#!/usr/bin/env bash ######################## # Set Helper functions # ######################## # Log level functions CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=${CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL:-"INFO"} # Success message in green. Always printed function success() { echo -e "\e[32m✓ $1\e[0m" return 0 } # Critical message in bold red and exit. Always printed function critical() { echo -e "\e[1;31m $1\e[0m" exit 1 } # Error message in red. function error() { echo -e "\e[31m✗ $1\e[0m" return 0 } # Warning message in yellow function warning() { if [ "${container_log_level_int}" -le 30 ]; then echo -e "\e[33m⚠ $1\e[0m" fi return 0 } # Info message in blue function info() { if [ "${container_log_level_int}" -le 20 ]; then echo -e "\e[34mⓘ $1\e[0m" fi return 0 } # Debug message in cyan function debug() { if [ "${container_log_level_int}" -le 10 ]; then echo -e "\e[36m▢ $1\e[0m" fi return 0 } function set_log_level() { case ${CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL} in "DEBUG") container_log_level_int=10 ;; "INFO") container_log_level_int=20 ;; "WARN") container_log_level_int=30 ;; "ERROR") container_log_level_int=40 ;; "CRITICAL") container_log_level_int=50 ;; *) debug "No matching log level found: ${CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL}." debug "Defaulting to INFO." CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL="INFO" container_log_level_int=20 ;; esac success "CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL: ${CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL}. Set CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG for more details." } update_file() { local target_file_path="$1" local original_file_path="$2" # Default to false local print_migration_info_on_update="${3:-false}" if [ ! -f "${target_file_path}" ] || ! cmp -s "${original_file_path}" "${target_file_path}"; then success "Update the file ${target_file_path} with ${original_file_path}" cp -f "${original_file_path}" "${target_file_path}" || warning "Could not copy ${original_file_path} to ${target_file_path}" if [ "${print_migration_info_on_update}" = "true" ]; then print_migration_info="true" fi else success "The file ${target_file_path} is up to date" fi } extract_config_info() { local config_location="$1" local config_variable="$2" local config_value="" if [[ "${config_location}" = *.yml ]]; then config_value=$(yq -r "${config_variable}" "${config_location}") elif [[ "${config_location}" = *.json ]]; then config_value=$(jq -r "${config_variable}" "${config_location}") fi # Validate the config value if [ -z "${config_value}" ] || [ "${config_value}" = null ]; then config_value="" fi # Return the value echo "${config_value}" } echo "#################" echo "# Container ENV #" echo "#################" # Validate the log level set_log_level # Set the jar file location jar_file=/ors.jar BUILD_GRAPHS=${BUILD_GRAPHS:-"false"} REBUILD_GRAPHS=${REBUILD_GRAPHS:-"false"} # If BUILD_GRAPHS is set to true, we need to set ors_rebuild_graphs to true and print an info about migration to REBUILD_GRAPHS if [ "${BUILD_GRAPHS}" = "true" ]; then ors_rebuild_graphs="true" warning "BUILD_GRAPHS is deprecated and will be removed in the future." warning "Please use REBUILD_GRAPHS instead." elif [ "${REBUILD_GRAPHS}" = "true" ]; then ors_rebuild_graphs="true" else ors_rebuild_graphs="false" fi # Parse the ors.* properties env | while read -r line; do debug "${line}" done info "Any config file settings can be overwritten by environment variables." info "Use 'CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG' to see the full list of active environment variables for this container." echo "###########################" echo "# Container sanity checks #" echo "###########################" info "Running container as user $(whoami) with id $(id -u) and group $(id -g)" if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]] || [[ $(id -g) -eq 0 ]] ; then debug "User and group are set to root with id 0 and group 0." elif [[ $(id -u) -eq 1000 ]] || [[ $(id -g) -eq 1000 ]] ; then debug "User and group are set to 1000 and group 1000." else # Test if the user tampered with the user and group settings warning "Running container as user '$(whoami)' with id $(id -u) and group $(id -g)" warning "Changing these values is only recommended if you're an advanced docker user and can handle file permission issues yourself." warning "Consider leaving the user and group options as root with 0:0 or 1000:1000 or avoid that setting completely." warning "If you need to change the user and group, make sure to rebuild the docker image with the appropriate UID,GID build args." fi if [[ -d /ors-core ]] || [[ -d /ors-conf ]]; then warning "Found remnants of old docker setup." warning "The ors-core and ors-conf folders are not used by default with the new docker setup." warning "Continuing with the new docker setup." fi # Fail if ORS_HOME env var is not set or if it is empty or set to / if [ -z "${ORS_HOME}" ] || [ "${ORS_HOME}" = "/" ]; then critical "ORS_HOME is not set or empty or set to /. This is not allowed. Exiting." fi mkdir -p "${ORS_HOME}" || critical "Could not create ${ORS_HOME}" # Make sure ORS_HOME is a directory if [ ! -d "${ORS_HOME}" ]; then critical "ORS_HOME: ${ORS_HOME} doesn't exist. Exiting." elif [ ! -w "${ORS_HOME}" ]; then error "ORS_HOME: ${ORS_HOME} is not writable." error "Make sure the file permission of ${ORS_HOME} in your volume mount are set to $(id -u):$(id -g)." error "Under linux the command for a volume would be: sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /path/to/ors/volume" critical "Exiting." fi success "ORS_HOME: ${ORS_HOME} exists and is writable." mkdir -p "${ORS_HOME}"/{files,logs,graphs,elevation_cache,config} || warning "Could not create the default folders in ${ORS_HOME}: files, logs, graphs, elevation_cache, config" debug "Populated ORS_HOME=${ORS_HOME} with the default folders: files, logs, graphs, elevation_cache, config" # Check if the original jar file exists if [ ! -f "${jar_file}" ]; then critical "Jar file not found. This shouldn't happen. Exiting." fi # get ors.engine.graphs_root_path=. Dot notations in bash are not allowed, so we need to use awk to parse it. ors_engine_graphs_root_path=$(env | grep "^ors\.engine\.graphs_root_path=" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') # get ors.engine.elevation.cache_path ors_engine_elevation_cache_path=$(env | grep "^ors\.engine\.elevation\.cache_path=" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') # get ors.engine.source_file ors_engine_source_file=$(env | grep "^ors\.engine\.source_file=" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') # Check that ors_engine_graphs_root_path is not empty and not set to / if [ -n "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" ] && [ "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" = "/" ]; then critical "ors.engine.graphs_root_path is set to /. This is not allowed. Exiting." else debug "ors.engine.graphs_root_path=${ors_engine_graphs_root_path} is set and not empty and not set to /" fi # Check that ors_engine_elevation_cache_path is not empty and not set to / if [ -n "${ors_engine_elevation_cache_path}" ] && [ "${ors_engine_elevation_cache_path}" = "/" ]; then critical "ors.engine.elevation.cache_path is set to /. This is not allowed. Exiting." else debug "ors.engine.elevation.cache_path=${ors_engine_elevation_cache_path} is set and not empty and not set to /" fi # Update the example-ors-config.env and example-ors-config.yml files if they don't exist or have changed update_file "${ORS_HOME}/config/example-ors-config.env" "/example-ors-config.env" "true" update_file "${ORS_HOME}/config/example-ors-config.yml" "/example-ors-config.yml" "true" # The config situation is difficult due to the recent ors versions. # To ensure a smooth transition, we need to check if the user is using a .json file or a .yml file. # If neither is set, we need to print a migration info and default to the example-ors-config.env file. # get ors_config_location ors_config_location=${ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION:-""} # Unset the ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION to not interfere with the spring-boot application unset ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION # Check if ors_config_location is a .json file and exists if [[ "${ors_config_location}" = *.yml ]] && [[ -f "${ors_config_location}" ]]; then success "Using yml config from ENV: ${ors_config_location}" elif [[ "${ors_config_location}" = *.json ]] && [[ -f "${ors_config_location}" ]]; then success "Using json config from ENV: ${ors_config_location}" # Print the above warning message in individual warning calls warning ".json configurations are deprecated and will be removed in the future." print_migration_info="true" elif [[ -f ${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml ]]; then success "Using the existing ors-config.yml from: ${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml" ors_config_location="${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml" else warning "No config file found. Copying /example-ors-config.yml to ${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml" warning "To adjust your config edit ors-config.yml in your 'config' docker volume or use the environment variable configuration." update_file "${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml" "/example-ors-config.yml" ors_config_location="${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml" fi # Get relevant configuration information from the .yml or .json file if [[ -z "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" ]]; then if [[ "${config_location}" = *.yml ]]; then ors_engine_graphs_root_path=$(extract_config_info "${ors_config_location}" '.ors.engine.graphs_root_path') elif [[ "${config_location}" = *.json ]]; then ors_engine_graphs_root_path=$(extract_config_info "${ors_config_location}" '.ors.services.routing.profiles.default_params.graphs_root_path') fi fi if [[ -z "${ors_engine_source_file}" ]]; then if [[ "${ors_config_location}" = *.yml ]]; then ors_engine_source_file=$(extract_config_info "${ors_config_location}" '.ors.engine.source_file') elif [[ "${ors_config_location}" = *.json ]]; then ors_engine_source_file=$(extract_config_info "${ors_config_location}" '.ors.services.routing.sources[0]') fi fi if [ -n "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" ]; then success "Using graphs folder ${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" else info "Default to graphs folder: ${ORS_HOME}/graphs" ors_engine_graphs_root_path="${ORS_HOME}/graphs" fi if [ -n "${ors_engine_source_file}" ]; then debug "OSM source file set to ${ors_engine_source_file}" # Check if it is the example file in root or the home folder if [[ "${ors_engine_source_file}" = "${ORS_HOME}/files/example-heidelberg.osm.gz" ]]; then info "Default to example osm source file: \"${ors_engine_source_file}\"" fi fi info "Any ENV variables will have precedence over configuration variables from config files." success "All checks passed. For details set CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG." echo "#####################################" echo "# Container file system preparation #" echo "#####################################" # Check if uid or gid is different from 1000 chown -R "$(whoami)" "${ORS_HOME}"; debug "Changed ownership of ${ORS_HOME} to $(whoami)" || warning "Could not change ownership of ${ORS_HOME} to $(whoami)" update_file "${ORS_HOME}/files/example-heidelberg.osm.gz" "/heidelberg.osm.gz" # Remove existing graphs if BUILD_GRAPHS is set to true if [ "${ors_rebuild_graphs}" = "true" ]; then # Warn if ors.engine.graphs_root_path is not set or empty if [ -z "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" ]; then warning "graphs_root_path is not set or could not be found. Skipping cleanup." elif [ -d "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" ]; then # Check the ors.engine.graphs_root_path folder exists rm -rf "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path:?}"/* || warning "Could not remove ${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" success "Removed graphs at ${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}/*." else debug "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path} does not exist (yet). Skipping cleanup." fi # Create the graphs folder again mkdir -p "${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" || warning "Could not populate graph folder at ${ors_engine_graphs_root_path}" fi success "Container file system preparation complete. For details set CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG." echo "#######################################" echo "# Prepare CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS #" echo "#######################################" # Let the user define every parameter via env vars if not, default to the values below management_jmxremote_port=${MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_PORT:-9001} management_jmxremote_rmi_port=${MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_RMI_PORT:-9001} management_jmxremote_authenticate=${MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_AUTHENTICATE:-false} management_jmxremote_ssl=${MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_SSL:-false} java_rmi_server_hostname=${JAVA_RMI_SERVER_HOSTNAME:-localhost} additional_catalina_opts=${ADDITIONAL_CATALINA_OPTS:-""} # Let the user define every parameter via env vars if not, default to the values below target_survivor_ratio=${TARGET_SURVIVOR_RATIO:-75} survivor_ratio=${SURVIVOR_RATIO:-64} max_tenuring_threshold=${MAX_TENURING_THRESHOLD:-3} parallel_gc_threads=${PARALLEL_GC_THREADS:-4} xms=${XMS:-1g} xmx=${XMX:-2g} additional_java_opts=${ADDITIONAL_JAVA_OPTS:-""} CATALINA_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=${management_jmxremote_port} \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=${management_jmxremote_rmi_port} \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=${management_jmxremote_authenticate} \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=${management_jmxremote_ssl} \ -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=${java_rmi_server_hostname} \ ${additional_catalina_opts}" debug "CATALINA_OPTS: ${CATALINA_OPTS}" JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true \ -server -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=${target_survivor_ratio} \ -XX:SurvivorRatio=${survivor_ratio} \ -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=${max_tenuring_threshold} \ -XX:+UseG1GC \ -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC \ -XX:ParallelGCThreads=${parallel_gc_threads} \ -Xms${xms} \ -Xmx${xmx} \ ${additional_java_opts}" debug "JAVA_OPTS: ${JAVA_OPTS}" success "CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS ready. For details set CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG." # Print the migration info if print_migration_info is set to true but not if PRINT_MIGRATION_INFO is set to False if [ "${print_migration_info}" = "true" ]; then info "##########################################" info "# Config options and migration information #" info "##########################################" info ">>> Migration information <<<" warning "Configuring ors with a .json config is deprecated and will be removed in the future." info "You can use the ors-config-migration tool to migrate your .json config to .yml: https://github.com/GIScience/ors-config-migration#usage" info ">>> Config options <<<" info "You have the following options to configure ORS:" info "Method 1 yml config:" info "> docker cp ors-container-name:${ORS_HOME}/config/example-ors-config.yml ./ors-config.yml" info "> docker run --name example-ors-instance-conf-file -e ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION=${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml -v \$(pwd)/ors-config.yml:${ORS_HOME}/config/ors-config.yml openrouteservice/openrouteservice:latest" info "Method 2 environment variables:" info "> docker cp ors-container-name:${ORS_HOME}/config/example-ors-config.env ./ors-config.env" info "> docker run --name example-ors-instance-env-file --env-file ors-config.env openrouteservice/openrouteservice:latest" info ">>> End of migration information <<<" fi echo "#####################" echo "# ORS startup phase #" echo "#####################" # Start the jar with the given arguments and add the ORS_HOME env var success "🙭 Ready to start the ORS application 🙭" debug "Startup command: java ${JAVA_OPTS} ${CATALINA_OPTS} -jar ${jar_file}" # Export ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION to the environment of child processes export ORS_CONFIG_LOCATION=${ors_config_location} # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # we need word splitting here exec java ${JAVA_OPTS} ${CATALINA_OPTS} -jar "${jar_file}" "$@"