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TEST FAILED Missing optionsusage: synctex [options] [args] Synchronize TeXnology command-line client, version 1.21 The Synchronization TeXnology by Jérôme Laurens is a rather new feature of recent TeX engines. It allows to synchronize between input and output, which means to navigate from the source document to the typeset material and vice versa. Available subcommands: view to perform forwards synchronization edit to perform backwards synchronization update to update a synctex file after a dvi/xdv to pdf filter help this help Type 'synctex help ' for help on a specific subcommand. There is also an undocumented test subcommand. synctex view: forwards or direct synchronization, command sent by the editor to view the output corresponding to the position under the mouse usage: synctex view -i line:column:[page_hint:]input -o output [-d directory] [-x viewer-command] [-h before/offset:middle/after] -i line:column:[page_hint:]input specify the line, column, optional page hint and input file. The line and column are 1 based integers, they allow to identify every character in a file. column is the offset of a character relative to the containing line. Pass 0 if this information is not relevant. page_hint is the currently displayed page number. If there is an answer on that page, it will be returned. Pass 0 if this information is not available to you. input is either the name of the main source file or an included document. It must be the very name as understood by TeX, id est the name exactly as it appears in the log file. It does not matter if the file actually exists or not, except that the command is not really useful. -o output is the full or relative path of the output file (with any relevant path extension). This file must exist. -d directory is the directory containing the synctex file, in case it is different from the directory of the output. This directory must exist. An example will explain how things work: for synctex -o ...:bar.tex -d foo, the chosen synctex file is the most recent among bar.synctex, bar.synctex.gz, foo/bar.synctex and foo/bar.synctex.gz. The other ones are simply removed, if the authorization is granted -x viewer-command Normally the synctex tool outputs its result to the stdout. It is possible to launch an external tool with the result. The viewer-command is a printf like format string with following specifiers. %{output} is the name specifier of the main document, without path extension. %{page} is the 0 based page number specifier, %{page+1} is the 1 based page number specifier. To synchronize by point, %{x} is the x coordinate specifier, %{y} is the y coordinate specifier, both in dots and relative to the top left corner of the page. To synchronize by box, %{h} is the horizontal coordinate specifier of the origin of the enclosing box, %{v} is the vertical coordinate specifier of the origin of the enclosing box, both in dots and relative to the upper left corner of the page. They may be different from the preceding pair of coordinates. %{width} is the width specifier, %{height} is the height specifier of the enclosing box. The latter dimension is naturally counted from bottom to top. There is no notion of depth for such a box. To synchronize by content, %{before} is the word before, %{offset} is the offset specifier, %{middle} is the middle word, and %{after} is the word after. If no viewer command is provided, the content of the SYNCTEX_VIEWER environment variable is used instead. -h before/offset:middle/after This hint allows a forwards synchronization by contents. Instead of giving a character offset in a line, you can give full words. A full word is a sequence of characters (excepting '/'). You will choose full words in the source document that will certainly appear unaltered in the output. The "middle" word contains the character under the mouse at position offset. "before" is a full word preceding middle and "after" is following it. The before or after word can be missing, they are then considered as void strings. The result is a list of records. In general the first one is the most accurate but it is the responsibility of the client to decide which one best fits the user needs. synctex edit: backwards or reverse synchronization, command sent by the viewer to edit the source corresponding to the position under the mouse usage: synctex edit -o page:x:y:file [-d directory] [-x editor-command] [-h offset:context] -o page:x:y:file specify the page and coordinates of the point under the mouse. page is 1 based. Coordinates x and y are counted from the top left corner of the page. Their unit is the big point (72 dpi). file is in general the path of a pdf or dvi file. It can be either absolute or relative to the current directory. This named file must always exist. -d directory is the directory containing the synctex file, in case it is different from the directory of the output. This directory must exist. An example will explain how things work: for synctex -o ...:bar.tex -d foo, the chosen synctex file is the most recent among bar.synctex, bar.synctex.gz, foo/bar.synctex and foo/bar.synctex.gz. The other ones are simply removed, if the authorization is granted -x editor-command Normally the synctex tool outputs its result to the stdout. It is possible to execute an external tool with the result of the query. The editor-command is a printf like format string with following specifiers. They will be replaced by their value before the command is executed. %{output} is the full path specifier of the output document, with no extension. %{input} is the name specifier of the input document. %{line} is the 0 based line number specifier. %{line+1} is the 1 based line number specifier. %{column} is the 0 based column number specifier or -1. %{column+1} is the 1 based column number or -1. %{offset} is the 0 based offset specifier and %{context} is the context specifier of the hint. If no editor-command is provided, the content of the SYNCTEX_EDITOR environment variable is used instead. -h offset:context This hint allows a backwards or reverse synchronization by contents. You give a context including the character at the mouse location, and the offset of this character relative to the beginning of this bunch of text. synctex update: up to date synctex file, Use this command to update the synctex file once a dvi/xdv to pdf filter is applied. usage: synctex update -o output [-d directory] [-m number] [-x dimension] [-y dimension] -o output is the full or relative path of an existing file, either the real synctex file you wish to update or a related file: foo.tex, foo.pdf, foo.dvi... -d directory is the directory containing the synctex file, in case it is different from the directory of the output. This directory must exist. An example will explain how things work: for synctex -o ...:bar.tex -d foo, the chosen synctex file is the most recent among bar.synctex, bar.synctex.gz, foo/bar.synctex and foo/bar.synctex.gz. The other ones are simply removed, if the authorization is granted -m number Set additional magnification -x dimension Set horizontal offset -y dimension Set vertical offset In general, these are exactly the same options provided to the dvi/xdv to pdf filter. Output:%s Page:%i x:%f y:%f h:%f v:%f W:%f H:%f before:%s offset:%i middle:%s after:%s SyncTeX ERROR: No memory available! synctex_edit: Memory copy problemOutput:%s Input:%s Line:%i Column:%i Offset:%i Context:%s This is SyncTeX command line utility, version 1.5! usage: synctex test file -o output [-d directory] output:%s directory:%s file name:%s compression mode:%s ?;l pXHȿ(LpzRx Ƚ&D$4FJ w?:*3$"\خtЮ,HzBBA O GNE AJ AA dAJ AA 0AJ AA (AJ AA \Le BBB B(A0A8GX 8A0A(B BBBA  ENATlBGB B(A0A8G`x 8A0A(B BBBA ~hEpghA`L0 FBB B(A0J8J. 8D0A(B BBBA 2p2 E o   8h  ooh oo o(0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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