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(l. %d of change file) . (l. %d) . (l. %d of include file %s) Memory usage statistics:%ld names (out of %ld) %ld bytes (out of %ld) %ld tokens (out of %ld) (No errors were found.)byte memory> and <> ! New name is a prefix of < ! New name extends <>, which abbreviates </*%d:*//*:%d*/ #line %d "stack#define macro defs have strange char! This can't happen: ! Not present: < Writing the output files: (%s)! Cannot open output file awb (%s)/dev/stdout/dev/stderr/dev/nullDone.! Input line too long! Missing @x in change file! Change file ended after @x! Where is the matching @z?! Change file ended before @y! Where is the matching @y? ! Hmm... %d ! Include file name not given! Too many nested includes! Include file name too long! Filename too long ! Cannot open include filetoken! Input ended in mid-comment! String didn't end ! String too long: ! Use @l in limbo only! Input ended in section name! Section name didn't end ! Section name too long: output files! Verbatim string didn't end! Misplaced @htextDonald E. KnuthctanglecweavectwillX%02Xcweb${TEXMFLOCALEDIR}--helptex-k@tug.org Email bug reports to %s. --versionprog_name_end && prog_versionprog_name_start (TeX Live 2022/dev/Debian)%s %s%s Copyright 2021 %s. covered by the terms of both the %s copyright and Primary author of %s: %s. --verbose--quiet%u%s.w%s.tex%s.idx%s.scn%s.c-%s.ch.ttp.wtp! Cannot open input file ./! Cannot open change file %x*%d a null CHANGEFILE.%ld replacement texts (out of %ld) (Did you see the warning message above?)(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)(That was a fatal error, my friend.) ! Sorry, %s capacity exceeded ! Ambiguous prefix: matches < ! Section name incompatible with < ! No program text was specified. Writing the output file (%s):%s: Need one to three file arguments. Try `%s --help' for more information. ! Change file ended without @zof the preceding lines failed to match! CWEB file ended during a change! Section name ended in mid-comment! Input ended in middle of string! Double @ should be used in control text! Nesting of section names not allowed! Double @ should be used in ASCII constant! Missing `@ ' before a named section! Double @ should be used in string! Unrecognized escape sequence! @d, @f and @c are ignored in C textSilvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth../../../../texk/web2c/lib/printversion.cThere is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software isthe Lesser GNU General Public License.For more information about these matters, see the filenamed COPYING and the %s source. Contemporary development on https://github.com/ascherer/cweb. ! Improper hex number following @l! Replacement string in @l too long! Double @ should be used in limbo! Definition flushed, must start with identifier! Change file entry did not matchUsage: cweave [OPTIONS] WEBFILE[.w] [{CHANGEFILE[.ch]|-} [OUTFILE[.tex]]] Weave WEBFILE with CHANGEFILE into a TeX document. Default CHANGEFILE is /dev/null; TeX output goes to the basename of WEBFILE extended with `.tex' unless otherwise specified by OUTFILE; in this case, '-' specifies+b print banner line on terminal+h print success message on completion+p print progress report messages+/-q shortcut for '-bhp'; also '--quiet' (default)+/-v shortcut for '+bhp'; also '--verbose'-c ignore temporary output irrespective of changes-dN set 'kpathsea_debug' to N (0..127)-e do not enclose C material in \PB{...}-f do not force a newline after every C statement in output-i suppress indentation of parameter declarations-o suppress separation of declarations and statements-x omit indices, section names, table of contents+lX use macros for language X as of Xcwebmac.tex+s print usage statistics+t treat 'typename' in a template like 'typedef'--help display this help and exit--version output version information and exitUsage: ctangle [OPTIONS] WEBFILE[.w] [{CHANGEFILE[.ch]|-} [OUTFILE[.c]]] Tangle WEBFILE with CHANGEFILE into a C/C++ program. C output goes to the basename of WEBFILE extended with `.c'+k keep separators in numeric literals in the outputUsage: ctwill [OPTIONS] WEBFILE[.w] [{CHANGEFILE[.ch]|-} [OUTFILE[.tex]]] Weave WEBFILE with CHANGEFILE into a TeX document with mini-indexes.+P \input ctproofmac.tex instead of ctwimac.tex+/-lX use macros for language X as of Xct{wi|proof}mac.texk]: ާx9 tf8ӥm$UV000000000000000000000000000r000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Z000200o0printversionandexitThis is CTANGLE, Version 4.4;x{@{X@~ВpP04l4`ЦP @,p0LlzRx ȑ&D$4wFJ w?:*3$"\Hzt@zHĒkL BIB A(A0E (D JBBJ E(F NBBHBBD A(D0H (A ABBE Q(F MBB4PAFK ~ AAF Q AAE (BRA m ALA @D A .A +AAPH dBBB B(A0D8DP 8D0A(B BBBD HPDBOE F(A0C8DPo 8D0A(B BBBH T؝nBAE N ABG K AIA  FDE  FBE (AHD  CAM ԤgBBB B(A0H8DP 8A0A(B BBBJ Z 8A0A(B BBBL  8A0A(B BBBF X8A0A(B BBBp BBB B(A0A8H Q DL 8A0A(B BBBE 0 8A0A(B BBBA (̯YBNK XH BIH D(G0N (F ABBI N (A ABBD a(F ABB\QBBP H(A0 (H BBBE D (L GIFL A(A BBB` BBB I(H0A8DP0 8F0A(B BBBA d 8C0A(B BBBA hܺO A GHl&BBB I(H0H8D`[ 8D0A(B BBBA HP BBB E(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBF H 4wFEB B(H0F8Rp0 8A0A(B BBBE ::CT @Ho  P0  oo ooX oHP0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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