following special versioned properties on a file: svn:keywords - Keywords to be expanded. Valid keywords are: URL, HeadURL - The URL for the head version of the file. Author, LastChangedBy - The last person to modify the file. Date, LastChangedDate - The date/time the file was last modified. Rev, Revision, - The last revision the file changed. LastChangedRevision Id - A compressed summary of the previous four. Header - Similar to Id but includes the full URL. Custom keywords can be defined with a format string separated from the keyword name with '='. Valid format substitutions are: %a - The author of the revision given by %r. %b - The basename of the URL of the file. %d - Short format of the date of the revision given by %r. %D - Long format of the date of the revision given by %r. %P - The file's path, relative to the repository root. %r - The number of the revision which last changed the file. %R - The URL to the root of the repository. %u - The URL of the file. %_ - A space (keyword definitions cannot contain a literal space). %% - A literal '%'. %H - Equivalent to %P%_%r%_%d%_%a. %I - Equivalent to %b%_%r%_%d%_%a. Example custom keyword definition: MyKeyword=%r%_%a%_%P Once a custom keyword has been defined for a file, it can be used within the file like any other keyword: $MyKeyword$ svn:executable - If present, make the file executable. Use 'svn propdel svn:executable PATH...' to clear. svn:eol-style - One of 'native', 'LF', 'CR', 'CRLF'. svn:mime-type - The mimetype of the file. Used to determine whether to merge the file, and how to serve it from Apache. A mimetype beginning with 'text/' (or an absent mimetype) is treated as text. Anything else is treated as binary. svn:needs-lock - If present, indicates that the file should be locked before it is modified. Makes the working copy file read-only when it is not locked. Use 'svn propdel svn:needs-lock PATH...' to clear. Subversion recognizes the following special versioned properties on a directory: svn:ignore - A list of file glob patterns to ignore, one per line. svn:global-ignores - Like svn:ignore, but inheritable. svn:auto-props - Automatically set properties on files when they are added or imported. Contains key-value pairs, one per line, in the format: PATTERN = PROPNAME=VALUE[;PROPNAME=VALUE ...] Example (where a literal ';' is escaped by adding another ';'): *.html = svn:eol-style=native;svn:mime-type=text/html;; charset=UTF8 Applies recursively to all files added or imported under the directory it is set on. See also [auto-props] in the client configuration file. svn:externals - A list of module specifiers, one per line, in the following format similar to the syntax of 'svn checkout': [-r REV] URL[@PEG] LOCALPATH Example: http://example.com/repos/zig foo/bar The LOCALPATH is relative to the directory having this property. To pin the external to a known revision, specify the optional REV: -r25 http://example.com/repos/zig foo/bar To unambiguously identify an element at a path which may have been subsequently deleted or renamed, specify the optional PEG revision: -r25 http://example.com/repos/zig@42 foo/bar The URL may be a full URL or a relative URL starting with one of: ../ to the parent directory of the extracted external ^/ to the repository root / to the server root // to the URL scheme ^/../ to a sibling repository beneath the same SVNParentPath location Use of the following format is discouraged but is supported for interoperability with Subversion 1.4 and earlier clients: LOCALPATH [-r PEG] URL The ambiguous format 'relative_path relative_path' is taken as 'relative_url relative_path' with peg revision support. Lines starting with a '#' character are ignored. read property value from file ARGRelocate the working copy to point to a different repository root URL. usage: 1. relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH...] 2. relocate TO-URL [PATH] Rewrite working copy URL metadata to reflect a syntactic change only. This is used when a repository's root URL changes (such as a scheme or hostname change) but your working copy still reflects the same directory within the same repository. 1. FROM-PREFIX and TO-PREFIX are initial substrings of the working copy's current and new URLs, respectively. (You may specify the complete old and new URLs if you wish.) Use 'svn info' to determine the current working copy URL. 2. TO-URL is the (complete) new repository URL to use for PATH. Examples: svn relocate http:// svn:// project1 project2 svn relocate http://www.example.com/repo/project \ svn://svn.example.com/repo/project Resolve conflicts on working copy files or directories. usage: resolve [PATH...] By default, perform interactive conflict resolution on PATH. In this mode, the command is recursive by default (depth 'infinity'). The --accept=ARG option prevents interactive prompting and forces conflicts on PATH to be resolved in the manner specified by ARG. In this mode, the command is not recursive by default (depth 'empty'). A conflicted path cannot be committed with 'svn commit' until it has been marked as resolved with 'svn resolve'. Subversion knows three types of conflicts: Text conflicts, Property conflicts, and Tree conflicts. Text conflicts occur when overlapping changes to file contents were made. Text conflicts are usually resolved by editing the conflicted file or by using a merge tool (which may be an external program). 'svn resolve' provides options which can be used to automatically edit files (such as 'mine-full' or 'theirs-conflict'), but these are only useful in situations where it is acceptable to discard local or incoming changes altogether. Property conflicts are usually resolved by editing the value of the conflicted property (either from the interactive prompt, or with 'svn propedit'). As with text conflicts, options exist to edit a property automatically, discarding some changes in favour of others. Tree conflicts occur when a change to the directory structure was made, and when this change cannot be applied to the working copy without affecting other changes (text changes, property changes, or other changes to the directory structure). Brief information about tree conflicts is shown by the 'svn status' and 'svn info' commands. In interactive mode, 'svn resolve' will attempt to describe tree conflicts in detail, and may offer options to resolve the conflict automatically. It is recommended to use these automatic options whenever possible, rather than attempting manual tree conflict resolution. If a tree conflict cannot be resolved automatically, it is recommended to figure out why the conflict occurred before attempting to resolve it. The 'svn log -v' command can be used to inspect structural changes made in past revisions, and perhaps even on other branches. 'svn help log' describes how these structural changes are presented. Once the conflicting "incoming" change has been identified with 'svn log' the current "local" working copy state should be examined and adjusted in a way such that the conflict is resolved. This may involve editing files manually or with 'svn merge'. It may be necessary to discard some local changes with 'svn revert'. Files or directories might have to be copied, deleted, or moved. specify automatic conflict resolution source ('base', 'working', 'mine-conflict', 'theirs-conflict', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full')Remove 'conflicted' state on working copy files or directories. usage: resolved PATH... Note: this subcommand does not semantically resolve conflicts or remove conflict markers; it merely removes the conflict-related artifact files and allows PATH to be committed again. It has been deprecated in favor of running 'svn resolve --accept working'. Restore pristine working copy state (undo local changes). usage: revert PATH... Revert changes in the working copy at or within PATH, and remove conflict markers as well, if any. This subcommand does not revert already committed changes. For information about undoing already committed changes, search the output of 'svn help merge' for 'undo'. Print the status of working copy files and directories. usage: status [PATH...] With no args, print only locally modified items (no network access). With -q, print only summary information about locally modified items. With -u, add working revision and server out-of-date information. With -v, print full revision information on every item. The first seven columns in the output are each one character wide: First column: Says if item was added, deleted, or otherwise changed ' ' no modifications 'A' Added 'C' Conflicted 'D' Deleted 'I' Ignored 'M' Modified 'R' Replaced 'X' an unversioned directory created by an externals definition '?' item is not under version control '!' item is missing (removed by non-svn command) or incomplete '~' versioned item obstructed by some item of a different kind Second column: Modifications of a file's or directory's properties ' ' no modifications 'C' Conflicted 'M' Modified Third column: Whether the working copy is locked for writing by another Subversion client modifying the working copy ' ' not locked for writing 'L' locked for writing Fourth column: Scheduled commit will create a copy (addition-with-history) ' ' no history scheduled with commit (item was newly added) '+' history scheduled with commit (item was copied) Fifth column: Whether the item is switched or a file external ' ' normal 'S' the item has a Switched URL relative to the parent 'X' a versioned file created by an eXternals definition Sixth column: Whether the item is locked in repository for exclusive commit (without -u) ' ' not locked by this working copy 'K' locked by this working copy, but lock might be stolen or broken (with -u) ' ' not locked in repository, not locked by this working copy 'K' locked in repository, lock owned by this working copy 'O' locked in repository, lock owned by another working copy 'T' locked in repository, lock owned by this working copy was stolen 'B' not locked in repository, lock owned by this working copy is broken Seventh column: Whether the item is the victim of a tree conflict ' ' normal 'C' tree-Conflicted If the item is a tree conflict victim, an additional line is printed after the item's status line, explaining the nature of the conflict. The out-of-date information appears in the ninth column (with -u): '*' a newer revision exists on the server ' ' the working copy is up to date Remaining fields are variable width and delimited by spaces: The working revision (with -u or -v; '-' if the item is copied) The last committed revision and last committed author (with -v) The working copy path is always the final field, so it can include spaces. The presence of a question mark ('?') where a working revision, last committed revision, or last committed author was expected indicates that the information is unknown or irrelevant given the state of the item (for example, when the item is the result of a copy operation). The question mark serves as a visual placeholder to facilitate parsing. Example output: svn status wc M wc/bar.c A + wc/qax.c svn status -u wc M 965 wc/bar.c * 965 wc/foo.c A + - wc/qax.c Status against revision: 981 svn status --show-updates --verbose wc M 965 938 kfogel wc/bar.c * 965 922 sussman wc/foo.c A + - 687 joe wc/qax.c 965 687 joe wc/zig.c Status against revision: 981 svn status M wc/bar.c ! C wc/qaz.c > local missing, incoming edit upon update D wc/qax.c obsolete; same as --depth=immediatesUpdate the working copy to a different URL within the same repository. usage: 1. switch URL[@PEGREV] [PATH] 2. switch --relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH...] 1. Update the working copy to mirror a new URL within the repository. This behavior is similar to 'svn update', and is the way to move a working copy to a branch or tag within the same repository. If specified, PEGREV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working copy do not automatically cause a failure if the switch attempts to add the same path. If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the corresponding path in the repository it becomes versioned but its contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy. This means that an obstructing directory's unversioned children may also obstruct and become versioned. For files, any content differences between the obstruction and the repository are treated like a local modification to the working copy. All properties from the repository are applied to the obstructing path. Use the --set-depth option to set a new working copy depth on the targets of this operation. By default, Subversion will refuse to switch a working copy path to a new URL with which it shares no common version control ancestry. Use the '--ignore-ancestry' option to override this sanity check. 2. The '--relocate' option is deprecated. This syntax is equivalent to 'svn relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH]'. See also 'svn help update' for a list of possible characters reporting the action taken. Examples: svn switch ^/branches/1.x-release allow switching to a node with no common ancestorhandle unversioned obstructions as changesdeprecated; use 'svn relocate'Unlock working copy paths or URLs. usage: unlock TARGET... Use --force to break a lock held by another user or working copy. Bring changes from the repository into the working copy. usage: update [PATH...] If no revision is given, bring working copy up-to-date with HEAD rev. Else synchronize working copy to revision given by -r. For each updated item a line will be printed with characters reporting the action taken. These characters have the following meaning: Characters in the first column report about the item itself. Characters in the second column report about properties of the item. A 'B' in the third column signifies that the lock for the file has been broken or stolen. A 'C' in the fourth column indicates a tree conflict, while a 'C' in the first and second columns indicate textual conflicts in files and in property values, respectively. If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working copy do not automatically cause a failure if the update attempts to add the same path. If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the corresponding path in the repository it becomes versioned but its contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy. This means that an obstructing directory's unversioned children may also obstruct and become versioned. For files, any content differences between the obstruction and the repository are treated like a local modification to the working copy. All properties from the repository are applied to the obstructing path. Obstructing paths are reported in the first column with code 'E'. If the specified update target is missing from the working copy but its immediate parent directory is present, checkout the target into its parent directory at the specified depth. If --parents is specified, create any missing parent directories of the target by checking them out, too, at depth=empty. Use the --set-depth option to set a new working copy depth on the targets of this operation. Upgrade the metadata storage format for a working copy. usage: upgrade [WCPATH...] Local modifications are preserved. force validity of log message sourceprint nothing, or only summary informationdescend recursively, same as --depth=infinitythe change made by revision ARG (like -r ARG-1:ARG) If ARG is negative this is like -r ARG:ARG-1 If ARG is of the form ARG1-ARG2 then this is like ARG1:ARG2, where ARG1 is inclusiveARG (some commands also take ARG1:ARG2 range) A revision argument can be one of: NUMBER revision number '{' DATE '}' revision at start of the date 'HEAD' latest in repository 'BASE' base rev of item's working copy 'COMMITTED' last commit at or before BASE 'PREV' revision just before COMMITTEDread log message from file ARGgive output suitable for concatenationtreat value as being in charset encoding ARGshow program version informationspecify a password ARG (caution: on many operating systems, other users will be able to see this)Specify differencing options for external diff or internal diff or blame. Default: '-u'. Options are separated by spaces. Internal diff and blame take: -u, --unified: Show 3 lines of unified context -b, --ignore-space-change: Ignore changes in amount of white space -w, --ignore-all-space: Ignore all white space --ignore-eol-style: Ignore changes in EOL style -U ARG, --context ARG: Show ARG lines of context -p, --show-c-function: Show C function namepass contents of file ARG as additional argslimit operation by depth ARG ('empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity')set new working copy depth to ARG ('exclude', 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity')do not cross copies while traversing historydisregard default and svn:ignore and svn:global-ignores property ignoresdo not cache authentication tokensdeprecated; same as --trust-server-cert-failures=unknown-cawith --non-interactive, accept SSL server certificates with failures; ARG is comma-separated list of 'unknown-ca' (Unknown Authority), 'cn-mismatch' (Hostname mismatch), 'expired' (Expired certificate), 'not-yet-valid' (Not yet valid certificate) and 'other' (all other not separately classified certificate errors).do no interactive prompting (default is to prompt only if standard input is a terminal device)do interactive prompting even if standard input is not a terminal devicetry operation but make no changesdisable merge tracking; diff nodes as if relatedmerge only mergeinfo differencesoperate on a revision property (use with -r)read user configuration files from directory ARGset user configuration option in the format: FILE:SECTION:OPTION=[VALUE] For example: servers:global:http-library=serfuse a different EOL marker than the standard system marker for files with the svn:eol-style property set to 'native'. ARG may be one of 'LF', 'CR', 'CRLF'operate only on members of changelist ARGdon't delete changelists after commitretrieve all revision propertiesretrieve no revision propertiesset revision property ARG in new revision using the name[=value] formatuse/display additional information from merge historyspecify automatic conflict resolution action ('postpone', 'working', 'base', 'mine-conflict', 'theirs-conflict', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full', 'edit', 'launch', 'recommended') (shorthand: 'p', 'mc', 'tc', 'mf', 'tf', 'e', 'l', 'r')specify which collection of revisions to display ('merged', 'eligible')number of leading path components to strip from paths parsed from the patch file. --strip 0 is the default and leaves paths unmodified. --strip 1 would change the path 'doc/fudge/crunchy.html' to 'fudge/crunchy.html'. --strip 2 would leave just 'crunchy.html' The expected component separator is '/' on all platforms. A leading '/' counts as one component.ignore whitespace during pattern matchingoverride diff-cmd specified in config filedo not print differences for added filesdo not print differences for deleted filesdon't diff copied or moved files with their sourcediff unrelated nodes as delete and adduse git's extended diff formatignore properties during the operationshow only properties during the operationgenerate diff suitable for generic third-party patch tools; currently the same as --show-copies-as-adds --ignore-propertiesAllow operation on mixed-revision working copy. Use of this option is not recommended! Please run 'svn update' instead.also operate on externals defined by svn:externals propertiesretrieve properties set on parents of the targetuse ARG as search pattern (glob syntax, case- and accent-insensitive, may require quotation marks to prevent shell expansion)combine ARG with the previous search patternshow revision log message, author and datereverting an added item will remove it from diskdo not output the trailing newlinepin externals with no explicit revision to their current revision (recommended when tagging)print only the item identified by ARG: 'kind' node kind of TARGET 'url' URL of TARGET in the repository 'relative-url' repository-relative URL of TARGET 'repos-root-url' root URL of repository 'repos-uuid' UUID of repository 'repos-size' for files, the size of TARGET in the repository 'revision' specified or implied revision 'last-changed-revision' last change of TARGET at or before 'revision' 'last-changed-date' date of 'last-changed-revision' 'last-changed-author' author of 'last-changed-revision' 'wc-root' root of TARGET's working copy 'schedule' 'normal','add','delete','replace' 'depth' checkout depth of TARGET in WC 'changelist' changelist of TARGET in WCLocal additions are merged with incoming additions instead of causing a tree conflict. Use of this option is not recommended! Use 'svn resolve' to resolve tree conflicts instead.remove unreferenced pristines from .svn directorydrop shelf after successful unshelveprint the working copy layout, formatted according to ARG: 'classic' or 'svn11'7.------2- 3-----<---;----------------I:---37.---3L<---<<;--;x<-k<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<:<-999-9988888888~8n8111111t1d1T1510}0m0]0M0=0-0TPT>P>dQ>S4?DU?U?t[D@[d@D\@t]@] At^hAT_A_AT`Bd`B`0B`DB`\B4a|BtbBbBDcCchCDeCeCeC$f,Dtf`DzRx ="zRx $$FJ w?;*3$"D;T\=aBBE J(D0A8D`a 8D0A(B BBBF hBpjhA`d? 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