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Type 'svnauthz help ' for help on a specific subcommand. Type 'svnauthz --version' to see the program version. Available subcommands: Error parsing authz file: '%s':'%s' is a repository relative URL when it should be a local path or file:// URL'%s' is a URL when it should be a repository-relative path--recursive not valid without --path'%s' is not a valid argument for --isRepository and authz file arguments requiredSubcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnauthz help %s' for usage. Try 'svnauthz help' for more infousage: svnauthz help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. Checks the syntax of an authz file. usage: 1. svnauthz validate TARGET 2. svnauthz validate --transaction TXN REPOS_PATH FILE_PATH 1. Loads and validates the syntax of the authz file at TARGET. TARGET can be a path to a file or an absolute file:// URL to an authz file in a repository, but cannot be a repository relative URL (^/). 2. Loads and validates the syntax of the authz file at FILE_PATH in the transaction TXN in the repository at REPOS_PATH. Returns: 0 when syntax is OK. 1 when syntax is invalid. 2 operational error Print or test the permissions set by an authz file. usage: 1. svnauthz accessof TARGET 2. svnauthz accessof -t TXN REPOS_PATH FILE_PATH 1. Prints the access of USER to PATH based on authorization file at TARGET. TARGET can be a path to a file or an absolute file:// URL to an authz file in a repository, but cannot be a repository relative URL (^/). 2. Prints the access of USER to PATH based on authz file at FILE_PATH in the transaction TXN in the repository at REPOS_PATH. USER is the argument to the --username option; if that option is not provided, then access of an anonymous user will be printed or tested. PATH is the argument to the --path option; if that option is not provided, the maximal access to any path in the repository will be considered. Outputs one of the following: rw write access (which also implies read) r read access no no access Returns: 0 when syntax is OK and '--is' argument (if any) matches. 1 when syntax is invalid. 2 operational error 3 when '--is' argument doesn't match show program version informationpath within repository to check access ofinstead of outputting, test if the access is exactly ARG ARG can be one of the following values: rw write access (which also implies read) r read-only access no no accessdetermine recursive access to PATHK(;d p`d`zRx "zRx $XFJ w?;*3$"D\h\ptBLG A(G0\ (A ABBA X8H@KHAPHXH`I0D(A ABB8BED G(J@s (A ABBK L :BEH F(G0G`u 0A(A BBBH ~hJpUhA`l\BEG D(G0f (M CBBE G (M CBBE L (C FDBE R(A ABBH#BBB B(A0D8G 8D0A(B BBBD }D[A_PABIAWA(PD J B G(J0E8I@I H|BBB E(A0D8L 8C0A(B BBBA `+ +A+@@+A[A8E@2EtA.GtR@hA?AA0L3A