#!/usr/bin/perl # Debian required shebang above # Original shebang below # #!/usr/bin/env perl #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # mk4ht Version 1.1 % # Copyright (C) 2003--2009 Eitan M. Gurari % # Copyright 2009 TeX Users Group % # % # This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % # version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any % # later version. The latest version of this license is % # in % # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % # and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions % # of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later. % # % # This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".% # % # The Current Maintainer of this work % # is the TeX4ht Project. % # % # tex4ht@tug.org % # http://www.tug.org/tex4ht % #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% use strict; $^W=1; # turn warning on my $texFile = ''; if( @ARGV ){ my(@array) = split('\.',@ARGV[1]); $texFile = @array[0]; } my @options = ( "", "ht", "", "", "", "-cvalidatehtml", "ht", "htlatex", "latex", "", "", "-cvalidatehtml", "ht", "httex", "tex", "", "", "-cvalidatehtml", "ht", "httexi", "texi", "", "", "-cvalidatehtml", "ht", "htcontext", "context", "", "", "-cvalidatehtml", "ht", "htxetex", "xetex", "", "", "-cvalidatehtml", "ht", "htxelatex", "xelatex", "", "", "-cvalidatehtml", "xh", "xhlatex", "latex", "xhtml", "", "-cvalidate", "xh", "xhtex", "tex", "xhtml", "", "-cvalidate", "xh", "xhtexi", "texi", "xhtml", "", "-cvalidate", "xh", "xhcontext","context", "xhtml", "", "-cvalidat", "xh", "xhxelatex", "xelatex", "xhtml", "", "-cvalidate", "xh", "xhxetex", "xetex", "xhtml", "", "-cvalidate", "uxh", "uxhlatex", "latex", "xhtml,uni-html4", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "uxh", "uxhtex", "tex", "xhtml,uni-html4", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "uxh", "uxhtexi", "texi", "xhtml,uni-html4", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "uxh", "uxhcontext","context", "xhtml,uni-html4", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "uxh", "uxhxelatex", "xelatex", "xhtml,uni-html4", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "uxh", "uxhxetex", "xetex", "xhtml,uni-html4", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "xhm", "xhmlatex", "latex", "xhtml,mathml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "xhm", "xhmtex", "tex", "xhtml,mathml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "xhm", "xhmtexi", "texi", "xhtml,mathml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "xhm", "xhmcontext","context", "xhtml,mathml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "xhm", "xhmxelatex", "xelatex", "xhtml,mathml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "xhm", "xhmxetex", "xetex", "xhtml,mathml", " -cunihtf", "-cvalidate", "mz", "mzlatex", "latex", "xhtml,mozilla", " -cmozhtf", "-cvalidate", "mz", "mztex", "tex", "xhtml,mozilla", " -cmozhtf", "-cvalidate", "mz", "mztexi", "texi", "xhtml,mozilla", " -cmozhtf", "-cvalidate", "mz", "mzcontext", "context", "xhtml,mozilla", " -cmozhtf", "-cvalidate", "mz", "mzxelatex", "xelatex", "xhtml,mozilla", " -cmozhtf", "-cvalidate", "mz", "mzxetex", "xetex", "xhtml,mozilla", " -cmozhtf", "-cvalidate", "oo", "oolatex", "latex", "xhtml,ooffice", "ooffice/\! -cmozhtf", "-cooxtpipes -coo", "oo", "ootex", "tex", "xhtml,ooffice", "ooffice/\! -cmozhtf", "-cooxtpipes -coo", "oo", "ootexi", "texi", "xhtml,ooffice", "ooffice/\! -cmozhtf", "-cooxtpipes -coo", "oo", "oocontext", "context", "xhtml,ooffice", "ooffice/\! -cmozhtf", "-cooxtpipes -coo", "oo", "ooxelatex", "xelatex", "xhtml,ooffice", "ooffice/\! -cmozhtf", "-cooxtpipes -coo", "oo", "ooxetex", "xetex", "xhtml,ooffice", "ooffice/\! -cmozhtf", "-cooxtpipes -coo", "es", "eslatex", "latex", "xhtml,emspk", " -cemspkhtf -s4es", "-cemspk", "es", "estex", "tex", "xhtml,emspk", " -cemspkhtf -s4es", "-cemspk", "es", "estexi", "texi", "xhtml,emspk", " -cemspkhtf -s4es", "-cemspk", "es", "escontext", "context", "xhtml,emspk", " -cemspkhtf -s4es", "-cemspk", "es", "esxelatex", "xelatex", "xhtml,emspk", " -cemspkhtf -s4es", "-cemspk", "es", "esxetex", "xetex", "xhtml,emspk", " -cemspkhtf -s4es", "-cemspk", "js", "jslatex", "latex", "xhtml,jsml", " -cjsmlhtf", "-cjsml", "js", "jstex", "tex", "xhtml,jsml", " -cjsmlhtf", "-cjsml", "js", "jstexi", "texi", "xhtml,jsml", " -cjsmlhtf", "-cjsml", "js", "jscontext", "context", "xhtml,jsml", " -cjsmlhtf", "-cjsml", "js", "jsxelatex", "xelatex", "xhtml,jsml", " -cjsmlhtf", "-cjsml", "js", "jsxetex", "xetex", "xhtml,jsml", " -cjsmlhtf", "-cjsml", "jm", "jmlatex", "latex", "xhtml,jsmath", " -cmozhtf", "", "jm", "jmtex", "tex", "xhtml,jsmath", " 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"wxetex", "xetex", "xhtml,word", " -csymhtf", "", "jh", "jhlatex", "latex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp -cvalidatehtml", "jh", "jhtex", "tex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp -cvalidatehtml", "jh", "jhtexi", "texi", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp -cvalidatehtml", "jh", "jhcontext","context", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp -cvalidatehtml", "jh", "jhxelatex", "xelatex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp -cvalidatehtml", "jh", "jhxetex", "xetex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp -cvalidatehtml", "jh1", "jh1latex", "latex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode,jh1.0", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp", "jh1", "jh1tex", "tex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode,jh1.0", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp", "jh1", "jh1texi", "texi", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode,jh1.0", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp", "jh1", "jh1context","context", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode,jh1.0", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp", "jh1", "jh1xelatex", "xelatex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode,jh1.0", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp", "jh1", "jh1xetex", "xetex", "html,javahelp,xml,3.2,unicode,jh1.0", " -cmozhtf -u10", " -d$texFile-doc/ -cjavahelp", ); sub showInstrucions(){ print " option1: mk4ht #1 \"#2\" \"#3\" \"#4\" \"#5\"\n"; print " \n"; print " #1: htlatex, xhlatex, mzlatex, oolatex, dblatex, dbmlatex,\n"; print " jhlatex, eslatex, teilatex, teimlatex, uxhlatex, \n"; print " wlatex, xhmlatex\n"; print " \n"; print " also 'tex', 'texi', 'context', 'xetex', and 'xelatex'\n"; print " instead of 'latex'\n"; print " \n"; print " #2: file name\n"; print " #3: optional arguments for latex/tex/... \n"; print " #4: optional arguments for tex4ht.c\n"; print " #5: optional arguments for t4ht.c\n"; print " \n"; print " option2: mk4ht ht #2 #3 \"#4\" \"#5\"\n"; print " \n"; print " #1: ht\n"; print " #2: latex, tex\n"; print " #3: file name\n"; print " #4: optional arguments for tex4ht.c\n"; print " #5: optional arguments for t4ht.c\n"; print " \n"; print " Within the program, in column three of the options\n"; print " variable, the requests for the commands \"latex\",\n"; print " \"tex\", etc. can be replaced with other equivalent\n"; print " commands (e.g., \"tex -fmt=latex\").\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print " Private configuration file: mk4ht.cfg\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\n"; print "A private configuration file mk4ht.cfg or .mk4ht may be placed at the\n"; print "work or home directory, to update existing commands and introduce new\n"; print "ones. The configuration file may contain records of the following\n"; print "kinds.\n"; print "\n"; print " # Comment\n"; print " \n"; print " name = type\n"; print " Defines a ht*tex like command, and assocites to it the \n"; print " TeX compiler of the specified type. Examples of TeX \n"; print " types: latex, tex, texi, context, xetex, and xelatex.\n"; print " \n"; print " name.tex = options\n"; print " Command line options for the compilation under\n"; print " the (la)tex compiler\n"; print " \n"; print " name.tex4ht = options\n"; print " Command line options for tex4ht.c \n"; print " \n"; print " name.t4ht = options\n"; print " Command line options for t4ht.c\n"; print " \n"; print "Each record should appear in a different line. Variants\n"; print "`name.tex += options', `name.tex4ht += options',\n"; print "`name.t4ht += options' of the above records are also allowed.\n"; print "They append the listed options to the base values.\n"; print "\n"; print "Example:\n"; print "\n"; print " foohlatex = latex\n"; print " foohlatex.tex = xhtml,uni-html4\n"; print " foohlatex.tex4ht += -cunihtf\n"; print " foohlatex.t4ht = -cvalidate\n"; print " htlatex.t4ht += -d./\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print " Deleting files\n"; print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\n"; print "The configuration file mk4ht.cfg may also contain requests for\n"; print "removing files created in the work directory during the compilation.\n"; print "The requests are to be made through records of the following forms.\n"; print "\n"; print " clean ext1 ext2 ...\n"; print " The extensions of the file name to be removed.\n"; print " \n"; print " clean.name ext1 ext2 ...\n"; print " Conditional request. The `name' refers to the ht*tex \n"; print " like command in use.\n"; print "\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " clean dvi idv\n"; print " clean.foohlatex lg \n"; print " clean.htlatex lg tmp\n"; } print "mk4ht (Version 1.1)\n"; if( !@ARGV ){ print "improper command\n"; showInstrucions(); exit(1); } my @command=("","","","",""); my $i=0; my $j=0; my $param; my $name; my $compiler; my $tex; my $tex4ht; my $t4ht; my $texp; my $tex4htp = ""; my $t4htp = ""; my @ext; foreach $param (@ARGV) { if( $i == 0 ){ my $inf; open $inf, ") { my($line) = $_; chomp($line); # remove eoln char if ($line =~ m|\s*#.*|) {} elsif($line =~ m|^\s*(\S*)\.(\S*)\s*\+=\s*(.*\S)\s*$|) { if( ($param."tex4ht") eq ($1.$2) ){ $tex4htp = $tex4htp . " " . $3; } elsif( ($param."t4ht") eq ($1.$2) ){ $t4htp = $t4htp . " " . $3; } elsif( ($param."tex") eq ($1.$2) ){ $texp = $texp . "," . $3; } } elsif($line =~ m|^\s*(\S*)\.(\S*)\s*=\s*(.*\S)\s*$|) { if( ($param."tex4ht") eq ($1.$2) ){ $tex4ht = $3 . " "; $tex4htp = ""; } elsif( ($param."t4ht") eq ($1.$2) ){ $t4ht = $3 . " "; $t4htp = ""; } elsif( ($param."tex") eq ($1.$2) ){ $tex = $3 . ","; $texp = ""; } } elsif($line =~ m|^\s*(\S*)\s*=\s*(.*\S)\s*$|) { if( $param eq $1 ){ $name = $1; $compiler = $2; } } elsif($line =~ m|^\s*clean\s+(.+)|){ my(@array) = split(' ',$1); push(@ext,@array); } elsif($line =~ m|^\s*clean\.(\S+)\s+(.+)|){ if( $1 eq @ARGV[0] ){ my(@array) = split(' ',$2); push(@ext,@array); } } elsif ($line) { print "--- Error --- " . $line . "\n"; } } close $inf; } for( $j=1; $j<$#options; $j+=6 ){ if( $param eq $options[$j] ){ if( $name ){ $command[0] = "ht".$compiler; if( $tex ){ $command[2] = $tex; } else { $command[2] = ""; } if( $tex4ht ){ $command[3] = $tex4ht; } else { $command[3] = ""; } if( $t4ht ){ $command[4] = $t4ht; } else { $command[4] = ""; } } else { if( $options[$j-1] eq "" ){ $command[0] = $options[$j]; } else { $command[0] = "ht".$options[$j+1]; } if( $tex ){ $command[2] = $tex; } else { $command[2] = $options[$j+2]; } if( $tex4ht ){ $command[3] = $tex4ht; } else { $command[3] = $options[$j+3]; } if( $t4ht ){ $command[4] = $t4ht; } else { $command[4] = $options[$j+4]; } } if( $texp ){ $command[2] = $command[2] . "," . $texp; } if( $tex4htp){ $command[3] = $command[3] . " " . $tex4htp; } if( $t4htp ){ $command[4] = $command[4] . " " . $t4htp; } last; } } if( $j>$#options ){ if( $name ){ $command[0] = "ht".$compiler; if( $tex ){ $command[2] = $tex; } else { $command[2] = ""; } if( $tex4ht ){ $command[3] = $tex4ht; } else { $command[3] = ""; } if( $t4ht ){ $command[4] = $t4ht; } else { $command[4] = ""; } } else { print "improper command: $param \n"; showInstrucions(); exit(1); } } } elsif ( $i== 1 ) { $command[1] = $param; } elsif ( $i== 2 ) { if( $command[2] eq "" ){ $command[2] = $param; } else { $command[2] = $param. "," . $command[2]; } } elsif ( $i== 3 ) { $command[3] = $param . $command[3]; } else { $command[4] = $param. " " .$command[4]; } $i++; } my $cmd; open (KPSEA, "kpsewhich " . $command[0] . " |"); if ($cmd = ){ $cmd =~ s/\s+$//; } else { $cmd = $command[0]; } close KPSEA; my $commando = $cmd . " " . $command[1] . " \"". $command[2] . "\" \"". $command[3] . "\" \"" . $command[4] . "\""; print "$commando\n"; my $rtrn; if( $rtrn = system($commando) ){ print "--- error --- failed to execute command\n"; } else { my $file; my $ext; opendir(DIR,".") ; while ($file = readdir(DIR) ){ if(index($file,$texFile) == 0 ){ foreach $ext(@ext){ if (index($file,$ext,length($file)-length($ext)) != -1){ if( stat($file)){ unlink($file); print "Deleted: ". $file . "\n"; } } } } } closedir(DIR); } exit( $rtrn );